Jan 1, 2019
John Barron
There has been some staff turnover at ADK Headquarters. While we’re sad to say farewell to some who’ve made major contributions over the years it’s encouraging to see others whom we’ve known as new recruits achieving their potential and moving into more influential positions. It also brings new people from the outside, with new ideas. One of these is Jules Greiner, our new Membership Director. Jules is in the last stages of testing a new volunteer-centered web service that should facilitate cooperation among chapters and between chapters and Lake George. Jules is also restarting the Regional Roundtable meetings of ten or more years ago, also with the objective of improving communication and cooperation. We were to have been part of one of the first of the new series of meetings along with our neighbors Black River and Shatagee Woods; but as luck and climate would have it, our meeting got postponed due to an early winter storm. We look forward to it when it goes ahead.
We’ve had some changes at the chapter level too. Marianne Hebert has completed her two terms as Vice Chair, Outings (thanks, Marianne, for a great program throughout that time). We’re delighted both to have Joan Trivilino succeeding Marianne (welcome, Joan!) and that Marianne will be continuing to serve the chapter as Vice Chair, Membership. We say farewell and send best wishes to our outgoing Vice Chair, Membership Randy Saumier, who has achieved notable successes but recently decided to move to South Carolina. Marie Fernandez de Alaiza as Treasurer and David Katz as Vice Chair, Conservation are continuing for second terms. Thanks to our nominating committee of David Trithart, Jeff Miller, and Tom Wheeler for orchestrating this result.
We’re thinking hard about how best to distribute the chapter newsletter, the North Wind. It’s been a very important part of the chapter’s identity since the beginning, and a printed version, delivered by post, is still preferred by more than half our members. Printing and postage are expensive though, and it is very labor intensive. We have visibility into how some other chapters are handling this dilemma, in some cases going partly or entirely digital. There’s no decision here yet about how to evolve.