Director Archive
Director's Report
Meeting of March 10, 2007
The ADK Board of Directors meeting and the Annual Meeting for 2007 were held on March 10 at ADK Headquarters. This was my first meeting as director for the Laurentian Chapter. Among the most significant matters addressed at the meeting were these:
- Club President Curt Miller created three working groups charged to look
at club strengths and weaknesses in the areas of mission, structure, and
finance- and to report to the Executive Committee and the Executive Director
in September.
- The club is in discussion with the New York State DEC about the construction
of a Visitor Service Facility on the Heart Lake property- with the exact responsibilities
and roles of ADK and DEC to be worked out.
- Membership continues as a focus of effort for the club. Numbers are fairly static. Direct mailing and exhibits at events as
well as a refer-a-friend initiative will be employed. Dues rates were recently increased.
- The ADK web site is being updated to be more dynamic. There will be a web cam at Heart Lake.
- Publications: Planned for the year are new editions of the Northville-Placid Trail Guide and Paul Jamieson's Adirondack
Reader. Many changes are underway for Adirondac as well. Ideas may be sent to editor Neil Burdick.
- Financial and Audit Reports: No real surprises here. The audit was satisfactory and the budget came in balanced for the
past year.
- At Heart Lake, there is now a new ladies' room in the Loj, a new roof on the Tyler staff cabin, and the Marge Tierney
Universal Access Trail is complete. Work continues this spring on the wastewater system upgrade at JBL. This follows a year
that saw 3,300 volunteer hours of work at JBL.
- Remember to check the ADK web site for news and documents related to conservation
and advocacy - such as UMP comments and other critical issues.
- Chapter members are asked to aid membership efforts by contributing personal stories about what ADK means to us, and
why we joined. Send these, no more than about 500 words, to
- Let me know if there are any matters you want me to communicate to the club.