Oct 1, 2019
John Barron
Spring and summer have been a period of highs and dramatic lows for me. In June I took part in the first session of this year’s ADK Cycle Outing, and we had a great time over five days touring varied cycling routes around the North Country. Then, less than four weeks later, I had a sudden heart attack. I’ve been doing very well considering what has taken place. Worst is the abrupt change in my medical risk status. Unless things change I’m going to have to stay in Canada for the foreseeable future.
I’m very grateful for the good wishes and support of many people in the chapter. I especially thank David Katz for being acting chair, and Joan Trivilino and Marianne Hebert who have taken on my specific roles in Publicity and the Educational Affiliate Program. I’ve been very fortunate to have enjoyed the chapter and the Club so much. I’ll continue as best I can from here but will have to step back from most active roles for now.
We’re privileged to have as our guest speaker for November’s annual meeting and Fall pot luck party Neil Woodworth, who is nearing the end of his service as Executive Director of the Adirondack Mountain Club. We’ll look forward to hearing Neil’s thoughts about the Club and to welcoming him and Holly to our region as they look forward to retirement in Wanakena.