Backtracks, 2016
Night Hike at Robert Moses State Park, Jan 8 2016
With rain in the forecast all weekend and limited options for rescheduling, trip leader and planner Jeanna Matthews turned the trip over to John Barron
to lead on Friday evening because she couldn’t attend that night. The weather and trail conditions on the new date were excellent. The trails had a different
look and feel in the darkness. Ongoing construction of a new visitor center in the park caused a number of detours in the entrance driveway, parking lots,
trailhead, and on the trails themselves, all of which led to an interesting and exciting short tour of the area.
L-R: Ginny and Mike Derouchie; Rosalie Phillips; Marianne Hebert; Terry Phillips; Charlene Dumas.
Photo: John Barron (Substitute TL).
Ski to Grassy Pond, Jan 8 2016
The rescheduled Grassy Pond hike/ski/ snowshoe outing featured equal numbers of hikers, skiers and snowshoers, 10 of us in all. Paul, Anne and Spencer
skied ahead and had a fire to cheer us when the rest of us reached the lean-to. Some of us revisited the old (4 years ago) site of moose strippings from
moosewood saplings beyond the lean-to. Heavy crust with a topping of new snow made good traveling for walkers as well as skiers or snowshoers.
Photo 1: Eileen Wheeler, Rod Wootin Armand Spencer, Paul Cutter.
Photo 2: Eileen Wheeler, TL Duncan Cutter, John Tyo, Rod Wootin, Anne Spencer, Armond Spencer.
Photo 3: Getika and Rajiv Narula.
Not pictured: Lila Hunnewell.
Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour, Jan 12-13, 2016
Cancelled due to lack of participants.
Bear Mountain Snowshoe, Jan 16, 2016
John and Susan Omohundro, TL; Carol Edmonds, Gretchen Gedroiz, Betsy Clark. This was a hike for Stoics-in-training: undergo hardship because it makes you
appreciate the times when you aren’t. It drizzled. The snow was thin, slushy, and stuck to our snowshoes. We hiked 4-plus miles but put off the summit
of Bear for a nicer day. Yet, the snow was excellent for footprints. We saw grouse, snowshoe hare, deer, fisher, bobcat, fox, and otter tracks. And finished
with soup at Sevey’s Corner.
Hike up Cascade and Porter, Feb 6, 2016
Tom Ortmeyer (TL) and Kelli Curran. We had good hike day weather, following a mid-week thaw. It was an enjoyable hike in microspikes with some ice on
the lower levels, good conditions in the middle and a good amount of wind on the summit.
Stone Valley Snowshoe/Hike, Feb 13, 2016
cancelled due to extremely cold weather.
Haystack Mountain Snowshoe, Feb 13, 2016
cancelled due to leader conflict.
Snowshoe Mt. Arab, Feb 21, 2016
(rescheduled from Feb 20 because of weather) The rain of Saturday had given way to light snow showers. This left the trees and trail with a beautiful light
dusting of snow over the slush and ice. It was wonderfully beautiful. Some of us used snowshoes and some of us used microspikes or other traction devices. The
climb was mostly gentle (snow smooths out the rocks and bumps of summer) and in about 45 minutes we were at the summit. The views even part way up the firetower
were stupendous. Snowcoated hills rolled on and on and in every direction punctuated by rivers and lakes of glassy ice. After numerous photos we trudged down in
no time. A lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
L-R: TL Blair Madore; Logan and Tim Drake; Rebecca and Jeff Miller; Jean Giblin; Joel Foisy.
Photo: John Barron.
Paul Smiths Visitor Information Center (VIC), Feb 27, 2016
Sunny, excellent winter weather. Expecting icy conditions, we used snowshoes instead of skis. The annual chili tasting festival was taking place at the
VIC, and besides excellent chili prepared by the culinary students of Paul Smiths College, there were “fat bike” demos, a ski waxing clinic, and
live music. During our hike we participated in the “Gazebo Poker Run”, an orienteering challenge in which we collected a colored card from each of
the VIC’s gazebos we visited (our party reached five of the seven). In the afternoon the colored cards were exchanged for playing cards and the best
poker hand won a prize. Our group’s luck with the cards was bad - no prize. Aw shucks - but a great time anyway.
