Events, 2008
Tuesday, Jan. 1 - NEW YEAR’S DAY SKI/SNOWSHOE OUTING. We will gather early to mid-afternoon at the Outdoor Lodge on the Clarkson campus for skiing or snowshoeing the trails behind the lodge. Bring hors d’oeuvres to pass, and plan to be back at the lodge around 4 pm to help bring in the New Year. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at (315) 265-8219 or
Thursday, Jan. 3 - SNOWSHOE CLIMB OF MT. ARAB. Good summit views, from firetower and cabin. 2 mi round trip. Easy. Contact John & Susan Omohundro at (315) 265-8365 or
Saturday, Jan. 5 - SKI PEAVINE SWAMP TRAIL. We’re planning a round trip of about 9 miles. Conditions and participants might change that. Moderately strenuous. Contact Ann & Armond Spencer at (315) 379-1383 or
Saturday, Jan. 12 - DIAL AND NIPPLETOP. To do these two peaks, we will need an early start. 12 miles round trip with 3000 ft elevation gain. Very strenuous and difficult winter mountaineering. Contact Debbie White at (315) 322-4066 or
Sunday, Jan. 13 - HAYSTACK AND BASIN. We will leave from the Garden trailhead at 6:00 a.m. Conditions will determine our route. Snowshoes and full crampons required. Very strenuous and difficult winter mountaineering. Contact Mike McLean at or (315) 262-2564.
Sunday, January 13 - OUTDOORS/INDOORS: THE FACES AND SIGHTS OF IRAN. During five weeks in the spring of 2006, Dick and Alison Charles toured Iran, and returned for another trip in spring of 2007 with Betty and Don Peckham. Experience the gorgeous scenery, historic sites, people and food of this fascinating, diverse, and at times controversial country. 7:00 pm in the Community Room, above the police station facing Elm Street, Potsdam. Questions to Rose Rivezzi,, phone (315) 265-8117.
Saturday, Jan. 19 - SKI TO THE LEAN-TO AT GRASSY POND. This is a delightful spur trail through pine and hardwood rolling hills off the Hayes Brook trail, 4 miles round trip. Meet at the Cutters, 28 Port Kent Road, Nicholville, at 9 a.m. Bring lunch. We could cook at the lean-to. Easy. Contact Duncan & Lois Cutter at (315) 328-4675 or
Sunday, Jan. 20 - MT. MARCY. Approximately 14 miles round trip and 3300 feet of elevation gain. Very strenuous and difficult winter mountaineering. Contact Nancy LaBaff at (315) 379-9885 or
Saturday, Jan. 26 - SNOWSHOE PINNACLE MOUNTAIN. This small mountain is just outside the hamlet of Santa Clara. 5 miles round trip, several hundred feet of elevation gain. Moderate. Contact John Barron at (613) 828-2296 or
Saturday, Feb. 2 - CASCADE & PORTER. The guidebook lists Cascade as the easiest of the 46 high peaks, and a great hike in any season. The hike over to Porter only adds 1.4 miles. Elevation gain is about 2000 feet. Strenuous winter mountaineering. Contact Lyle Montgomery at (315) 394-0121.
Saturday, Feb. 2 - BIRDING AT BLOOMINGDALE BOG. Along Oregon Plains Rd., Bigelow Rd., and then along the old railroad grade that runs through Bloomingdale Bog. Boreal birds are abundant in this area. Participants will also observe the irruption of species from our north occurring this winter. Bring binoculars! Approx. 7 miles round trip on level terrain. Moderate. Jointly sponsored with St. Lawrence-Adirondack Audubon. Contact Joan Collins at (315) 261-4246 or, or Eileen Wheeler at (315) 386-2482 or
Saturday, Feb. 9 - THE BROADLEAF/CONIFER TRAIL AT HIGLEY FLOW. About 3 miles, easy terrain; snowshoe and learn woods lore. Contact Bill Mueller at (315) 262-2952 or
Saturday, Feb. 16 - BEGINNER SKI AT HIGLEY FLOW STATE PARK. Learn the joy of cross-country skiing. Easy trails – great fun. Contact David Trithart at (315) 265-8117.
