Chair Archive


Chair’s Report

January, 2014

Outgoing Chair John Barron

Our chapter’s Educational Affiliate Program (EAP) is gaining strength. Seven EAP members have qualified to lead ADK trips, and we may see them in our regular program as well as the EAP. Mark Simon organized a huge trail maintenance event in Stone Valley, attracting about fifty volunteer trail workers, many of them students. A new mountain bike trail is nearing completion east of the Lenny Road (with much thanks to Ben Yandeau), and is expected to be open in early 2014.

Gordon Batson has decided to step down after 16 years of representing the chapter on the Friends of Mount Arab (since the founding of that organization). Bravo, and thanks, Gordon; many of us have been up Mount Arab and can appreciate the result of your efforts. Felicia Neahr has graciously offered to assume this role, and we’re planning to nominate her to the committee. We can thank our nominating committee of Ann Spencer, Carolyn Kaczka, and Neal Burdick for recommending a stellar slate of new executive committee members. We thank those whose terms are ending, and enthusiastically welcome those who are starting.

Incoming Chair Tom Wheeler

As your new Chapter Chair I look forward to working with the members of the Executive Committee in the coming two years. The Laurentian Chapter of ADK is quite special to me. It contains the mentors that nurtured my involvement in ADK, that taught me the lore of our wonderful outdoors, and encouraged adventures that broadened my understanding of the world and of myself. These mentors introduced me to the transforming nature of the wilderness experience. I hope that the Chapter can continue to provide this opportunity to others.

It will be a challenge to do half as well as John Barron has done in leading the chapter these past four years. He has demonstrated a zealous commitment to his role as Chapter Chair. Most notable was our extremely successful hosting of Spring Outing. He willingly commuted from Ottawa for chapter duties and events. He actively promoted our Chapter to the public and within the main club. He worked collegially with our other volunteers to make the past four years very successful.