Events, 2010
1 – Friday – ADK Laurentian Chapter New Year's Hike and
Potluck Join
us at the Clarkson Outdoor Lodge in Potsdam in the early afternoon
for hiking, snowshoeing, or skiing on campus. Gather back at the
lodge around 4 p.m. for a potluck afternoon snack. Bring hors
d’oeuvres. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at 315-265-8219 or
3 – Sunday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Snowshoe Bushwhack to
Burn Mountains In
Ray Brook. Several miles, several hours, 4 small summits, moderately
strenuous. Contact John or Susan Omohundro at 315-265-8365 or
8 – Friday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Beginner Ski at
Higley Flow State Park A
family-friendly glide through the trails at the state park near
Colton, culminating with a cookout at the lean-to. 2 miles
round-trip, easy. Hot chocolate, marshmallows and hot dogs provided.
Contact Blair Madore at
17 – Sunday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Snowshoe Trip to
Hurricane Mountain Snowshoe
up this gorgeous almost-High Peak near Keene that offers spectacular
views of Lake Champlain and many of the High Peaks from its lofty
3,694-ft summit. 5.2 miles round-trip, with 2000 feet of elevation
gain. Contact Debbie White at 315-322-4066 or
17 – Sunday - ADK Laurentian Chapter Outdoors/Indoors
Presentation: New Zealand's South Island Tom
Ortmeyer will share photos and talk about Bank's Peninsula, the
Southern Alps and other locations in New Zealand's South Island based
on his visit this past July and August. 7:00 PM at the Community Room
above the police station at the Potsdam Civic Center. Contact Blair
Madore at 315-265-0602 or
24 – Sunday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Hike to Tabletop
Mountain Round-trip
distance will be about 10 miles, with 2300 feet of elevation gain.
Strenuous and difficult winter mountaineering. From Adirondak Loj
near Lake Placid. Contact Hollis Easter at 315-212-1326 or
30 – Saturday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Hike to Bald Peak
and Rocky Peak From
New Russia we will follow the East Ridge Trail to Bald & Rocky
Peaks. 360 degree views. Approximately 11 miles, 3600 feet elevation
gain. Crampons required. Very strenuous and difficult winter
mountaineering. Contact Art Boni no later than January 27 at
613-728-7455 or
4 – Thursday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Skating on the
Rideau Canal Enjoy
an hour and a half of evening skating (7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) on the
world's largest outdoor rink, in Ottawa, ON. Event is highly
dependent on weather and ice conditions, and date may be adjusted
accordingly. Children welcome. Contact John Barron by Feb 1 at
613-828-2296 or
6 – Saturday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Snowshoe Trip to
Lilypad and Long Ponds We'll
snowshoe on the Goldmine Road south of Parishville, then take the
trail to scenic Lilypad Pond and on to Long Pond for lunch. 5 miles
round-trip, elevation gain 200 feet. Moderate. Contact Tom Ortmeyer
at 315-265-8219 or
13 – Saturday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Ski Trip from
Hayes Brook Truck Trail to Sheep Meadows Easy
terrain in Debar Mountain Wild Forest near Paul Smiths. 8 miles round
trip, little change in elevation. Contact Geri Ames at
or John Barron at 613-828-2296 or
Changed to Sun Feb 28 February
21 – Sunday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Ski Trip at Lampson
Falls Approximately
7 miles round-trip, with moderate ups and downs. Optional short
snowshoe hike to Harper Falls. Close to Canton. Contact Ann &
Armond Spencer at 315-379-1383 or
21 – Sunday - ADK Laurentian Chapter Outdoors/Indoors
Presentation: Montana's Glacier National Park Marianne
Hebert and Sandy Hildreth will share photos and experiences of their
August 2009 trip to Glacier National Park. Highlights will include the geology,
wildflowers, wildlife, and spectacular scenery of one of our most beautiful national
parks. 7:00 PM at the Community
Room above the police station at the Potsdam Civic Center. Contact
Blair Madore at 315-265-0602 or
27 – Saturday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Ski Trip in
Gatineau Park Advanced
intermediate ski trip on meticulously groomed trails near Ottawa, ON.