Saturday, Feb 23 - SNOWSHOE AVALANCHE PASS. Approximately 9 miles round trip with 1000 feet of elevation gain. Moderately strenuous. Contact Tom Wheeler at (315) 386-2482 or
Sunday, February 24 - OUTDOORS/INDOORS: EAGLES AND FALCONS OF THE NORTH COUNTRY. Mary Beth Warburton, who works for the Department of Environmental Conservation, will talk about the eagles and falcons of our area. 7:00 pm in the Community Room, above the police station facing Elm Street, Potsdam. Questions to Rose Rivezzi,, phone (315) 265-8117.
Friday, Feb. 29 - BUSHWHACK A LITTLE MOUNTAIN NEAR MOUNTAIN POND. Joint trip with the Wayfarers. Meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Hayes Brook truck trail parking lot. Possible lunch at Paul Smiths culinary school, but bring snacks and water. Easy. Contact Geri Ames at (315) 764-0009 or Wayne Ratowski at (315) 386-3801.
Saturday, Mar. 1 - STONE VALLEY SNOWSHOE. We’ll start at the north end of the valley and snowshoe up to Colton, and then back on the other side. Mid-morning start, bring a lunch. 7 miles round trip, with some steep spots. Moderate. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at (315) 265-8219 or
Saturday, Mar. 8 - JENKINS MOUNTAIN. Approx. 8 miles round trip with 900 feet of elevation gain. Moderate. Contact Bill Romey at (315) 268-0231.
Saturday Mar. 15 - SNOWSHOE THE SUNRISE TRAIL TO GILLIGAN MT. Day Hikes for All Seasons calls this small mountain near Elizabethtown “a jewel snuggled in the shadow of much higher peaks” and “a wonderful climb of moderate difficulty and short duration.” We’ll leave Potsdam at 8:00 a.m. and plan to lunch at the mountain. 2.5 miles round trip, 670 feet elevation gain. Easy. Contact Art Johnson at (315) 265-2619.
Sunday, March 16 - OUTDOORS/INDOORS: THE RAQUETTE RIVER CORRIDOR. Mike Prescott uses a mixture of his own photographs and historic photos to tell the story of the Raquette River, from the days of logging on the river to the construction of the many dams and reservoirs that are present today. Mike has worked with the Raquette River Corridor Project (RRCP), which seeks to develop responsible stewardship and the recreation potential of the Raquette. 7:00 pm in the Community Room, above the police station facing Elm Street, Potsdam. Questions to Rose Rivezzi,, phone (315) 265-8117.
Saturday, Mar. 22 - OWEN AND COPPERAS PONDS.This short (3 miles round trip) snowshoe hike near Wilmington leads to two beautiful small ponds with views of Whiteface. We’ll provide the hot chocolate. You bring some kids, grandparents, or dogs. Easy. Contact Blair & Margaret Madore at (315) 265-0602.
Sunday, March 30 - Pitchoff Mountain Traverse. Probably on snowshoes. Early start. If we spot cars we'll do 5.2 mi, ascent 1400 ft. Strenuous. Public welcome. Contact John & Susan Omohundro at (315) 265-8365 or
Saturday, April 5 -Grass River Whitewater Canoe and Hike. Brad Pendergraft 265-3010 The trip starts with a carry to and around Lampson Falls then to Russell on the Grass River. All the difficult rapids are at the start of the trip and can be carried so even intermediate canoers can complete the trip. After the upper rapids are passed the trip is class I and II whitewater. A wet suit is mandatory. You must talk to Brad if you want to participate. Hikers are also needed to ferry vehicles to the take out. If you would like to hike the shore trail and watch the fun please call for more details. Level 3 The rain date will be April 26th.
Postponed Saturday, April 12 -Lampson Falls to Harper Falls. Armond Spencer 379-1383 I have started on this trip many times, and never made it. It shouldn’t be that hard. 5-6 miles RT with some bushwhack. Level 3.
Sunday, April 13 - Mud Season Potluck at the Potsdam Presbyterian Church Community Center. We will begin to gather at 5, and eat at 5:30. Bring a dish to pass and tableware. Following the potluck, Phil Hopke will make a presentation entitled "Ethanol Production in St. Lawrence County: Where's the beef?" Contact Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219, for further details.
