Jan 1, 2017
Tom Wheeler
My wife and I made a trip down to Long Island this past weekend. On the way we had our first bout with lake effect and on the way back through the mountains we encountered roads lightly covered with snow. For those of us who live in the north country, neither caused any concern. I would much rather have those conditions than the constant dense traffic we encountered as we neared the densely p opulated southeastern part of our state.
On Long Island most comments about where we live focused on how we survive the winter. We do more than survive- we thrive. I like to think that for our Laurentian ADKers the winter is one of the favorite seasons. There are numerous opportunities for skiing, snowshoeing, and o ther outdoor activities. In the densely populated areas of the state the opportunities for quality outdoor winter activities are much diminished.
In chapter news our newly elected officers attended the most recent Executive committee meeting. Randy Saumier, our new vice chair for membership, will bring energy and ideas to that position. His goal (and ours) is to provide new members with the information and encouragement they need to fully participate in our chapter activities. David Katz, our new Conservation Chair, has been working with John Omohundro and will be a vigorous advocate on our behalf. Our new treasurer is Marie Fernandez de Alaiza who is from Cuba. Our Executive Committee has a truly international flavor with citizens from Canad a, the USA, and now Cuba.
The board has approved funding for a portable tool shed to shelter our ever growing collection of tools used in our various trail projects. The cost of this is to be reimbursed through RRAC thanks to the efforts of John Omohundro.
Marianne Hebert has put together an outstanding winter schedule which presents opportunities our members to get out and experience the beauty of being outdoors in the winter. The activities are vigorous enough so that you will be warm as you ski or snowshoe through the snow laden trees and along ice-covered ponds and streams. At the end of the day you will feel invigorated — and no doubt hungry.
Jeanna Matthew has put together an excellent schedule of programs for the winter indoor-outdoor series. She has also extensively advertised the Camp Colby scholarships we offer. There are tight deadlines because of the recent policies of DEC.
I hope to see you out in the woods this winter or on a Sunday evening presentation.