$12 Cdn trail fee guarantees excellent surface conditions under all
but the most unlikely weather sequences. Expect great scenery. About
12 miles, moderately strenuous. Contact John Barron at 613-828-2296
28 Changed from Sun Feb 21 – Sunday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Ski Trip at Lampson
Falls Approximately
7 miles round-trip, with moderate ups and downs. Optional short
snowshoe hike to Harper Falls. Close to Canton. Contact Ann &
Armond Spencer at 315-379-1383 or
March 7 – Sunday
Changed from Sat Mar 6 – ADK Laurentian Chapter Ski Trip to Peavine
Swamp A
tour for experienced skiers near Cranberry Lake.There are some short
but challenging pitches. 8 miles round-trip, mostly flat. Contact
David Trithart at 315-265-8117 or
13 – Saturday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Hike to Lampson
Falls An
easy family-friendly hike to a 40-foot falls on the Grasse River
south of Canton - the winter ice can be very impressive! We plan to
have a cookout at the base of the falls. Hot chocolate, marshmallows
and hot dogs provided. About 1 mile round-trip, easy. Contact Blair
Madore at
20 – Saturday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Snowshoe Trip to
Mt. Adams This
peak in the Tahawus area near Newcomb provides excellent views of the
high peaks from the south. 6 miles round trip, about 2000 ft
elevation gain. Moderately strenuous. Contact: Tom Wheeler at
315-386-2482 or
21 – Sunday – ADK Laurentian Chapter Outdoors/Indoors
Presentation: The Spring Equinox: Facts and Myths Jeff
Miller, an astronomer from St. Lawrence University, will enlighten us
with an exciting multimedia presentation about the spring equinox.
The days are getting longer, and the temperature is
getting warmer. What causes this to happen every
year? And have you heard that you can only
stand an egg on end during the equinox? Come
celebrate the arrival of Spring as we explore some
of the facts and myths surrounding the spring
equinox. 7:00 PM at the Community Room above the police station at the Potsdam
Civic Center. Contact Blair Madore at 315-265-0602 or
April 10 (Saturday) - Grasse River Whitewater Paddling
Begin with a half-mile carry to and around Lampson Falls, then to Russell on
the Grasse River. All the difficult rapids at the start of the trip can be carried
so even intermediate canoeists can complete the trip. After the upper rapids,
the trip is Class I and II whitewater. A wet suit is mandatory. Hikers are needed
to ferry vehicles for the take-out. If you would like to paddle--or hike the
shore trail and watch the fun--please contact Brad Pendergraft, (315) 265-3010,
April 11 (Sunday) - Red Sandstone Trail Workday
Let’s build two bog bridges across seeps on the shore of Sugar Island Flow. We’ll
carry in pre-cut planks and stringers and nail them all together. Contact John
and Susan Omohundro, (315) 265-8365,
April 17 (Saturday) - Wilderness Navigation Using Map & Compass
A one-day map and compass clinic that will teach you the skills needed to navigate
with confidence off-trail, for both beginners and those wanting a thorough refresher.
