Director's Report
ADK Board of Directors Meeting – June 9, 2012
Much of this meeting was spent in consideration of the position ADK was to take on two proposed amendments to the New York State constitution regarding the forest preserve. Both issues had been reviewed by the Conservation Committee and submitted to the BOD with their endorsement. These issues are important to ADK, and state government looks with great interest to the club’s views. Both the Township 40 (Raquette Lake) resolution proposal, and the Nyco Corp. land exchange offer ways to add important tracts to state land holdings while also either settling intractable problems or promoting economic viability of Adirondack communities. The board supported both resolutions. Action will now need to be taken by the state legislature, with a final vote on statewide ballot.
The board also recommended that the state remove from the Wild and Scenic Rivers statute the designation of leantos as “prohibited structures.” This would allow the repair of those that are located in these river corridors.
ADK is encouraging everyone to join as signatories on the online petition urging the state to follow through with the purchase of the Finch Pruyn lands. That petition can be found on the homepage of the ADK website. Speaking of which, the website is undergoing a major overhaul and will soon be offering such enhancements as a much better online store and reservations function and a “smart calendar” that can include all club and chapter events.
This spring again saw lots of work completed at JBL, and a new bridge will be completed shortly, downstream from the washed-out Marcy Dam. New editions of the Eastern and High Peaks guidebooks will be out this summer, bundled with the National Geographic maps for these regions. The 2013 ADK calendar is already available.
Volunteer opportunities abound with ADK. By all accounts these can be very rewarding - whether it be as a member of a committee or as a helping hand at events or work parties. Ask me about this, or contact Lake George,