Education Report
October, 2012
Vice-Chair, Education: Betsy Tisdale, 315-265-4721
This year we sent Dakota Guyette, age 12, and Anna Kearney, also age 12, to Camp Colby. We also sent Keith Bollt, age 15, and Gaetan Foisy, age 14, on a five-day high school trail crew project. We are pleased these young people were eager to try something new and strenuous. Below is Gaetan’s report. Reports by the others will be published soon.
Thank you for sponsoring my stay with the volunteer trail program. I loved the hard work and sense of achievement from doing trail work. We had to reroute a stream with shovels, which is hard in rocky soil. After that, we had to fill in the Big Slide Mountain trail that the stream washed out. When we were done filling in the trail, I couldn’t lift a bucket of stones or sand for my life. In addition, we made a new connecting trail, which was superior to the old one, because it wasn’t at a 45-degree angle. The work was grimy, hard, and with the stream, wet; but most of all, it was fun! There wasn’t a thing about the trip that I didn’t enjoy (except, maybe, the outhouse). At the end we got to hike Cascade and I am proud to say that we reached the top in less than an hour. You made it possible for me to participate, and for that I am forever grateful. Thanks for everything. (signed) Gaetan Foisy