Events, 2011
January 1 (Saturday) - New Year’s Gathering -
Join us for skiing and snowshoeing
followed by apres-ski potluck snacks. Meet at the Clarkson University Outdoor
Lodge in the early afternoon for skiing; the gathering usually happens around
4 pm. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, (315) 265-8219,
January 8 (Saturday) - Climb Dial and Nippletop -
Debbie White,,
(315) 322-4066. An early start needed for today - contact me for details. We
will attempt to climb both mountains, depending upon weather, overall being 12
miles round trip. Cross-country skis might be an idea, to eliminate the long
3 miles on each end of the hike from Ausable Club. Then, probably snowshoes for
the remainder. Very strenuous, 2500+ feet climb.
January 15 (Saturday) - New Hikers Series: Beginners’ Snowshoe to Grassy
Pond -
Lois and Duncan Cutter,, (315) 328-4675. Grassy Pond
is a 3-mile RT by skis or snowshoes, starting just off route 30 near Paul Smiths.
The picturesque trail leads through pine woods to a lean-to at the end, with
beautiful views of Grassy Pond. Suitable for beginners, with about three hours
spent on trail. Skis or snowshoes required.
January 22 (Saturday) - Ski Jackrabbit Trail in Keene -
Tom Ortmeyer and Greg
Pedrick, (315)265-8219 (Tom), (518) 946-8227 (Greg), We'll
ski the section of the trail from Pack n Paddle to Alstead Road and back. This
section of trail includes nice scenery and several rock ledges. 7 miles round
trip. Intermediate ski level, 500-1000 feet climb, 5-8 miles. Skis required.
(alternate: Jan.29)
January 23 (Sunday) - New Hikers Series: Mt Arab -
Blair Madore,,
(315) 265-0602. We will provide hot drinks on the summit! This trip is part of
the “kids on the trail” challenge and also part of the “fire
tower challenge.” Views from the tower on the summit are excellent. This
one-mile ascent is a good beginning snowshoe hike for reasonably fit kids and
adults. Snowshoes with claws/crampons are required. Some may be available to
borrow - ask the trip leader. For pictures, please see
January 21-23 (Friday-Sunday) - ADK Tug Hill Winter Outing -
Ron Fillhart,,
(315) 298-7424. Held at the Mad River Club near Sandy Creek in the Tug Hill Plateau.
The weekend includes a variety of skiing and snowshoeing trips, and features
clubhouse-style accommodations and several meals, all for $65. ADK membership
is not required for participation. More information available at
January 29 (Saturday) - Ski at Lampson Falls -
Ann and Armond Spencer,,
(315) 379-1383. Ski from Lampson Falls toward Harper Falls with an optional snowshoe
down to Harper Falls. This is beautiful terrain, and covering it on skis is a
delightful way to do it. About 7 miles RT with some hills to test your mettle,
your snowplow, or your willingness to remove the skis. Skis required.
February 16 (Wednesday) - Snowshoe around Black Pond -
Geri Ames and Brian
Baston, (315) 769-3483, We will begin at Paul Smiths College’s
St. Regis Cafe on the lake with lunch served by the Culinary Arts students,
a sure treat. Easy, no serious climb, 1-3 miles. Bring snowshoes, water, and
warm clothes.
February 19 (Saturday)- Ski into Clear Pond near Parishville -
Rose Rivezzi
and David Trithart, A cross-country ski trip into Clear
Pond (Parishville) from the White Hill Rd. It's a 3.4-mile RT to visit the
pond. If we add a loop around the pond, we’ll add another 2 to 3 miles,
so this is not a short trip. Also, the pond loop is moderately challenging.
Since this is close to home, we could gather and leave in late morning, with
a plan to lunch at the pond. About six miles, unknown elevation gain. Skis
February 26 (Saturday) - New Hikers Series: Snowshoeing to The Pinnacle -
Barron (613) 828-2296, Young, old, and novice snowshoers;
those recovering from injuries; Winter 46ers in the mood for an easy trip;
and everyone else, is welcome on this moderate (5 miles, several hundred feet
of gain), leisurely-paced trip to a small mountain with a great view near Santa
Clara. Snowshoes required.