Rescheduled from Apr 12 Saturday, April 19 - Lampson Falls to Harper Falls. Armond Spencer 379-1383 I have started on this trip many times, and never made it. It shouldn’t be that hard. 5-6 miles RT with some bushwhack. Level 3.
Rescheduled to Saturday, May 24 Saturday, April 26 - Catamount Mountain Cleanup (near Whiteface). Cliff Daly, 613-224--4413.
Saturday, April 26 - Everton Falls Cleanup. Duncan Cutter, 328-4675.
Sunday, April 27 - Spring Wildflowers & Early Migrants at the Indian Creek Nature Center. Peter O’Shea 848-2178. We’ll meet at the East End Entrance. Take Route 68 to Rensselaer Falls Road, and travel 2.5 miles. The East End Entrance will be on your left (there is a barn on the right). We’ll start at 9 A.M. Under one mile on level terrain. Level 1. This trip is jointly sponsored by the Indian Creek Nature Center.
Wednesday, April 30 - Birding in the Clarkson Woods. Dick Mooers 265-2774 We’ll meet at 7:30 AM at the water tower on Clarkson campus and bird for an hour or so. We’ll check out the Great Blue Heron rookery. This is the first of four Wednesday morning birding adventures on the last Wednesday of the month. Level 1.
Wednesday, April 30 - Raquette River Reservoir Evening Paddle & Picnic. Dick Mooers 265-2774 Meet at Ives Park, Potsdam at 5 PM. Bring food and drink for picnic before launching or to take with you as conditions and daylight length dictate. PFD must be worn while boating. Level 1.
Rescheduled to Saturday, May 10 Saturday, May 3 - Catamount Mountain. Duncan & Lois Cutter 328-4675 The scramble following rock cairns up the last reaches before the summit - with views of Whiteface and Taylor Pond - is always fun, as is the climb up Paul Jamieson's Chimney! Meet at our house (28 Port Kent Road, Nicholville) at 9:00 AM. Car pooling welcome. Bring insect repellant, wear long sleeves and pants, camera and lunch. 3.8 Mi. RT, 1560 feet elevation gain. Level 3.
Saturday, May 10 - Bike Ride. Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219, We'll take a 20-mile ramble along the back roads south of Heuvelton. Relaxed pace of about 10 miles per hour, mainly flat terrain. Level 2.
Rescheduled from Saturday, May 3 Saturday, May 10 - Catamount Mountain. Duncan & Lois Cutter 328-4675 The scramble following rock cairns up the last reaches before the summit - with views of Whiteface and Taylor Pond - is always fun, as is the climb up Paul Jamieson's Chimney! Meet at our house (28 Port Kent Road, Nicholville) at 9:00 AM. Car pooling welcome. Bring insect repellant, wear long sleeves and pants, camera and lunch. 3.8 Mi. RT, 1560 feet elevation gain. Level 3.
Saturday, May 17 - Spring Bird Walk at the Indian Creek Nature Center. Joan Collins (315) 261-4246 Come enjoy a spring bird walk at Indian Creek Nature Center. Participants will view a wide variety of species on a hike through shrub land, marsh, wetland, and forest habitats along the Tower and Succession Trails. Bring binoculars! We’ll meet at 7 AM at the main parking lot at the Indian Creek Nature center near Rensselaer Falls,. A two-mile walk on level trails. Level 1. Jointly sponsored with Indian Creek Nature Center.
Sunday, May 18 - Massawepie Mire Birding Hike. Joan Collins261-4246 & Eileen Wheeler 386-2482 Massawepie Mire is the largest bog (actually a fen) in New York State. We will walk the old, level railroad bed for ~ 4 miles RT and visit the South Branch of the Grass River near the trailhead. There will also be an optional 2-mile RT hike on the Mountaineer Trail along scenic Massawepie Lake in the afternoon. Boreal birds, bog plants, and scenic views will be our focus. We’ll start at 7:30 AM. Level 1. Jointly sponsored with the Audubon Society.
Wednesday, May 21 - Azure Mountain Birding. Joan Collins (315) 261-4246 Azure Mountain’s 2512’ fire tower summit is reached by hiking a one-mile trail with an elevation gain of 944’. There are many warbler species along the way. There are also several cliff-nesting species. Indigo Buntings can also be heard singing along the trail. Level 2. Jointly sponsored with the Audubon Society.
