Chair Archive


Chair’s Report

October, 2012

Chair John Barron

Our top-priority conservation project has come to fruition. On July 29, as part of Raquette River Awareness Week, we held an official opening of a new canoe portage access trail to the Raquette River on a conservation easement near Moody Falls (see Backtracks). Thanks are due to Pat Whalen and others at the DEC for road improvements, parking, and signage, and to Blair Madore and his work crew, many from SUNY Canton, for brushing out and establishing the access trail. We hope there will be more improvements to recreational access on the easements in the future. Also, we are continuing to evaluate the possibility of establishing an AANR (Adopt A Natural Resource Stewardship Agreement) with the DEC for at least one area.

In May Dick Mooers ran a garage sale and raised over $700 for the chapter by selling second hand outdoor equipment. Well done and thanks to Dick, and also to a number of chapter members who contributed items for the sale. We also recently received a donation of a large quantity of lumber suitable for trail construction projects - thanks very much to Bob Josephson of Potsdam. These donations mean funding and materials will not limit our ability to carry out trail projects.

We are making good progress on our arrangements for hosting the club’s Spring Outing 2013. Our evening entertainment is organized, as are the accommodations and facilities at SUNY Potsdam. A request to lead trips is out as we go to press; the success of the Spring Outing depends entirely on our leaders and we’re counting on you to come through for us.

Our guest speaker at the fall potluck dinner on November 18 will be well-known ADK volunteer Mary Coffin, who will tell us the story of the North Country National Scenic Trail. Please join us in a feast for body and spirit.