Education Archive
Education Report
July, 2013
Vice-Chair, Education: Betsy Tisdale, 315-265-4721
Keith Bollt, Jake Beaudette, and Gaetan Foisy will be working on ADK high school trail crews this summer. Nathan Burns from Colton-Pierrepont School and David Plumadore from McKenny Middle School in Canton will be going to Camp Colby.
The Outdoors/Indoors programs drew 60 people. Programs included a dramatic reading of Jeanne Robert Foster’s work about early Adirondack life, restoring spruce grouse, an ADK trip to Newfoundland, and inside information about eagles, ospreys, and peregrine falcons...
Selections from Keith Bollt’s application for this year’s high school trail crew, in which he described last year’s work week:
“We moved big rocks, dug ditches to redirect water, and hauled buckets of rocks and sand up from nearby Johns Brook. It was hard, but it was fun. I met new people, helped out in the Adirondacks, caught a few trout, and bagged my first 46er...”
And, for 2013:
“I look forward to the outdoor work and the challenges it presents me, and the opportunity to work and camp in the Adirondack High Peaks.”