Saturday, May 24 - Newton Falls Mine Tailings Reforestation. Bill Mueller 262-2952 Dr. Michael Bridgen of the Ranger School will guide us and explain the reforestation project on the iron mine tailings in Newton Falls, in which waste product from the paper mill is used to restore soil fertility. We will climb the massive tailings, wander upon the sea of sandy soil, and discover an innovative restoration that benefits environment and the local economy. Level 2.
Rescheduled from April 26 Saturday, May 24 - Catamount Mountain Cleanup (near Whiteface). Cliff Daly, 613-224--4413.
Sunday, May 25 - Blue Mountain Birding. Joan Collins Register by calling Joan at (315) 261-4264 before May 23; after May 23, call (518) 624-5528. Blue Mountain’s 3750’ fire tower summit is reached by hiking 2.2 miles with an elevation gain of 1550’. We will get an early start at the trailhead at 6 AM to ensure a good possibility of hearing Bicknell’s Thrush singing near the summit. Participants will likely observe many other species. Level 3. Jointly sponsored with the Audubon Society
Wednesday, May 28 - Birding in the Clarkson Woods. (See April 30)
Wednesday, May 28 - Raquette River Reservoir Picnic and Paddle, Carry Falls Reservoir. Dick Mooers 265-2774 Bring food and drink for picnic before launching or to take with you as conditions and daylight length dictate. PFD must be worn while boating. Meet at 5 PM at the highway pull-off south of the Raquette River bridge on SH 56 in Colton hamlet. Level 1.
Saturday May 31 - Colton Area Bike Ride. Mike McLean 315-262-2564 We'll start at 9 AM from the Colton Kunoco and head on CR 58 to Parishville, then south on White Hill Road to Indian Road to Stark Road to Raquette River Road to South Colton. From South Colton north on 56, back to Colton for ice cream at the Kunoco. A 40-mile loop at a relaxed pace with several opportunities for scenic rest stops. Level 4.
Saturday May 31 - Lampson Falls Cleanup. Cliff Daly, (613) 224-4413.
Saturday, June 7 - Debar Mountain. Nancy Skiff 393-7507 We’ll meet at the trail parking lot at Meachem Lake Campground. 7 miles, 1600 feet elevation gain. Level 4.
Sunday, June 8 - Massawepie Lake Paddle. Gene & Carolyn Kaczka, 265-4806, Plan upon spending a leisurely 4 hours paddling the entire shoreline of Massawepie Lake, a lovely lake close to home, owned by the Otetiana Boy Scout Council of Rochester, with a N.Y.S. Conservation Easement which denies public access from June 15 to August 31. For those wishing to do a bit more, we may also paddle the shoreline of the much smaller Catamount Pond, visible from route 3.
Saturday June 14 - Cranberry Lake Paddle and Cat Mountain Climb. Mike McLean 315-262-2564 We'll push off from the Wanakena Ranger School at 9 AM, checking out the East Inlet and Janack's Landing lean-tos, to arrive the hiking trail at the south end of Dead Creek Flow. About 8 miles of paddling and 5 miles of hiking, to good views from the summit. TL has room for 1-2 folks without water transport. Level 3.
Saturday, June 21 - Gothics. John Barron (613) 828-2296 Ascend over Pyramid Peak, which offers what some consider the most dramatic view in the Adirondacks. Continue over the summit and descend via the Armstrong – Gothics col. About ten miles, 3500 feet elevation gain. Level 5.
Wednesday, June 25 - Birding at the Clarkson Woods. (See April 30)
Wednesday, June 25 - Raquette River Reservoir Picnic and Paddle, Stark Falls Reservoir. Dick Mooers 265-2774 Bring food and drink for picnic before launching or to take with you as conditions and daylight length dictate. PFD must be worn while boating. Meet at 5 PM at the highway pull-off south of the Raquette River bridge on SH 56 in the Hamlet of Colton. Level 1.
Saturday, June 28 - Chimney Mountain. Blair & Marg Madore 265-0602 This 2.8-mile RT hike with 760 ft of elevation is a great challenge for kids and parents. Level 2-3. We will camp out Friday and Saturday nights, so call us early!
