Conservation Archive



Conservation Report

October, 2008

Vice-Chair, Conservation: Gene Kaczka

Progress is being made on the access issues related to the Oswegatchie hydroelectric relicensing process. Bob Wakefield and John Omohundro have been attending the most recent meetings. John reports that he and Bob have visited all six sites with Brookfield personnel and plan to be active in summer 2009 on the stakeholders’ committee that will define recreational improvements.

At ADK’s most recent Trails Committee meeting, the committee chair, Frank Kruger, proposed that the committee prepare an annual Adirondack State of the Trails Report. The purpose would be to provide information to ADK and DEC decision-makers about the condition of trails and canoe access from the perspective of a broad set of users. Frank’s proposal was unanimously approved by the committee.

The committee decided that this year will be a practice run to try to work out the logistics and determine the best ways to try to collect trail information. As the first step, the park was divided in to several geographic regions and trail committee members from the various regions were asked to make an initial run at collecting data and then forwarding that to Frank Kruger, who will collate it into a report.

As a result, Gene and Carolyn Kaczka have been asked to collect information on the northwestern corner of the Adirondack Park.

At the August Laurentian Chapter executive committee meeting, it was decided that hiking and canoeing trip leaders could be a good source of information on the condition of trails and canoeing access sites. The information would be sent to the Vice Chair for Outings as part of the leader’s trip report. However, we invite any member who observes trail conditions in need of attention, such as missing or damaged signs, flooded trails, improper ATV usage, etc., to email Gene or Carolyn Kaczka at