Chair Archive


Oct 1, 2021

David Katz

Happy autumn!

Email Addresses By now you should have received a notice, probably by email, about this Fall’s elections for Laurentian chapter officers. (See details elsewhere in this issue.) If instead you got the notice by postal mail, we don’t have your email address. If you would like to receive future chapter communications by email, please contact our membership director, Marianne Hebert (, with your email address so we can update our records.

Annual Meeting Traditionally, in the good old days before covid, the Laurentian chapter held a fall annual meeting, in-person, featuring potluck dinner, speaker, review of the year’s chapter activities, officer elections, and a showing of the year’s photo contest entries. Last year, covid put an end to that. This year, we were optimistic that we would be able to return to our traditional annual meeting, but alas, it is not to be.

However, take heart: In lieu of a formal, indoor, meeting this year, please come to the Laurentian chapter’s informal, outdoor get-together. We will meet at Higley Flow State Park Saturday, November 7 at noon, for a bag lunch (bring your own) followed by walks on Higley’s hiking trails. For bonus activities, come in the morning and join the Friends of Higley Flow for their Fall Clean-up.

Fiftieth Anniversary The Laurentian Chapter was established in 1972, and plans for celebrating 50 exuberant years of chapter activities have gotten started. Contact David Trithart ( if you would like to help with the planning.

Photo Contest There’s still time! But not much – entries are due by October 10. Check the website for details.