L-R: Marianne Hebert, Jean Fallon, Jeanna Matthews, TL John Barron.
Photo: Bystander.
Snowshoe Goodman Mt. near Tupper Lake, Mar 5, 2016
Cancelled due to icy trail conditions.
The Pinnacle, March 19, 2016
Sunny and cool. Not much snow depth so we didn’t need snowshoes, but we needed microspikes for the icy patches. A couple of inches of fresh powder
snow created a beautiful late-winter ambience. Three hikers from the Algonquin Chapter joined us at the trailhead, and we enjoyed their company very much on
the trail.
L-R: Jeanna Matthews, Marianne Hebert, Laurel Allen, Mary Ann Gour, Tom Ortmeyer, Claire Velsey.
Photo: TL John Barron.
Wellesley Island State Park Hike., Mar 26, 2016
We had a “bluebird” day exploring the great variety of trails on the island. We enjoyed awesome views of the St. Lawrence river, and
experienced some of the unique features (marshes, deciduous forests, and glacial potholes) that Wellesley Island has to offer. Critters observed included
white tail deer, grey squirrels, a pileated woodpecker, Canadian geese, and other waterfowl.
At the Nature Center, L-R: Armond Spencer, Jean Giblin, TL Marianne Hebert, Ann Spencer, Toni Towle, Peter Blood, Jeanna Matthews, John Barron. Photo by the Nature Center interpreter.
At The Narrows, L-R: Marianne, Peter, Toni, Armond, Ann, Jean. Photo John Barron.
View from Eel Bay Lookout: Photo Marianne Hebert.
Bear Mountain Hike, Sat, Apr 9, 2016
The inch of fresh
snow didn’t discourage us, but the micro-spikes mostly
just collected leaves and mud. The sky grew increasingly
blue, and our vistas of Cranberry Lake were excellent,
unimpeded by leaves. Most of the lake surface
was open although ice blocked some of the arms. We
didn’t see another soul until the hike was over. Participants:
TLs John and Susan Omohundro, Linda Roesner,
Bill LaRocque, Art Boni, Jackie Beattie, Elisabeth Craven,
Chris Barnes, Beth Krawiec, John Barron, Gretchen
Gedroiz, Judith Peabody.
Pitchoff Mountain Climb, Wed, Apr 20, 2016
sky, no wind — a perfect day for a ridge walk. Winter
wrens sang to us at the beginning and end. Footing was
fine until the second 3400-footer. Then… icefalls on
very steep trails. Bushwhacking around them required
butt-sliding and spruce-clinging over cliffs, and some
good luck to emerge unscathed. We agreed: this series
of ups and downs is not for the faint of heart. TL John and Susan Omohundro. Participants Bill LaRoque,
Jackie Beattie, Gretchen Gedroiz, plus two Hurricane
chapter members.
Waterfalls of Tooley Pond Road, April 24, 2016
We were lucky to have glorious sunshine and temperatures in the high
50s. Although this spring is quite dry the waterfalls were still
relatively full and glorious to behold. We had easy walks to Basford,
Rainbow, Twin, and Sinclair falls where we reveled in the sights and
sounds of so much water thrashing over rock. Copious pictures were
taken while we talked of past and future adventures. This one was taken on the rocks at Basford Falls.
In back: Jean Fallon.
Middle row, l-r: John Barron, Jean Giblin, Marianne Hebert, Janet Green, Linda Kenny, Barbara Quirk, Gromit the dog, Margaret Madore.
Front row, l-r: Rachel LaRock, Rita Lewis, Isaac LaRock.
Photo: TL Blair Madore.
Not pictured: Dave Walsh.
Everton Falls Annual Clean-up, Sat, Apr 30, 2016
were no ADK volunteers, but we had good help from
the Nature Conservancy representative Todd Dunham
and volunteer Tim Cutter, visiting from Connecticut.
