Chair's Report
October, 2006
Chair: Tom Ortmeyer
The 2006 Laurentian Chapter Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday November 5. The meeting will include a potluck dinner which is always a chance to renew old friendships and make new ones. We will have a short business meeting, followed by a presentation by the Grace Peak Committee. As you may have heard, the Forty-Sixers want to weave two icons of mountain preservation into the fantastic lore of the Adirondacks. They have asked the Grace Peak Committee to work towards re-naming East Dix, Grace Peak for Grace Hudowalski #9 and South Dix, Carson Peak for Russ "Little Mac" Carson. This promises to be an excellent presentation, and will give us all perspective on the issue of renaming these peaks. We will gather at 5pm, at the Potsdam First Presbyterian Church, Potsdam. The potluck will begin at 5:30. The presentation will begin at about 7:30pm.
The October Executive Committee meeting will be held Thursday October 12 at 7pm, at the Potsdam United Methodist Church. The executive committee meetings are open to chapter members, and all are invited.
Fall Outing preparations are well underway. As we go to press, 96 individuals have registered, and several of the more popular outings have filled up—all indications are that we will have a successful outing. On behalf of Eileen Wheeler and myself, we’d like to thank all of the chapter members who have pitched in to get us to this point. We will have a complete report on the outing in the next newsletter.
Please remember that the club’s gala fall banquet Harvest Moon Madness 10th Annual Live and Silent Auction, Saturday, November 4, 2006, at the Historic Hall of Springs, Saratoga Springs, NY. Details can be found at
Elsewhere in this issue, there is a description of a new e-mail list that is planned for the chapter. I encourage you all to consider signing up for this. In addition to changes in the outings and events schedules, the chapter regularly has conservation issues arise, where quick action is desirable. By coincidence, in this quarter, both the White Hill Draft UMP was released, and the SEQR review was completed by the county. It would have been useful to notify our members of these events by e-mail in addition to our posting it on the chapter website.
January 1 Annual New Year’s Day Potluck and Outing As is our tradition, we will be gathering on New Year’s Day for a combined ski/snowshoe outing and light potluck. Meet at Outdoor Lodge on the Clarkson campus, and ski or showshoe the trails behind the lodge. This will be followed by a potluck. Plan to arrive in the early afternoon, and eat around 4. For information, contact Tom Ortmeyer,, 265-8219. No kitchen facilities, electric outlets only.