March 2 (Wednesday) - Snowshoe/Ski at the VIC in Paul Smiths -
Geri Ames and
Brian Baston, (315) 769-3483, Meeting at Paul Smiths College
for lunch by the Culinary Students at the St. Regis Cafe which overlooks the
beautiful lake and St. Regis Mountain, before we go over to the VIC for an
early afternoon ski/snowshoe. Fairly easy, with less than 500 feet climb, 3-5
miles. Bring skis or snowshoes, water, and warm clothes.
March 5 (Saturday)- Ski 50km in the Gatineau Park -
Tom VandeWater, (315) 386-8489, Explore the Gatineau hills just north of Ottawa on
mostly groomed trails for 50 km or join us for a shorter piece. Strenuous.
Difficulty varies with snow conditions, type of skis, and experience. Skis
March 19 (Saturday)- Mt. Van Hoevenberg Snowshoe Hike -
Eileen Wheeler, (315)
386-2482, We'll start from the South Meadow Road on a fairly
level trail that skirts a beaver pond before climbing steadily to the summit
ridges at 2.2 miles. We pass some small cliffs along the way and will enjoy
far-reaching views including Mt. Marcy, Algonquin, and Giant. Ascent: 740 ft.
Moderate difficulty. Snowshoes required.
March 27 (Sunday)- Spring Road Walk Hike near the Grasse River -
Tom Ortmeyer,
(315-265-8219, We’ll celebrate the early spring mud season
with an afternoon walk on quiet back roads in the upper Grasse River area.
Exact location to be announced. 5-7 miles total length. Fairly easy.
April 3 (Sunday) – Algonquin and Wright Peaks 360º views from
both peaks. There will still be enough snow remaining at elevation to require
snowshoes. We are looking for favorable snow conditions so we can walk directly
from Algonquin to Wright without a thick bushwhack or spruce traps, hopefully
a highlight of the trip. About 3,400’ elevation gain and 10 miles: Level
5, Very strenuous. Contact Mark Lowell,, (315) 386-3945.
April 3 (Sunday) - Outdoors/Indoors: Gasland, the Movie This film highlights
the damage that can be inflicted on the environment by hydraulic fracturing,
a natural gas drilling technique that is currently being exploited in New York
and is of great concern to environmental organizations including the ADK. It
will provide one point of view on the topic, leading up to the following week’s
presentation by Dr. Stephen Bird at the spring pot luck. 7:00 PM at the Community
Room above the police station at the Potsdam Civic Center. Contact Blair Madore
at or (315) 265-0602.
April 9 (Saturday) - Copper Rock Waterfalls We hope to catch these waterfalls
and rapids in an exuberant spectacle of watery excess as we did last year at
this time, and explore the area around them. The hike is 1.4 miles RT so it
is easy but conditions could create uncertain footing or even the need for
some small bushwhacks. Level 1, easy. Families are especially welcome. Contact
Blair Madore, or (315) 265 0602.
April 10 (Sunday) Spring "Mud Season" Pot Luck Guest speaker will
be Dr. Stephen Bird, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Clarkson
University, who specializes in energy and environmental politics, social
and political networks, and U.S. politics. The title is Hydro-Fracking: Environment,
Impacts, and Options. Dr. Bird will try to answer some questions including:
What are the environmental concerns, the impacts on U.S. energy policy and
on global warming? How does public policy address hydro-fracking currently,
and what options might we see going forward? The event will be held at Potsdam
Presbyterian Church, 42 Elm St., Potsdam. Arrive at 5 PM for supper to start
at 5:30. Bring a dish to share and your own tableware. The presentation starts
after supper, between 6:30 and 7 PM. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296,
April 16 (Saturday) – Frontenac Park Old mine sites and homesteads;
lakes and forests; and Moulton Gorge, one of the best overlooks in the Park,
will be featured on a 12 mile loop hike. Trailhead is near Westport, Ontario,
about 1.5 hours from the Ogdensburg Bridge. Rugged terrain, level 4, strenuous.