Chores completed: cleaned roadsides of all trash,
pruned the hardwood trail, and cleared the softwood
trail of trees brought down by winter storms. Duncan
is planning to return later to clear the canoe carry of
blowdown. Participants: Duncan Cutter TL, Tim Cutter,
Todd Dunham.
Spring Wildflower Walk in the Clarkson Woods, May 1, 2016
It was cool and a bit drizzly, but the group
still enjoyed the search for wildflowers (red trillium,
azure bluets, trout lilies and sessile bellwort we all in
bloom). We explored some of the trails, did a little puddle
jumping, and ended the day with tea and hot cocoa
at Jernabi’s Coffeehouse.
On the observation platform, L-R: Marianne Hebert, John Barron, TL Tom Ortmeyer. Photo: Jean Giblin.
Trout lily, Bluets, Trillium. Photos: Jean Giblin, Marianne Hebert.
Phelps Mountain, Sat, May 7, 2016
A nice hike with
good company, but the trail up Phelps is steep, rocky,
and very “rooty” due to severe erosion. Not our favorite
trail, you might say! The summit was windy but
lovely with excellent views. Participants: John and Sue
Omohundro, TLs Tom and Eileen Wheeler
Frontenac Provincial Park Hike, May 8, 2016
The morning started cold, gloomy and rainy, but by the time we got to the trail head, the skies cleared and the sun came out. It was warm enough for a
comfortable hike, but cool enough to keep the black flies at bay. We encountered several beaver dams, lots of trillium, a fox and a great blue heron.
L-R: Toni Towle (TL), John Barron.
Photos: Marianne Hebert.
Cycling and Tulip Viewing in Ottawa, May 14, 2016
A forecast of cold rain led to cancellation of the cycling plan. However several wanted to do short walks to see the flowers, and we went ahead on that
basis. We viewed the most extensive tulip beds around Dow’s Lake. Lunch indoors at Dow’s Lake Pavilion, followed by walks at the Central
Experimental Farm’s Ornamental Gardens, the Dominion Arboretum, and the Fletcher Wildlife Garden. Toured the Rideau Canal and the Ottawa River by car.
We brought umbrellas for the sometimes-heavy showers.
At the Ornamental Gardens, L-R: Marianne Hebert, Jean Giblin, TL John Barron.
Not pictured: Joann Krach.
Photo: Jeanna Matthews.
Lampson Falls Clean-up, Sat, May 21, 2016
Seven folks
enjoyed a lovely spring hike to the falls. Many fellow
hikers of all ages, with children definitely in the majority,
were in evidence everywhere; a heartening sight!
We had to look hard to find much trash and litter - a
wonderful situation. However, several small bags were
carried out. Lunch together on the rocks was relaxed
and most pleasant. Participants: Gene and Carolyn
Kaczka, TL; Lila and Charles Hunnewell, Tom Ortmeyer,
Dave Walsh and Christine Sitts.
Mt Colden Hike, May 28, 2016
An early threat of thunderstorms evolved to a warm but enjoyable sunny day for hiking. Regrettably the leader began having some problems on the trail and
decided near Lake Arnold that it was best not to continue. The official trip turned back there and participants could continue as an independent group which
they elected to do. One other shortened the hike and those pictured reached the summit.
L-R: Rebecca Weller, Leslie Salathe, Patrick Carroll, Steve Taylor, Ian Taylor.
Not pictured: TL John Barron, Amy Bateman.
Photo: unknown hiker.
Robert Moses State Park Bike and Hike, June 4, 2016
We had a lovely day at Robert Moses State Park. We started the day at Eisenhower Lock where there was a ship waiting for us at 9 AM. We relocated the
cars to the Nature Center and took off from there to Hawkins Point where we saw a 15 minutes film about the seaway and looked over the exhibits (photo is from
their lobby). From there, we biked to the 45 parallel sign, the Barnhart Marina, Barnhart Beach and then back to the Nature Center. We ate some lunch, checked
out progress on the new Nature Center building (looking good!) and then walked the Upper Loop trail. We called it a day a bit before 2. In total, Terri
reported we had biked 10.4 miles and then the Upper Loop Trail is 1.6 miles. A fun day of many interesting stops, beautiful weather and some good
At Hawkins Point Visitors Center, L-R: John LaShomb Sr., John LaShomb Jr., Kimberly LaShomb, Marianne Hebert, Jeanna Matthews (TL), John
Barron, Terri Persons, Brandon LaShomb, Joseph Koong. Photo by Hawkins Point Visitors Center staff.
