Chair’s Report
April, 2012
Chair John Barron
A couple of worthwhile outdoor initiatives are in the works, along with chapter positions becoming open, and we'd like to hear from interested people. The Department of Environmental Conservation has invited us to undertake an Adopt-A-Natural Resource Stewardship Agreement (AANR) for a location of our choice. Under an AANR the Chapter would agree to take care of an area of State land for five years. The work involved might involve trail cleanup and improvement for example; there are several locations that could be considered including Lampson Falls. In return the State provides special insurance during work parties and gives recognition on official signs. We need at least one person willing to take the lead role for a particular location in order to accept the DEC's invitation, so if you're interested by all means contact me. There is also a project to improve the fire tower on Lyon Mountain and possibly provide volunteer summit interpretation on Lyon. Lastly we are searching for a successor for John and Susan Omohundro as editors of the North Wind, to free them up for other activities in the chapter. If any of these appeals to you, contact me at (613) 828-2296.
Earth Day, April 22, falls on a Sunday this year, and to celebrate the Laurentian Chapter is declaring a whole week, April 22-April 29, to be "Earth Week". On Earth Day itself, John Omohundro will run a second sequel of his inspired idea of running a hike to an evocative destination and have the participants recite a short work of poetry, prayer, or whatever they like in celebration of the planet. Last year's recitals on Bear Mountain invoked Pablo Neruda, Albert Einstein, Moses, and others. One week later, on Sunday April 29, we will hold our traditional spring "mud season" pot luck party. Our speaker of the evening, chapter member Betsy Robinson, will present a talk about Rachel Carson, a founder of the environmental movement who inspired the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Details of both these events are in the Outings schedule.
Thanks on behalf of the chapter to Betty Peckham for the outdoor items, previously belonging to her late husband Don, that she brought to the fall pot luck party to give to those who would appreciate them in exchange to a donation to the chapter. Quite a number of them found new owners, and significant funds were donated to advance programs in the chapter.