First part is theory inside at SLU, second part is "hands on" in the
Lampson Falls highlands. Maximum of four participants, so register early. Start
at 8:30 a.m., finish by about 5:00 p.m. Must provide your own "folding mirror" compass,
preferably with declination adjustment. $5 to cover handouts. Contact Cliff and
Gloria Daly, (613) 224-4413,
April 17 (Saturday) - Family-Friendly Tour of Tooley Pond Waterfalls
Bring your kids and their grandparents for a tour of several waterfalls on the
Tooley Pond Road. Distance 2-3 miles. Easy. Contact Blair Madore, (315) 265-0602,
April 18 (Sunday) - Hike the Rideau Trail in Frontenac Park, Ontario
Hike the Rideau Trail from the eastern park boundary to Flagpole Hill. Return
to start or continue to western boundary with a car shuttle, depending on participants’
wishes. 10 miles, rugged trail. Level 3-4. Trailhead is about 1.5 hours from
Ogdensburg Bridge. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
April 24 (Saturday) - Everton Falls Clean-up
Meet at the canoe carry parking lot at 10:00 a.m. With a trash bag in hand, we’ll
patrol the roadside and the two short trails. Brown bag lunch on the ledges by
the falls, followed by canoeing/kayaking up or down the St. Regis River as weather
permits. Contact Lois and Duncan Cutter, (315) 328-4675,
April 25 (Sunday) - Spring Wildflowers & Early Migrants
A hike around the grounds of the Indian Creek Nature Center in Canton, where
we’ll check out spring wildflowers and see the first of the season’s returning
birds. Jointly sponsored by ADK and the Audubon Society. Less than 1 mile. Level
1. Contact Peter O’Shea, (315) 848-2178
April 25 (Sunday) - Spring Potluck
We’ll gather at the Potsdam Presbyterian Church Community Center at 5 p.m. to
start supper at 5:30. Bring a dish to pass and your own plates and utensils.
Coffee and tea will be provided. Kate Williams will present a visual tour of
the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, a 740-mile canoe route stretching from Old Forge
to the New Brunswick border. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
May 1 (Saturday) - Paddle the Raquette in Potsdam
Celebrate May Day with a beginner-friendly kayak/canoe trip on the Raquette River
in Potsdam. We’ll meet at 4:30 p.m. at the gazebo in Ives Park and will paddle
for 1-2 hours depending on interest. Boats are available for rent through Wear
On Earth. Contact Shannon Fyrberg,
May 8 (Saturday) - Hike to Black Pond (Paul Smiths)
This is a beginner-friendly trip around Black Pond, near the Visitor’s Interpretive
Center in Paul Smiths. We’ll enjoy lunch at the leanto and, if we’re lucky, we
may see a northern loon or two. About 2.5 miles round-trip. Level 1. Contact
Geri Ames,
May 9 (Sunday) - Hike the Pinnacle (Santa Clara)
This will be an afternoon hike to the Pinnacle near Santa Clara. About 2 miles
round trip, we’ll likely see some spring wildflowers on our way up to a nice
view of the St. Regis valley. Level 1. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,
May 15 (Saturday) - O’Malley Brook Falls and The Tubs (Colton)
We start at an opening in the Colton County Forest made by the microburst storm
of 2008, and we walk down through a lovely pine and oak forest to the edge of
the Raquette River where we pick up the Stone Valley trail. Heading upstream,
we cross O’Malley Brook and continue through mature pines and hemlocks up to ‘The
Tubs,’ a very deep and mysteriously quiet portion of the river. We then
continue inland back to the county road, hiking gently downhill all the way.
This is a beautiful and seldom-trekked portion of the Stone Valley trail. 3.5
miles, Level 2. Contact Bill Mueller, (315) 262-2952,
May 16 (Sunday) - Birding at Indian Creek Nature Center, Canton
Participants will view a wide variety of species on a hike through shrubland,
marsh, wetland, and forest habitats along the Tower and Succession trails. We’ll
use a spotting scope to view birds on Lower Lake from the top of the observation
tower. Jointly sponsored by ADK and the Audubon Society. Bring binoculars! About
2 miles. Level 1. Contact Joan Collins, (315) 261-4246,
May 22 (Saturday) - Hike up Baldface Mt. (near Debar)
Baldface Mountain is a smaller peak near Meacham Lake, and our route blurs the
line between bushwhack and herd path. There are a few steep places, but the views
from the top are stunning and worth the effort. About 2 miles round-trip, Level
1. Contact Geri Ames at or Brian Baston at (315) 769-3483
May 22 (Saturday) - Birding at Massawepie Mire, Colton
Massawepie Mire is the largest bog (actually a fen!) in New York. We will walk
the old, level railroad bed for about 4 miles round trip to visit the south branch
of the Grasse River. There will also be an optional 2-mile round trip hike on
the Mountaineer trail along scenic Massawepie Lake in the afternoon. Boreal birds,
bog plants, and scenic views will be our focus. Jointly sponsored by ADK and
the Audubon Society. Level 2. Contact Joan Collins, (315) 261-4246,,
or Eileen Wheeler, (315) 386-2482,
May 29 (Saturday) - Lampson Falls Cleanup and Bridge Construction
There will be two work activities this year in the Lampson Falls corridor to
help keep it a world-class "museum of riverscapes", as Paul Jamieson
called it. For sure, we need your help! First, a construction party will build
bridges over a few small but steep banked tributaries that disrupt the foot path
running beside the Grasse River, downstream from the falls. Second, we’ll
also conduct a traditional cleanup of garbage and the usual cans and bottles
in the falls’ vicinity—an activity that always appeals to younger hikers.