Cycling, Moses/Saunders power dam in the background, L-R: Brandon, John Jr, John Sr, TL Jeanna, Terri, Kimberley, Marianne,
Joseph. Photo John B.
Paddle/Sail Carry Falls Reservoir., Sat, Jun 11,2016
Cancelled due to unusually cold weather.
Wolf Lake State Park Hike, 6/18/2016
Nine of us plus two dogs braved very warm temperatures and the opening day of bass season to hike a loop through Wolf Lake State Forest, with rest stops
at Huckleberry Lake (busy with anglers), Moon Lake (where some of us swam and we all relaxed at the only vacant lean-to) and Wolf Lake. We hiked either 5.4
miles if you believe the maps and brochures, or 4.5 miles if you believe the DEC signs. With assistance from some, John Barthelme counted 23 bird species seen
or heard, including a loon with chicks getting diving lessons and baby herons in their rookery. We observed several ponds and wetlands (the dogs did more
in-depth examination of each one) and marveled at an immense beaver dam. We agreed that the blue trail from Wolf Lake to the eastern of the two trailheads
would benefit from some maintenance. Refreshing ice cream treats at Wood’s General Store in Edwards capped the day.
At Huckleberry Lake, L-R:TL Neal Burdick, Barbara Burdick, Marianne Hebert, John Barthelme, Carolyn Kaczka, Danielle Jerry, Bob Platte,
Jeanna Matthews.
Ignoring the camera, L-R: Heidi Burdick, Scota Jerry/Platte.
Photo: John Barron.
Coney Mountain Hike, 6/19/2016
It was a great day for an afternoon hike -- we appreciated the shaded trail on the hike up, and then emerged onto the sunny summit with great views of
Tupper, Little Tupper and Horseshoe Lakes, and mountains at all angles. When we’d had our visual fill, we trooped back down the mountain and then
stopped for a well earned ice cream cone just up the road.
L-R: Daqing Hou, Bradley Hou, TL Tom Ortmeyer, Jeanna Matthews, Jack Koplowitz, Xiaoli Wang, Andrew Hou, Marianne Hebert.
Cathedral Rocks, Bear Run, and Pyramid Falls, 6/25/2016
We had a beautiful sunny day as we explored the Ausable Club trails in search of the elusive “Bear Run”. A plethora of cobwebs and the
faintness of the path confirmed that this was an infrequently used trail. We found it to be a bit of a scramble up the narrow chimney of Bear Run, but a
fascinating climb with a balancing rock above our heads. The cliffs on top were a bit treacherous, so we didn’t linger long. Pyramid Falls was a nice
spot to rest on the way back.
At lookout above Bear Run:Niall Barron. In the background, Bear Den Mountain, Dix, Dial, Nippletop, Colvin.
On bridge over East Branch, Ausable River, L-R: Niall Barron, Dick and Peggy Mooers, TL Marianne Hebert, Marie Fernandez de Alaiza.
Photos John Barron.
Paddling Tupper Lake to the Wild Center, 7/16/2016
From the State boat launch we paddled under the Rte 30 highway bridge and followed the Raquette River along a winding course through wetlands to the Wild
Center. Jon identified a small sandy pullout with enough room for a lunch break. We paddled around the distinctive oxbow and retraced our route, taking a
shortcut through the wetlands and across Simon Pond where mountains were visible. The day’s wildlife
highlight was a clear sighting of an American bittern.
L-R: Jon Montan, Tom Ortmeyer, Brandon Amo, Tina Cheever.
Photo: TL John Barron.