Tuesday, July 1 - Low’s Ridge/Upper Dam Trail Joan Collins (315) 261-4246, Please call to register. We’ll meet at the Bog River Falls parking area on Route 421 at 7:30 a.m. To find the parking area, take Route 30 (between Long Lake and Tupper Lake) to Route 421. Follow Route 421 for a little over a half mile to Bog River Falls. Participants can carpool or caravan from this location to the trailhead. Bring water, lunch, sunscreen, bug repellent, binoculars, appropriate clothes and waterproof hiking shoes. Five miles round trip on a level dirt road. There is an optional 1.5-mile round trip hike up Low’s Ridge for views of the Bog River Valley and High Peaks. Jointly sponsored by the Northern New York Audubon Chapter. Level 2
Saturday, July 5 - Osgood Pond/Outlet Paddle Larry Master (617) 285-9086, Meet where the road to White Pine Camp crosses the outlet from Jones Pond. We’ll paddle from 8 a.m. to noon. Bring canoe/kayak, paddles, PFDs, sunscreen, snacks and water. Jointly sponsored by the Northern New York Audubon Chapter. Level 2
Wednesday, July 9 - Paddle and Picnic on the St. Regis River John & Susan Omohundro 265-8365, We’ll start at 5 p.m. from Parishville Park on Catherine Street near downtown Parishville, and picnic at 6:30. Bring a dish to pass. We will run a grill. Level 1
Saturday, July 12 - Hudson to the Opalescent River John & Pat Thaxton (518) 576-4232, A 7.4-mile round trip birdwatching hike with easy to moderate elevation gain. Meet at 8 a.m. at the parking lot for Allen Mt. The approach is: From the Town Hall in Newcomb go 5 miles east on Rte 28N; or from I-87 exit 29 go 18 miles west on the Blue Ridge Road, to the access road to Tahawus. Then go 6 miles and bear left at the fork (sign for Marcy and High peaks) go 3 miles to the parking lot on the right. Bring water, snacks/lunch, bug dope, sunscreen, appropriate clothing, sturdy waterproof hiking boots and binoculars. Jointly sponsored by the Northern New York Audubon Chapter. Level 3
Monday, July 14 to Thursday, July 17 - White Mountains Day Hiking Cliff & Gloria Daly 613-224-4413, Multiple hikes Tuesday and Wednesday. Three nights accommodations, two dinners, three breakfasts at Kinsman Lodge, Franconia, New Hampshire. $230 U.S. per person double occupancy; $260 U.S. per person single occupancy, all inclusive.? All levels
Saturday July 19 - Mt. Marshall Chuck Tracy 854-0485, A classic High Peak trip up what used to be classed as a trailless peak. Level 5
Sunday, July 27 - Cycling in Quebec John Barron, (613) 828-2296, We’ll cycle a loop on both sides of the Ottawa River between Hudson and Pointe Fortune. Two ferry crossings. Many sights including a historic canal and optionally, a provincial park beach and a Cistercian monastery famous for its cheese, chocolate, and fruitcake. 50 miles, level 3-4
Wednesday, July 30 - Birding in the Clarkson Woods Dick Mooers 265-2774, rmooers@twcny.rr.comMeet at 7:30 a.m. at the water tower on the Clarkson Campus and walk for about an hour. Level 1
Wednesday, July 30 - Picnic and Paddle Rainbow Falls Reservoir Dick Mooers 265-2774, Launch from the boat ramp at the dam on River Road at 5 p.m. Level 1
Cancelled Saturday, August 2 - Chapter Picnic Dick Mooers 265-2774, We haven’t done this for a while. Location and details to be provided on the website and via the e-newsletter. Level 1
Rescheduled to Wednesday, August 13 Wednesday, August 6 - St. Lawrence River Paddle Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219, Put in at the Louisville Town Beach and explore two islands in a bay of Lake St. Lawrence. If windy, we’ll go to a nearby location. Plan to launch at 5 p.m. Call for details. Level 2
Saturday, August 9 - Cranberry Lake Paddle Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219, We'll launch in Wanakena and paddle into the western part of the lake, and perhaps into Dead Man's Flow as time permits. Level 2
Rescheduled from Wednesday, August 6 Wednesday, August 13 - St. Lawrence River Paddle Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219, Put in at the Louisville Town Beach and explore two islands in a bay of Lake St. Lawrence. If windy, we’ll go to a nearby location. Plan to launch at 5 p.m. Call for details. Level 2
Saturday August 16 - A High Peak to be determined by the wishes of participants. Chuck Tracy 854-0485, Level 5
Friday, August 22 - Mt Arab John & Susan Omohundro 265-8365, An afternoon hike of 2 miles roundtrip, 1000 feet elevation gain, to visit the fire tower and talk to the tower steward. Level 2
Saturday August 23 - The Man-made Forest of Colton Bill Mueller, 315-262-2952, Man-made forests are beautiful too! Walk through one of the prettiest mature pine plantations in the Northeast and visit O’Malley Brook gorge. Enjoy forest and bird lore. Level 2
Rescheduled from June 21 Saturday, August 23 - Gothics. John Barron (613) 828-2296 Ascend over Pyramid Peak, which offers what some consider the most dramatic view in the Adirondacks. Continue over the summit and descend via the Armstrong – Gothics col. About ten miles, 3500 feet elevation gain. Level 5.
