
Conservation Report
October, 2011
Vice-Chair, Conservation: Peter O'Shea, 315-848-2178
Adirondack Club and Resort - Final depositions are now being promulgated with counter arguments to follow. Barring unforeseen circumstances a decision is expected during the APA's January 2012 board meeting. APA chairman Curt Stiles recently tendered his resignation and many other board members are currently serving on expired terms. Environmentalists are quite concerned with this turn of events, especially with the crucial vote on the largest project in the history of the APA coming up soon.
Finch Pruyn-Follensby Pond - DEC claims this transaction will be completed but delayed due to fiscal difficulties. Environmentalists are concerned about this and want at least a portion of the project completed now because there is some money in the Environmental Protection Fund. The foes of this project and of the state land acquisition in general remain active in trying to thwart this important project by any means possible. The Adirondack Nature Conservancy is still fund-raising to cover the massive management fees incurred in the maintenance of these extensive holdings.
Wolf Protection - The federal Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed delisting the wolf in the Great Lakes region claiming management goals have been reached. DEC has registered a letter of protest, stating that this delisting would seriously hinder wolf recovery in New York State. Most environmentalists view the state’s action as quite a refreshing and encouraging development!