Both work groups will convene at the Lampson Falls trailhead on county road 27
south of Canton. Bridge party start time is 8:00 a.m. Take a hammer, protective
eyewear, gloves, work clothes, and lunch. Expect to carry planks into the work
sites along the river. Cleanup party start time is 10:00 a.m. Take work gloves,
small plastic garbage bags, usual hiking gear, and lunch. Work on both jobs should
be finished by 2:00 p.m. Afterwards, enjoy refreshments and appetizers at the
home of Dick and Joan Kepes in Canton. Contact Cliff Daly, (613) 224-4413,
June 5 (Saturday) - Paddle the St. Regis from Santa Clara Flow
We’ll put in at the boat launch in Santa Clara hamlet, paddle up-river
a few miles, stop for lunch, and paddle back. Easy. Contact Geri Ames at
or Brian Baston at (315) 769-3483.
June 12 (Saturday) - Climb Loon Mountain
This mountain in Franklin County acquired public access recently through an easement.
There are good views of the NE corner of the Adirondack Park and a fire tower
in poor condition. 6 mi round trip, 1700 feet elevation gain. Upper section is
a rough herdpath. Level 3. Contact John and Susan Omohundro, (315) 265-8365,
June 19 (Saturday) Giant’s Washbowl in Keene Valley
Starting at Roaring Brook Falls, we hike up and down in the shadow of Giant Mountain
to Giant’s Nubble for excellent views of the valley, then loop back, total
about 5 mi and 1500 ft gain. Level 3. Contact Eileen Wheeler, 386-2482,
June 23 (Wednesday) - Evening Paddle on the Oswegatchie
We’ll paddle and picnic on the Oswegatchie starting near Rensselaer Falls. Distance
depends on who joins us. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,
Postponed to June 27 June 26 (Saturday) - Cycling the St. Lawrence/Potsdam/Grasse River
We’ll bicycle from Potsdam to Madrid, then along the Grasse River to the shores
of the St. Lawrence, where we’ll explore some islands. We’ll return along the
Raquette. 50 miles round trip, with the option to do only half the route. Level
3-4. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
Postponed from June 26 June 27 (Sunday) - Cycling the St. Lawrence/Potsdam/Grasse River
We’ll bicycle from Potsdam to Madrid, then along the Grasse River to the shores
of the St. Lawrence, where we’ll explore some islands. We’ll return along the
Raquette. 50 miles round trip, with the option to do only half the route. Level
3-4. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
June 30 (Wednesday) - Evening Picnic and Paddle at Higley Flow
Launch from Big Rock boat launch at 5 p.m. for the 45-minute paddle to the state
park for picnic supper. Possibility of swimming. Bring bug dope! Return to the
launch at about 7 to 7:30 p.m. Level 1 (beginner). PDF must be worn in the boat.
