
Chair’s Report
October, 2014
Chair Tom Wheeler
The Adirondack Mountain Club, as demonstrated by its financial statements, had its best year ever in 2013. We sometimes refer to those people down in Lake George, at the advocacy office in Albany, or the facilities at Adirondak Loj and Johns Brook Lodge as the “main club” or “headquarters.” Their success benefits us through the programs they have for protecting the wild areas of New York through advocacy, education, and recreational programs.
But for many of us, while the main club is important, the heart of our experience with ADK is at the local chapter. The local chapter permits us to become directly involved in the outdoors, to have the fellowship of shared adventures, and to focus on the local issues that most directly concern us. To me the outings are the heart of the chapter experience. The outings I participated in twenty years ago still have an impact on my life, as I made lasting friendships and learned the lore of the outdoors from more experienced hikers and campers. As I gained that experience I also began to lead outings and share my enthusiasm with others.
If you have not been on a chapter outing I encourage you to do so. It is the heart of the chapter experience. If you have been, bring along a friend so that they can learn about the transforming nature of the wilderness experience.