Chair Archive


Jan 1, 2016

Tom Wheeler

As the year comes to a close I want to thank our dedicated volunteers who have helped the chapter in advancing its mission. This includes not just the various committee chairs whose reports are in this newsletter. They have done outstanding work. But I also want to mention some of the many others that work hard on our behalf.

Our webmaster David Katz has made our webpage one of the best in ADK. He has responded quickly to requested changes and additions. It is easily navigated and filled with information about the chapter. Marianne Hebert, in addition to her role as Outings Chair has helped our facebook presence grow to more than 100 friends. Dick Mooers’ email newsletter has an equally large readership. Our EAP program which she and John Barron manage for us now has grown so that we have twenty students from Potsdam College who are members of the chapter. Our chapter organized and supported trailwork has helped make the Red Sandstone and Stone Valley trails outstanding outdoor experiences. For this we can particularly thank Mark Simon and John Omohundro. Mary MacKinnon has done and an excellent job as our new hospitality coordinator. And of course, this newsletter is the product of hours of work by our editor David Trithart.

Jeff Miller will be leaving the position of Education Chair at the end of 2015. He deserves high praise for the work he has done in organizing the Outdoors-Indoors programs and our student programs, including navigating the intricacies of the DEC application process for our sponsorship of students to Camp Colby. Dana Chudzinski is leaving the position of secretary after four years and will also be missed. His input at executive committee meetings has been thoughtful and concise. Our membership chair, Lila Hunnewell will be leaving us as well because of other obligations. She has been diligent in welcoming our new members and keeping us up to date on changes in our membership.

Finally, I want to thank all of you who have agreed to lead outings over the past year. Outings have always been the key component of the chapter experience.

At year’s end the Executive Committee voted to support ADK’s education, advocacy, and trails programs with a gift to each of $250.00 for a total of $750.00. We also voted a donation to the Friends of Higley Flow State Park in the amount of $200.00 to assist with the purchase of a groomer to maintain ski trails at the park.

I look forward to another interesting year as your Chair.