Contact Dick Mooers, (315) 854-4186,
July 3 (Saturday) - Hike Silver Lake Mountain (New Hikers Series) Bring your kids to this beautiful mountain which offers great views. This
is a great first mountain hike and as a bonus it’s a “Kids on the Trail” hike. About 2 miles roundtrip and 700 feet of elevation gain. Level 2. Contact
Blair Madore,, (315) 265-0602
July 10 (Saturday) - Paddle the St. Lawrence from Hawkins Point to Long Sault Dam We will put in at Hawkins Point boat ramp and paddle up
to Long Sault Dam on the quiet waters of the old St. Lawrence River. We will meet at 1pm. Distance 4-5 miles, easy. If there is interest, we can go for
ice cream after the paddle. Contact Geri Ames,, or Brian Baston, (315) 769-3483
July 14 (Wednesday) - Evening Paddle Picnic on St. Regis River We’ll put in at the Parishville Park in late afternoon for a leisurely paddle for
an hour or two upriver to the riffles, downriver to the bridge, then return to the park for a potluck picnic. Bring an item to share. Swimming beach.
We’ll fire up the grill if you wish to cook. Level 1. John & Susan Omohundro, (315) 265-8365,
July 17 (Saturday) - Hike Stone Valley (New Hiker Series) Celebrate Colton Country Day with an easy hike in Stone Valley. Children welcome.
We will walk a couple of miles. Level 2. Contact Duncan Cutter at (315) 328-4675 or
July 28 (Wednesday) - Evening paddling trip Trip details to be announced. Contact Dick Mooers,
July 31 (Saturday) - Treasure Hunt on the Red Sandstone Trail (New Hikers Series) Celebrating Raquette River Awareness Week.
We’ll start in Hannawa Falls and hike to the Northern Terminus.
A varied terrain of rapids, waterfalls, and impoundments along with dams and a sandstone quarry makes this an interesting and informative
hike. Along the way hikers will have to solve clues to find hidden “Letter Boxes.” A few inclines but only about 2 miles: level 1. Contact Blair Madore,, (315) 265-0602
August 4th (Wednesday) - Evening paddle picnic on the Colton Reservoir of the Raquette River Celebrating Raquette River Awareness
Week. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,
August 7 (Saturday) - Hike Blue Mountain (New Hikers Series) Celebrating Raquette River Awareness Week. An easy-to-moderate hike for
adults and within the capability of many children, who are especially welcome. Celebrate Raquette River Awareness Week with a scenic drive up the
river valley and a hike to a terrific view of Blue Mountain Lake, near the headwaters of the Raquette. Optional swim in Long Lake. 4 miles round
trip, 1600 ft of gain. Level 3. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
August 11 (Wednesday) - Evening Paddle Picnic on Raquette River We’ll put in at Brown’s Bridge in late afternoon and laze downriver for
an hour or two, to Hannawa, for a potluck picnic at the takeout near the fire department. Bring an item to share. Swimming possible. We’ll fire up the
grill if you wish to cook. Level 1. Limit: 12 boats. John & Susan Omohundro, (315) 265-8365,
August 14 (Saturday) - Hike the Ranger School Trails We will hike several of trails eventually climbing Cathedral Rock with its authentic Adiron-
dack fire tower, and return to the Ranger School campus. If participants are agreeable, we may seek out an unusually large pine tree on the property
with a little side bushwhack. Level 2. Contact Bill Mueller,, (315) 262-2952
August 18 (Wednesday) Location change - moved to Streeter Lake
Emeryville Paddle on the Oswegatchie
New info: We will meet at 5 PM at the blinking light on Rt. 3 in Oswegatchie, just west of Star Lake, and proceed to the put-in. We will paddle the lake
and stop at the landing below the lean-to for supper and a walk. Level 1. For details, contact Jan and Bob Wakefield 315-287-4179 (h), 315-778-6490
(Jan’s cell), or
August 22 (Sunday) - Bicycle Tooley Pond Road This is a 20 mile RT bicycle trip plus short hikes into several of the Grasse River waterfalls
along the road. Level 3. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,
August 25 (Wednesday) - Evening paddling trip Trip details to be announced. Contact Dick Mooers,
August 28 (Saturday) - Paddling the Osgood River We will put in on the Osgood (near Paul Smiths) and leave cars north of that at Meacham
Lake. Distance about 8 miles, paddling with the current. This is a classic ADK paddling adventure. Some barriers to drag over. Level 3. Contact Geri
Ames,, or Brian Baston, (315) 769-3483
August 28 (Saturday) - Hike Arab Mountain (New Hikers Series) A terrific hike for young hikers, with a steady ascent of about a mile and a fire
tower at the top. Mount Arab was the first mountain for many North Country residents. Contact Rose Rivezzi, (315) 265-8117,
September 8 (Wednesday) - Paddle Brandy Brook An evening paddle and picnic from the Brandy Brook boat launch on Rte
37. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,
September 11 (Saturday) - Seymour Mountain We’ll need to get an early start for this 14-mile trailless hike. Thankfully, the first 5.5 miles are
fairly flat, with the elevation gain happening during the last 1.5 miles climb. Gain of elevation is 2370 feet, making this a very strenuous hike.