Contact John Barron, or (613) 828-2296.
April 16 (Saturday) - Wilderness Navigation Using Map & Compass A one-day
map and compass clinic that will teach you the skills needed to navigate with
confidence off-trail, for both beginners and those wanting a refresher. First
part is theory inside in Canton, second part "hands on" at Higley
Flow State Park (level 1, rough terrain, a few hundred feet vertical, about
3 miles total). Maximum of four participants. Start 8:30 A.M., finish by about
4:30 P. M. Must provide your own folding mirror compass preferably with declination
adjustment (look for a brass adjustment screw on dial). $5 to cover handouts.
Contact Cliff or Gloria Daly, or (613) 224-4413.
April 22 (Friday-Earth Day) - Earth Day Hike to Bear Mountain 6.0 miles total-about
four or five hours. From Rt. 3 trail-head we proceed over rolling terrain and
a small mountain, elevation gain 1500 feet ending in the state park. We’ll
spot cars. Commemorate the earth: all participants are asked to bring a selection
of text from literature, poetry, prayer/hymn, essay, song lyric, etc. about
nature to share at the mountain lean-to. Difficulty level 3. John & Susan
Omohundro, 315-265-8365, ADK Members Only
April 23 (Saturday) – Peavine Swamp Trail Hike This 5-mile ski trail
on the west side of Cranberry Lake (in lovely mixed forest, not a swamp) is
a segment of the "Cranberry 50" loop. Elevation change is modest.
Several loops off of it provide numerous options for hikes; we’ll decide on
our itinerary at the trailhead. Be prepared for mudholes. Difficulty Level:
2 (of 5). Contact Neal Burdick or (315) 386-4648 evenings.
April 30 (Saturday) – Azure Mt. Hike and Trail Work Day Help Azure
Mountain Friends perform Spring clean-up on the hiking trail and also climb
to Azure Mt. Peak and enjoy unparalleled views and a restored fire tower. Two
miles round trip with 900’ elevation gain. Call leader for details on work
to be performed. Level 2, fairly easy. Contact Mike McLean,
or (315) 262-2564.
April 30 (Saturday) – Everton Falls Clean-up Help collect trash and
prune trails from 10:00 to 12:00, eat lunch on the rock ledges beside Everton
Falls, and then (if the weather is nice) canoe either up or down the St. Regis
River. Contact Duncan Cutter, or (315) 328-4675.
May 1 (Sunday) - Five Ponds Wilderness via Leary Trail This trail used to
be the shortest route to the Five Ponds and High Falls. Abandoned after the
1995 microburst storm, it remains unmarked, but the leader has scouted it the
last 1.5 years and can follow it. After coming out on the truck trail, we can
decide whether to press deeper into the area to the scenic lean-to at Big Shallow
Pond. About 1,100’ climbing and 14 miles RT over mostly gentle terrain.
Level 5, very strenuous. Contact Mark Lowell, (315)386-3945.
May 7 (Saturday) - Baldface Mt A trail-less mountain with great views of
Debar Mt. RT about 2 miles. Level 3 (of 5), a moderate hike. Contact Geri Ames, or Brian Baston (315) 769-3483.May 7 (Saturday) Catamount
Mt. Trail Maintenance - Help spruce up this spectacular little peak just north
of Whiteface. We mainly side trim and remove blowdown. Take lunch and work
gloves - you can borrow a tool from us or take your own. 4 miles, 1500 feet
elevation gain, 5 hours. Level 4 (of 5), Strenuous. Contact Cliff or Gloria
Daly, or (613) 224-4413.
