Director's Report
July, 2015
Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219
2015 National Trails Day Wanakena, NY
On June 6, Adirondack Mountain Club’s National Trails Day event was held in Wanakena. The Trails Day Event began with a reception Friday evening. Camping at the Cranberry Lake DEC Campground provided by DEC. Saturday morning began bright and early with trail teams heading out on eight projects. Many of the projects focused on improving elements of the popular Cranberry Lake 50 trail system. In particular, two of the projects involved creating trails that remove the majority of the road segments of the trail. Tom Wheeler, Chapter Chair, was on the team working near the Peavine Swamp.
John Barron and I both opted to work on installing new pit privies at Glasby Pond and Cat Mountain Pond. Both ponds are on the Cranberry Lake 50, on opposite sides of Cat Mountain. These two projects started with a boat ride from the Ranger School to Janack’s Landing. The boat rides were provided by volunteers from Wanakena, and were a highlight of the day. The privies were waiting for us at the landing, and we carried them into the ponds, cleared the path from the campsite to the privy locations, dug the pits, and set the privies.
The event ended in a banquet on the Oswegatchie River at the Pine Cone Restaurant, complete with music, speeches and a large camp fire. Trail Days Volunteers had the chance to meet with ADK summer staff at the event, including the two leaders of the privy crews, Zach and Nate. I were impressed by their capability and enthusiasm. We also met or renewed acquaintances with many Wanakena and Cranberry Lake residents, including Sherman Craig, Jamie Savage and, of course, Neil and Holly Woodworth.
The event was a combined effort of the Adirondack Mountain Club, the Five Ponds Partners, SUNY-ESF Ranger School, and Department of Environmental Conservation Region 6. The organization was very good, the weather was great, and none of us could think of a better way to spend National Trails Day.
Invited to celebrate National Trails Day® with the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK) on June 6th. ADK will be hosting eight different trail projects that vary in difficulty to ensure there is something for everybody. This year’s event will take place in Wanakena, NY. ADK is very happy to be returning to the Cranberry Lake/Wanakena area for the fifth time and to be partnering with the Five Ponds Partners, SUNY-ESF Ranger School, and Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Region 6 for this event. Trail projects will take place in the Five Ponds Wilderness and Cranberry Lake Wild Forest, with two of the projects making improvements to the Cranberry Lake 50.
Left photo: Combined Glasby Pond and Cat Mountain Pond crews carrying in tools and one of the backcountry privies.
First in line is John Barron. Photo Brendan Wiltse.
Middle photo: Glasby Pond Crew
Right photo: Volunteer Recognition Party