Chair's Report
October - December, 2005
At our July executive committee meeting we made two new appointments. David Katz is our new webmaster and John Barron is taking over as publicity chair. The chapter is grateful to David and John for stepping forward to take on these positions. Also, the chapter is indebted to Sandy Hildreth for all her work on the website and to Dick Mooers for all his fine efforts as publicity chair.
I would like to mention some important upcoming events.
Mark Simon has scheduled a work weekend October 15 & 16. I encourage you to get out and help on one of these days. See the trip schedule for further details.
At our November 6 potluck we will be conducting some important chapter business. Revisions to our by-laws will be voted upon. There is information in this issue and on the website regarding the proposed revisions. We will also be nominating officers for the upcoming year. The nominating committee’s slate of officers appears in this issue. Thanks to the committee chairs Ann Spencer (by-laws) and Kathie Batson (nominations) and their committee members for all their hard work.
One of the Club’s major fundraisers is the Harvest Moon Madness auction. Again, this year our chapter will be donating a basket of goodies for the auction. Betsy Tisdale will again be putting together our chapter basket. Last year our chapter purchased a basket at the auction. In turn, we gave away the items in the basket as door prizes at the chapter’s New Year’s Day outing
This year our New Year’s Day outing was at the Clarkson Outing Lodge. Plans are underway for our 2006 New Year’s Day outing which will again be held at the Clarkson Outing Lodge. Save the date and check the next North Wind outing schedule (January – March 2006) for the specifics.
Please send your comments to me. You can do so by e-mail at (please include the words “member input” as the subject), by regular mail at 628 CR 42, Massena, NY 13662 or by phone at (315) 769 – 8241.