Director Archive


Director's Report

ADK Board of Directors Meeting, December 6, 2008

David Trithart

The major agenda item was approval of the budget for 2009. Leading up to that we reviewed progress on the benchmarks that were to indicate ADK’s financial health and progress on executing the 3-year budget adopted a year ago. Though we have seen a drop in revenue from memberships (non-renewals), revenues from some operations (especially Heart Lake properties) have been above expectations. The poor economic climate certainly is being felt, but overall ADK finances this year will be better than expected. The 2009 budget reflects some modifications to anticipate a continuing poor economy. It will be the second year of a planned deficit budget, but remains on track to accomplish the rebuilding of capacity, which is the larger objective. The executive committee reviews monthly updates to remain well informed of our financial health. Right now, retention of members is the single biggest concern, and the chapters are the strongest way to make this happen.

The board resolved to support the Bigger Better Bottle Bill and to update the JBL Committee charter. Information on Spring Outing on Long Island will be out soon. The Winter Outing in Tug Hill is coming soon. A Wilderness Affair is moving to May – and will be renamed “A Black Fly Affair.” A new e-pub is being sent out called “ADK Today.” Ask to be on the mailing list. Much more information is being posted to the web site. More details on most important issues can be found there.