Plan on spending at least 10 hours on the trail. Level 5. Contact Debbie White (315) 322-4066, in
the US or John Barron (613) 828-2296, in Canada
September 18 (Saturday) - Geocaching at Black Pond / Long Pond (New Hikers Series) Learn the basics of geocaching! Find treasure boxes hidden
in the woods using a GPS. This hike will take us on a 5 mile loop from Paul Smiths VIC via the Woods and Waters Connector trail to Black Pond
and Long Pond. We will search for two geocaches hidden near the ponds. Lunch at Long Pond, then return via the Jenkins Mountain Trail. Back at the
VIC we will visit the butterfly house and other VIC attractions. Level 2. Contact Marianne Hebert (315) 265-0756
September 22 (Wednesday) - Evening paddling trip cancelled Trip details to be announced. Contact Dick Mooers,
September 25 (Saturday) - Azure Mountain Bushwhack and Rock Work This will be quite a rocky trip. We will meet at the trail head at 9am
and bushwhack and scramble up the mountain alongside the southern rocky cliffs to pop out on the summit to the west of the large glacial erratic.
We will then take a break before spending an hour or so placing stones previously carried to the summit by hikers to erosion areas near the
erratic. Bring long pants for the bushwhack and two canvas bags for the summit work. We will hike back down the trail around noon and make a stop
into Deer Valley Trails restaurant for a late lunch. Level 3, with 2.5 miles of rocky mountain climbing.
Contact Mike McLean,, (315) 262-2564
October 2 (Saturday) - Paddle/Hike Bog River and Low’s Ridge -
We’ll put in at the lower dam on the Bog River and then paddle upstream to the take out at the southwest end of Hutchins Pond. From there we will do the 2.2 mile
roundtrip hike to Low’s Ridge. Easy to moderate hiking and paddling. Contact Ron Johnson, (315) 212-4957,,
or Nikki Coates, (315) 265-3232
October 3 (Sunday) - Climb Sawteeth
We will ascend via the Scenic Trail, with a succession of views of Lower Ausable Lake. After enjoying the great views of the Range at the summit we will descend the
Alfred E. Weld trail (via the Sawteeth/Gothics col). 14 miles, 3000 ft of gain, very strenuous. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
October 9 (Saturday) - Climb Haystack in the High Peaks
We will head to Haystack via the trail to Mount Marcy from the Adirondack Loj. There will be a short bushwhack from the former Snowbird Lean-to site and then a slight
drop before the final approach to Haystack. This is a very strenuous all-day hike of about 20 miles. Contact Mike McLean, (315) 262-2564,
October 10 (Sunday) - Climb Catamount
This 4-mile round-trip hike has good views of Whiteface Mt. on the summit. Elevation gain is 1500 ft. Easy pace, moderate terrain except for the scramble up the
“chimney.” Contact Geri Ames and Brian Baston, (315) 769-3483,
October 16 (Saturday) - Cycling on the Red Tavern Loop
We’ll bicycle the Red Tavern Loop starting from St. Regis Falls, and we’ll enjoy the late season color. Total length is 40 miles, although a 20-mile option
exists for going to Everton Falls and back. Strenuous. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,
October 16 (Saturday) - Climb Scarface Mountain
Located in the northern Adirondacks near Ray Brook, this will be a moderate hike at an easy pace. 6.4 miles with an elevation gain of 1480 feet. While the summit is
partially wooded, views from ledges are beautiful. Contact Marianne Hebert, (315) 265-0756,
October 17 (Sunday) - Red Sandstone Trail Workday
We’ll carry in lumber to build another section of bridge through the gulch on Sugar Island Flow. An afternoon project. Contact John Omohundro, (315) 265-8365,