Upper Chateaugay Lake Paddle, 7/24/2016
A late changing weather forecast led to a 1-day delay in this outing. Our Sunday paddle started at the boat launch along the Narrows, and we paddled up to
the quiet sandbar at the entrance to the upper lake. From there, we followed the west shore, talking to several along the way who confirmed a thunderstorm the
day before. We went to the wetlands at South Inlet on the lake, had a brief lunch, and headed back to down to a now crowded sand bar where we rested, swam and
waded out an extended underwater ridge. Rested up, we paddled back to the launch, packed up and ended the outing with a well earned ice cream in
Photo 1: TL Tom wading on the sandbar at the narrows.
Photo 2, L-R: Marilyn Levitan, TL Tom Ortmeyer. In the background, Lyon Mountain.
Photos: John Barron.
Moxham Mountain, Sat, July 30
Cancelled due to lack of participants
Trip Leader Training Hike, Sat, Aug 13
Cancelled due to weather and lack of participants.
St. Regis Mountain Hike, 8/20/2016
We gathered from the four corners of our region, and set out to climb St. Regis Mountain on a warm August day. The hike through the forest was good, the company
was better, and we emerged on the summit for a late lunch with a marvelous view of lakes and mountains. With the fire tower restoration underway, we were able
to climb the stairs for a full 360 degree view of the area.
Summit photo, L-R, Front: Heather McKinnon, Marianne Hebert, Tom Ortmeyer(TL), Xiaoli Wang, Bradley Hou, Andrew Hou.
Rear: John Barthelme, Gail Cavenee, Kathryn Farr, Daqing Hou, Mary Ann Bean, Carole Okun, John Barron.
Photo: Heather McKinnon.
Tetsmine Lake Loop, Frontenac Park, 9/11/2016
We postponed the trip one day while severe thunderstorms cleared out the summer’s heat and humidity, and were left with perfect conditions - sunny
and warm. We saw Frontenac Axis rocks, varied forest, relics of old mining and logging operations, and a number of lakes and beaver ponds. In the afternoon
several of us went for a swim in Clearwater Lake. Supper at the Stonewater Brew Pub in Gananoque afterwards.
At Clearwater Lake:
TL John Barron. Photo Toni Towle
Toni Towle, Peter Blood, John Barthelme, Bill Mueller. Photo John Barron
Paddling South Creek (Middle Saranac Lake access) to Ampersand Bay (Lower Saranac Lake), Sat, Sep 17
Tooley Pond Bike and Hike, 9/24/2016
A warm, sunny day and a terrific turnout make for a perfect Fall outing. We started at the Copper Rock Falls and cycled our way down the Tooley Pond
Road. Highlights included Rainbow Falls (always spectacular), and Twin Falls where the island was easily accessible due to the low water levels — we got a
close up view of the large falls. A quick stop at Sinclair Falls, followed by a lingering lunch at Basford Falls rounded out the trip.
Participants: Jeanna Matthews (TL), Marianne Hebert (TL), Tom Ortmeyer, Fred LaChance, Duncan Cutter, Annegret Staiger, Terri Person, Bill Lynch,
Mill Mueller, Kimberly LaShomb, John LaShomb, Rowena Miller, Marie Steinbeck, Doreen Hanson, J. Steinbeck, Ray Spahn, Cynthia Stewart.
Lows Ridge Hike, Oct 1, 2016
Four of us (Marianne Hebert, John Barthelme, and Tom and Eileen Wheeler (TL’s)) hiked the Upper Dam trail to Low’s Ridge and up to this rocky crest. The
views from the summit displayed the Bog River surrounded by forests in peak autumn foliage. The Upper Dam trail displayed extensive wetlands intermixed with
mature forest. We stopped at Hitchins Pond where we observed loons and bald eagles.
Lyon Mountain, Oct 8, 2016
It was a mild and partly sunny day as we drove to Lyon Mountain. The hike up the trail was pleasant but got increasingly cold and cloudy as we approached
the summit which was totally socked in and had no views. However, from the summit, we took a side excursion to the southern overlook though a lovely mossy
piney forest for a much deserved lunch break. Participants: Jane Subramanian, Randy Saumier, Marianne Hebert TL.