Wednesday August 27 - Birding in the Clarkson Woods II Dick Mooers 265-2774, Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the water tower on the Clarkson Campus and walk for about an hour. Level 1
Wednesday August 27 - Paddle and Picnic at Five Falls on the Raquette Dick Mooers 265-2774, We’ll launch from the boat ramp at the dam on River Road at 5 p.m. Level 1
Saturday August 30 - Bushwhack to Lost Pond Tom Wheeler 386-2482, We will bushwhack up to Lost Pond on an unnamed peak informally referred to as Lost Pond Mountain. The hike is strenuous but at a slow pace typical of bushwhacks. The mountain was climbed by Robert Marshall and Herb Clark in the 1920's; Marshall described the hike in an article in ADK's High Spots, giving it as an example of the value of preserving wilderness. Level 4-5
Monday, September 1 - Nippletop via the Nippletop Slide Mike McLean (315)-262-2564, We’ll start from the Ausable Club at 7 a.m. and hike up the Ausable Road and head into Elk Pass, then go off trail and descend the other side of the pass along a rocky stream to arrive at the base of the slide. Up the extensive slide we go, negotiating a rather steep ?section at the beginning, and then easy going takes us almost all the way to the top. Will throw in Dial on way out as time and conditions dictate. Approximately 14 miles round trip. Level 5+
Saturday, September 6 - McKenzie Mountain Ann & Armond Spencer 379-1383, We’ll do the loop from the Whiteface Inn Road, and back on the Shoreowners’ Trail. Seven miles roundtrip with 1940 feet of elevation gain. Level 4
Saturday, September 13 - Paddle the Saranac Chain of Lakes Dick Mooers 265-2774, This is a 14-mile trip from Middle Saranac to Lake Flower. Level 4-5
Saturday, September 20 - Silver Lake Mountain Blair Madore 265-0602, Families, grandparents and dogs are welcome to join us on this Kids on the Trail hike. 1.8 miles roundtrip with 900 feet of elevation change makes a nice challenging family hike. Level 2
Wednesday, September 24 - Birding in the Clarkson Woods III Dick Mooers 265-2774, Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the water tower on the Clarkson Campus and walk for about an hour. Level 1
Wednesday, September 24 - Paddle and Picnic on Higley Flow Dick Mooers 265-2774, We’ll launch at 5 p.m. from the boat launch at the big rock near Higley Dam on Pine Road off Gulf Road. Level 1
Saturday, September 27 - Paddle Lake Lila and Climb Mt. Fredericka Ron Johnson & Nikki Coates, 212 – 4957, Lake Lila should be beautiful this time of year, but isn’t it always? Level 2-3
Sunday, September 28 - Porter Mountain from Keene Valley John Barron, (613) 828-2296 We’ll make a loop: ascend over Little Porter, then descend over Blueberry. 9 miles, 3000 ft elevation gain. Level 5
Saturday, Oct. 4 Paddle Round Lake This will be a 6 to 8 mile paddle in a beautiful, fairly recently opened lake. Possible swim. Moderate. Contact Duncan & Lois Cutter at (315) 328-4675 or
Sunday, Oct. 5 Leonard Pond Trail 5 mile round-trip hike on a wide, level trail in mixed forest and boreal habitat. Optional added bushwhack to Chandler Pond. Expect woodland birds, migrants, and boreal species, including the possibility of Red and White-winged Crossbills. Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Meet at the trailhead on Route 56 (2.5 miles north of the Route 3-Route 56 intersection). Easy. Contact Joan Collins at (315) 261-4246 or Co-leader Peter O’Shea.
