Education Report
October, 2014
Vice-Chair, Education: Jeff Miller, 315-265-2975
The Laurentian Chapter sponsored Lucas Hanss for the ADK Teen Trails program this summer. Lucas spent five days working with other teens to improve a section of the trail on Hurricane Mt. Lucas writes “I had a wonderful time working with my fellow trail crew members. While I was on Hurricane Mt. we worked on building about a half mile of new trail, and about a quarter mile of redone trail. I learned valuable skills that will help me complete my Eagle Scout project. I am very happy that I got to have this unique experience.” Lucas has been invited to join us at the Fall Potluck to tell us a bit more about his adventure.
Blair Madore led a hike up Hurricane Mt. at the end of August so that we could bring Lucas along to show us his new trail. I can report that the sections of trail worked on by the teens were beautifully done and very easy to traverse; those sections are now in much better shape than other portions of the trail still in need of work. Blair and I have decided that in the future we will try to schedule a hike along with a sponsored teen so that they can show off their trail work project.