
Chair’s Report
October, 2013
Chair John Barron
I had occasion to attend an ADK board of directors meeting in July and listened to a presentation about liability forms and accident reports. Accidents on trips are very rare, but when they happen they have to be reported immediately, directly to ADK Headquarters. There is an accident report form on the downloads page on the chapter web site. We have a very good record in the chapter of completing and handing in the trip sign-up and liability waiver forms. We hope this will continue, as it is an important part of the ADK’s risk management.
The newsletters of a couple of other chapters noted recently that as time goes by some of us find tough High Peaks hikes to be no longer attainable. However there is a wealth of possible hikes to “Low Peaks” or to “No Peaks”. We are fortunate to have plenty of destinations of all kinds in our area and trips of all levels of difficulty usually get a good turnout. One of the articles also encourages members to organize events that have no physical component at all — cultural events of various kinds for example. It’s a thought provoking idea, and might be worth trying. Our own outings coordinator Bill Mueller recently advised us that events need not be limited to the weekends; weekdays offer another chance to extend the program.
We’re going to run an Educational Affiliate Program (EAP) again this year at SUNY Potsdam. Students will be welcome on our regular outings, and we’re also going to set up a few just for them. The main Club will put on a couple of weekend events in the High Peaks for students, and there may be technique clinics depending on demand. If you’re interested in helping with this program, contact me.
We were sad to learn of the passing of Dick Kepes. Dick has long been a friend of the chapter and the ADK. Many in recent years will remember the parties at the Kepes residence following trail improvement events at Lampson Falls. A conservation easement on their property will be a long-lived memorial to Dick, appreciated by all who love wilderness. Our sympathy, thoughts, and prayers go out to Joan and to all of Dick’s family.