Stone Valley Trail Work Day, Oct 22, 2016
Steady rain throughout the day didn’t prevent a large turnout of students and trail maintenance advisors from accomplishing their objectives. One crew
restored and improved an access trail to the rock climbing site in Snow Bowl State Forest, while the other continued constructing the trail reroute below High
Terrace in Stone Valley. The reroute is a very labor intensive bench cut that goes along the steep slope next to the river rather than climbing the several
sets of stairs along High Terrace. The new section of trail provides up close views of the river that hikers have not had access to in the past.
Additionally, an 8’ x 12’ storage shed was constructed which will now hold the trail tools that were formerly stored in Omohumdro’s Barn.
Participants: Mark Simon (TL) trail maintainer John Omohundro, and 29 assistants.
Photo 1: Trail restoration, Snow Bowl.
Photo 2: Building a control dam at Snow Bowl.
Photo 3: Group photo - kneeling at center are organizer Mark Simon and trail maintainer John Omohundro.
Photos: John Barron.
Red Sandstone Trail Work Day, Oct 23, 2016
It was a cool day after many wet days but a bit of sunshine brightened our spirits. Joan, Danielle, Bob and Albert trimmed brush, cleared branches and
noted trouble spots on the Sugar Island trails. Amy-Marie led her teammates (with a little help from Albert and me) to repair a series of bog bridges on Sugar
Island. This was part of a credit bearing project for Amy-Marie’s class with instructor Mark Simon in the Wilderness Education program. It was a very
successful venture for all! Special thanks to Danielle Jerry, who as a landowner, was able to give us access through the gate to deliver materials to Sugar
More photos are available at and
Participants: Joan Trivilino of Hannawa; Danielle Jerry and Bob Platte of Potsdam; and Albert Petrosky of Potsdam; Amy-Marie Malik, Lare’n Amster,
Victoria Doody, and Shelby Kuba of SUNY Potsdam Women’s Rugby Team.
Map and Compass Class, Nov 5, 2016
Bill Lynch, Randy Saumier, John Omohundro (TL). Bayside cemetery proved to be a fine place for this. We practiced spotting some features in the landscape
and plotting them on the map to determine what we were seeing. Conversely, we then selected some bearings between features on our map and then oriented
ourselves as if we were going to walk to them. For our final exam: we traced a big equilateral triangle on a bushwhack, attempting to return right to our
starting point.
Azure Mountain “Hike and Dine”, Nov 12, 2016
EAP Leadership Workshop, Nov 12, 2016
Wilderness Education students took part in the SUNY Potsdam SGA/Venture Outdoors - ADK Laurentian Chapter Educational Affiliate Program (EAP) Leadership
Clinic. The morning was spent indoors on campus going over trip planning, publicity, and preparation. In the afternoon there was a practice hike at Higley Flow
State Park in which participants took turns being leader and solving problems on the trail. Of interest was a discrepancy in labelling between the park map and
the signs on the trail, which our leaders unravelled skillfully. These people are now qualified leaders in the EAP and the regular chapter and ADK outings.
L - R: Student presenter Nick Grippe, presenter Marianne Hebert, John (Jack) Rendon, Sean Kelly, Julia Biondi, Elisa Drazek, Miranda Bell, Nelson Torres,
and Abbey Chimileski. Photo by presenter John Barron.
Cooper Marsh Conservation Area, Dec 3, 2016
Cool, cloudy, breezy weather a little above freezing and dry ground with no snow led to ideal conditions for a late fall tour of this artificially created
wetland a short distance east of Cornwall. Some very light frozen precipitation was starting as we neared the end where we entertained ourselves by feeding a
couple of handfuls of trail mix to the chickadees. We returned to Cornwall for a late lunch of exotic burgers.
L-R: Marianne Hebert, Niall Barron, TL John Barron.
Photo: Jean Giblin.
Indian Creek Nature Center, Dec 11, 2016
There was no snowshoeing, but nice hiking, then after a bowl of soup and some cornbread, we hiked the Spencer trails. A fine day.
L-R, near the John Green Memorial Overlook/Shelter at Lower Lake: Jean Giblin, TL Ann Spencer.
Photo: John Barron.
Not pictured: Armond Spencer, John Barron.