Jan 1, 2016
John Omohundro
Lampson Falls This fall Clarkson engineering Prof. Robert Davis’ SPEED (bridge building) team constructed four bridges for the trail along the Grasse River at Lampson Falls (see photo). Earlier bridges built by the Laurentian chapter had washed out in storms. Tom Ortmeyer and I surveyed the trail with Prof. Davis and DEC Forester Pat Whalen last summer. DEC contributed the lumber and supplies.
Aquatic Invasive Species Steward The Raquette River Advisory Council, on which I serve as your representative, has succeeded in its efforts to increase protection of the river from invasive plants like Eurasian milfoil and animals like the zebra mussel. Paul Smith’s College’s Adirondack Watershed Institute (AWI) has generously offered to train and place a SUNY Potsdam environmental studies student next summer to work with boaters launching at Carry, Blake, and Rainbow Falls. We need to continue this campaign to place stewards at all popular boat launches along the Raquette. Of the other four north-flowing rivers in our region, the Oswegatchie is also vulnerable and needs more stewardship. Perhaps the Oswegatchie River Advisory Council can convince the AWI to support stewards in that river.