October 23 (Saturday) - Climb Little Haystack (not the High Peak)
Join us for this 6.6-mile round trip ascent of the Haystack Mt. near Ray Brook. Moderate difficulty, 1240 feet of ascent. Contact Ann and Armond Spencer, (315) 379-1383,
October 30 (Saturday) - Marble Rock Hiking Trail postponed to Oct 31
Described as a “little jewel”, Marble Rock hiking trail is near Gananoque, ON, about 45 minutes from the Ogdensburg Bridge. Lots of steep rocky hills,
amazing lookouts, and beautiful woodland. 7 miles round trip, with about 1000 feet of climb, making this a moderate-difficulty hike. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
October 31 (Sunday) - Marble Rock Hiking Trail postponed from Oct 30
Described as a “little jewel”, Marble Rock hiking trail is near Gananoque, ON, about 45 minutes from the Ogdensburg Bridge. Lots of steep rocky hills,
amazing lookouts, and beautiful woodland. 7 miles round trip, with about 1000 feet of climb, making this a moderate-difficulty hike. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
NEW November 6 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday) - Trail Maintenance Weekend at Stone Valley -
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM each day. Organized jointly with the St. Lawrence County Mountain Bike Association.
Bring a shovel and work gloves if you have them. Any specialized tools required will be supplied.
Work includes repairing some bridges damaged by recently flooding and improving others.
BBQ lunch and refreshments courtesy of Wear on Earth.
Please contact Mark Simon as soon as possible for planning purposes, at or (315) 262-2571.
November 7 (Sunday) - Hike to Loon Mountain
We’ll climb Loon Mountain, a peak with a fire tower in Franklin County. About 6 miles round trip, with 1700 feet of elevation gain, makes this a level 3 (moderate)
hike. Contact John Omohundro, (315) 265-8365,
November 13 (Saturday) - Workshop: Wilderness Navigation Using Map & Compass
A one day map and compass clinic that will teach you the skills needed to navigate with confidence off-trail, for both beginners and those wanting a thorough refresher.
First part is theory inside, second part “hands on” in the Grasse River highlands. Maximum of four participants. Start 8:30 A.M., finish by about 5:00 P.M.
Must provide your own “folding mirror” compass preferably with declination adjustment. $5 to cover handouts. Contact Cliff and Gloria Daly, (613) 224-4413,
November 21 (Sunday) - Annual Meeting and Fall Potluck
Join us at the First Presbyterian Church, 17 Park St., Canton for the Annual Meeting and Fall Potluck. Meeting will include electing next year’s executive committee
and reviewing the bylaws, as well as presenting some awards. Full details on page 1. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
December 4 (Saturday) - Higley Hike and Cookout
Join us for a family-friendly hike/ski/snowshoe (as the conditions dictate) around some beautiful park trails followed by a campfire cookout at the Warm Brook lean-to.
Suitable for outdoor people of all ages. Contact Blair Madore, (315) 265-0602,
December 18 (Saturday) - Whiteface Toll Road Annual Ski Trip
Join David Trithart for the traditional early season 10-mile ski up and down the Whiteface Memorial Highway, the highest road in New York State! Moderately strenuous
cross-country skiing, depending on conditions. Contact David Trithart,
January 1 (Saturday) - New Year’s Gathering
Join us New Year’s Day afternoon for skiing and snowshoeing followed by apres-ski potluck snacks. Meet at the Clarkson University Outdoor Lodge in the early
afternoon for skiing; the gathering usually happens around 4pm. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,