Chair Archive


Chair’s Report

April, 2013

Chair John Barron

The marquee event of our spring season will be ADK Spring Outing, which runs from June 14-16. It will be based at SUNY Potsdam and features thirty varied and exciting outdoor trips. Chapter member Jamie Savage will perform some of his own folk songs for us at Happy Hour on Friday, and we have a Saturday evening concert by Adirondack folk musicians Dan Duggan, Peggy Lynn, and Dan Berggren at Snell Hall. Jeff Miller will run an astronomy event on Friday evening. There’s a barbecue supper on Friday and a buffet-style banquet on Saturday. Complete details about the Outing can be found at the Spring Outing website, and we have printed brochures available on request. If you have any questions or would like to register for it, contact me at or (613) 828-2296.

We’re grateful to Mary Coffin, who made a presentation about the North Country National Scenic Trail at last fall’s pot luck party, for a complementary membership in the North Country Trail Association. The recipient is our new Vice Chair, Conservation, John Omohundro, who will be following a number of trail-related topics, as well as broader conservation issues, on behalf of the chapter.

Besides John, other additions to the executive committee are Lila Hunnewell as Vice Chair, Membership, who has a number of good ideas for reaching out to prospective new members; and Mary Jane Watson, whose financial expertise will be welcome as Treasurer, and who also has wideranging outdoor interests including trail support, outings, and the Raquette River Blueway Corridor. Bill Mueller is continuing as Vice Chair, Outings. We had much better luck with the weather this winter than we did last, and many of the outings were able to go ahead with good weather and ground conditions. Hope to see you out on the trails as spring gets underway. We are delighted that David Trithart has taken over the editorship of the North Wind, succeeding John Omohundro. The issue you are holding is David’s first. Welcome, David!