
Director's Report
ADK Board of Directors Meeting – December, 2009 Lake George
The December Board of Directors meeting has the budget as a major agenda item. A review of the past year shows revenues down slightly from last year. With expenses kept under budget as well, the club’s financial condition is good. ADK has actually increased the number of memberships in the past year, unlike most comparable organizations. A three-year budget was presented that projects another $55,000 deficit in the first year, which continues the plan, begun with the Dec. 2007 budget, to invest in the club to build capability. The club’s strength during the past two years, despite a very poor national economy, validates this plan. The year 2011 is projected to show a balanced budget, with 2012 a small surplus. The Executive Committee has been monitoring the financial condition monthly. The new budget was adopted on a unanimous vote.
The main advocacy issues were hydrofracking for gas in the Marcellus shale across the southern part of the state, and the Lows Lake vote by the APA. ADK has been the only organization pressing the state to consider the well-being of state lands, especially Allegany State Park, state forests, and wildlife management lands, as drilling for gas becomes ever more likely. ADK is not opposed to all drilling, but will focus on protecting the most important parcels, especially those used by trails.
It is ADK’s position that the vote that excludes the waters of Lows Lake from wilderness classification was incorrect – but it should not undo the benefits obtained from the classification of the surrounding lands. Float plane access will end as of 12/31/2011.
The New York State budget is bad news for almost everyone these days, But ADK has already been paid for the contract trail work we did for DEC; so far, the land stewardship component of the budget for next year is still in place.
Bob Grimm has passed the chairmanship of the JBL Committee to Nathan Stokes of the Onondaga Chapter. Bob’s many years of advocacy and work on behalf of the JBL property were roundly applauded. Curt Miller’s many years as President and other Executive Committee positions were also extolled, as he passed the gavel to Jim Bird.
Planning is underway for next year’s activities. ADK will be offering Leave No Trace training, now that staff members have been qualified to do this. Look for an article about this in the January issue of Adirondac. More summit steward work, more school classes visiting the Heart Lake property, and, as usual, more repairs and upgrades by our intrepid volunteers to all our properties.
ADK has been in the news often. See especially the article on Adirondack Loj in the November issue of Gourmet magazine.