Education Archive


Apr 1, 2019

Jeanna Matthews

Danielle Jerry and Bob Platte have done a wonderful job of organizing the Outdoor-Indoors speaker series. They are stepping down after this season and we thank them whole-heartedly for their hard work! We need people who are willing to organize one or more Outdoor-Indoors talks in the upcoming year. Are you willing to help? You could identify and invite a speaker, identify a date for the talk, welcome and introduce the speaker and provide refreshments. We could provide help reserve a venue (often the Village of Potsdam Community Room), advertise the talk and reimburse you for supplies. If you are willing to coordinate one such event in the January - April 2020 timeframe, please contact Jeanna Matthews,

We are using some of our Education funds to donate camping or hiking equipment to local libraries. The idea is to identify equipment that ADK club members and other community members can check out rather than purchase individually. We are currently thinking of donating some bear canisters. If think your local library would be interested in such a donation or have other ideas for equipment to donate, we would appreciate your input. Please contact Jeanna Matthews,