Director's Report
ADK Board of Directors Meeting – December 3, 2011
Two disturbances during the year 2011 presented challenges for ADK. The hurricane of late August had both immediate and lingering effects on revenue. Some of that will be offset by payments for lost business from our insurance carrier. The continuing downturn in book publishing had led to another year of diminished revenues from this part of club operations. Lots of thought is being directed to this problem, and one step will be improvements in the ADK website to, among other things, make it more effective for e-commerce. We are also looking to improve our media contacts in Canada, the source of 35-45% of ADK business.
Hydraulic “fracking” is still a main focus of advocacy work by ADK staff. The period has been extended until Jan. 11 to send comments to DEC. Use the online form at There is good information on the ADK website about the complex legal issues involved in gas leases and both state and private land.
Back to the effects of the hurricane -- the bridge at JBL has already been rebuilt, mainly by the club’s professional trail crew. It is even higher and stronger. Marcy Dam, however, may never be rebuilt, and there is still not even a good crossing of the brook in place - though that should be a high priority for DEC in 2012.
Fall Outing in 2012 will be hosted by the Cold River chapter. Sept. 28-30 at North Creek. ADK Club Outings were very successful in 2011, and the 2012 trips are filling fast. Get the latest information on them at They are also looking for new trip leaders.