Education Report
April, 2008
Vice-Chair, Education: Rose Rivezzi
Our chapter is sponsoring two students to Camp Colby this summer. Sarah Rice of Hermon and Christy Fuller of Fine are both very excited about this opportunity.
As in years past, our chapter would like to sponsor two high school students (ages 14-17) wishing to volunteer to do trail work. ADK’s goal is to provide the volunteers with the unique opportunity to give something back to trails. Their volunteer projects are inherently educational and include not only training in trail maintenance and reconstruction techniques, but also in low-impact camping and natural history. Ultimately, students will complete a quality trail project that will protect the natural resource for many years. Participating as an “ADK Trails Volunteer” is guaranteed to be a fun and rewarding experience.
Names will be taken on a first come basis. A $30 deposit will be returned when the project is completed and a brief summary of the experience submitted.
If you would like more information about the project options and dates, please contact Rose Rivezzi at or at 265-8117.