Saturday, Oct. 11 Fall Cycling We’ll bicycle the Red Tavern Loop starting from St. Regis Falls, and enjoy the late season color. Total length 40 miles. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at (315) 265-8219 or
Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 18 & 19 - Stone Valley Work Days Contact Mark Simon ( for further information.
Saturday, Oct. 18 Ranger School Trails and Cathedral Rock 2800 acres of forest tended since 1912 by Ranger School students and teachers with a dozen or so trails running through a varied landscape which includes marshlands, rocky outcroppings, impressive forest stands, bogs and eskers. We’ll explore it all! Four miles, moderate elevation gains Easy. Contact Bill Mueller at (315) 262-2952 or
Saturday, Oct. 25 Catamount Mountain Trail Maintenance Come out and help spruce up our adopted trail on this small but spectacular peak just north of Whiteface. Take lunch, work gloves, a small garbage bag and shears or saw. 4 miles; 2000' ascent. Strenuous. Contact Gloria &Cliff Daly at (613) 224-4413 or
Cancelled Sunday, Oct. 26 Owen, Copperas and Winch Ponds Easy hike to scenic ponds near Lake Placid. Approximately 4 miles round trip, with little elevation gain. Contact Nancy Skiff at (315) 393-7507 or
Saturday, Nov. 1 Cliff Mountain We will leave the Upper Works Parking Lot at 7 a.m. and make our way up to Flowed Lands and then along the Opalescent to the start of the herd path just behind Uphill Brook Lean-to. A well-defined herd path will take us up a few steep sections to the top, where wonderful views can be found. Around 10 miles round trip. Very strenuous, but at a leisurely pace. Contact Mike McLean at (315) 262-2564 or
Sunday, Nov. 2 Fall Potluck and Annual Meeting Canton Presbyterian Church, 17 Park Street, Canton. Note: not Potsdam Presbyterian Church as in previous years. Bring a dish to pass. Gather at 5 pm for supper at 5:30. Dr. Roy Horst will present “Surviving the Winter in the North Country”, about adaptations animals make to survive the northern winter. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at (315) 265-8219 or
Saturday, Nov. 8 Hike the West and East Side trails of Ausable River We’ll hike to Lower Ausable Lake, with a side trip to Cathedral Rocks. About 10 miles, moderately strenuous, on hunting-free Adirondack Mountain Reserve land near St. Hubert’s. Contact John & Susan Omohundro at (315) 265-8365 or
Sunday, Nov.9 Owls Head Mountain (near Malone) Short, easy walk to a scenic overlook. Suitable for all ages, children welcome. Approximately 2 miles round trip, with 700 feet elevation gain. Contact John Barron at (613) 828-2296 or
Saturday, Dec. 6 Hike to Clear Pond This pleasant, easy walk on a seasonal road leads to the abandoned Boy Scout Camp Vigor on the shores of lovely Clear Pond. We plan to cook lunch (weather permitting) over a fire at the lake. Families (young and old) are encouraged to join us. Contact Blair & Margaret Madore at (315) 265-0602 or
Saturday Dec. 20 Whiteface Toll Road Ski Trip This traditional early season ski includes a five mile gradual climb to the ‘castle’ on the Whiteface toll road, followed by a pleasant descent. Weather can present difficult conditions including extreme cold and wind. Very strenuous. Contact David Trithart at (315) 265-8117 or
Saturday, Dec. 27 Phelps Mountain Nine miles round trip with 1982 feet elevation gain. Winter hiking gear required. Very strenuous and difficult winter mountaineering. Contact Chuck Tracy at (315) 854-0485 or
Thursday, Jan. 1 2009 New Year’s Day Ski/Snowshoe Outing We will gather early to mid-afternoon at the Outdoor Lodge on the Clarkson campus for easy skiing or snowshoeing on the trails behind the lodge. Bring hors d’oeuvres to pass, and plan to be back at the lodge around 4 pm to help bring in the New Year. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at (315) 265-8219 or