May 14 (Saturday) - Nun-da-gao Ridge A picturesque hike along the Nun-da-gao Ridge to Weston Mountain and
Lost Pond. This is a moderate-to-strenuous hike along a rocky ridge with many
panoramic views and attractions along the way. 5-6 miles with an elevation
gain of 1,403 feet. Level 3. Contact Marianne Hebert,,
(315) 265-0756.
May 15 (Sunday) - Bicycle the St. Lawrence River Valley A 25-mile
loop in the Waddington region with lunch along the way and plenty of river
views. Contact Tom Ortmeyer,, (315) 265-8219.
May 15 (Sunday) Moved from May 22 – Outdoors/Indoors: Hiking the Haute Route Debbie White
will give a slide presentation of a hike across this famous and challenging
route through the French and Swiss Alps. 7:00 PM at the Community Room above
the police station at the Potsdam Civic Center. Contact Blair Madore at
or (315) 265-0602.
May 21 (Saturday) – Spring Wildflowers along Ranger School Trails Take
a leisurely hike along trails in the Ranger School forest and environs of Wanakena.
We’ll start on the Esker Trail, visiting bogs along the way and we may choose
to explore other areas near Wanakena. Expect to walk about three miles, mostly
level terrain. Level 3, a moderate hike. Contact Bill Mueller,
or (315) 262-2952.
May 22 (Sunday) Moved to June 18 – Blue Mt A flat summit at 3700 feet affords great
views from the fire tower of many area lakes and mountains (Algonquin, Colden,
Seward). 4 miles, 1500 feet elevation gain, Level 3, moderately strenuous.
Contact Dana Chudzinski,, (315) 528-3468.
May 22 (Sunday) Moved to May 15 – Outdoors/Indoors: Hiking the Haute Route
May 28 (Saturday) - Street and Nye Mts Not very long ago these two officially
trail-less High Peaks were a tough challenge in route-finding and bushwhacking;
now they are served by a very clear path. The leader will reminisce about the
unscheduled overnight he spent on these mountains in the bad old days; 8 miles,
2500 feet elevation gain, level 5, very strenuous. Contact John Barron,,
or (613) 828-2296
May 28 (Saturday) - Lampson Falls Clean Up Enjoy the tranquil Grasse River
as we do our annual clean up in the vicinity of Lampson Falls. Take a few small
garbage bags, work gloves and lunch. Kids especially welcome! 3 miles, level
1(of 5), Easy. Start at at Lampson Falls trailhead at 10:00 AM, finish by 2:00
P.M. then go visit our friends the Kepes's for a post-outing social. Contact
Cliff or Gloria Daly for meeting time and place, or (613)
May 29 (Sunday) - Streeter Lake A moderate woods hike with a few ups and
downs to this pretty little lake. Approximately 8 miles RT. Bring water, lunch
and bug dope. Level 3 in difficulty. Contact Armond Spencer,,
(315) 379-1383.
June 4 (Saturday) – Racquette River Paddle This 7-8 mile paddle on
the Racquette River will begin below the Raymondville Dam and end at the Massena
Springs Park in Massena. We’ll spot cars from Springs Park. It is down-current
and easy, with one very short area of quick water that is easily navigated
close to the shoreline. Flotation devices are mandatory and must be worn. Any
age or experience level welcome. Contact Carol LaDue,,
(315) 764-5919 or Brian Baston (315) 769-3483.
June 5 (Sunday) – Giant Mt. (via Ridge Trail) A 6-mile RT hike
has many great views on many open faces on the way to as well as on the summit.
3000 feet elevation gain, Level 5, very strenuous. Contact Dana Chudzinski,, (315) 528-3468.
June 11 (Saturday) – Blue Ridge (3500') Bushwack from Stevens Pond
We will head south on the Northville-Lake Placid trail near Lake Durant and
follow it to Stephens Pond. We will then bushwhack up and along the ridge to
arrive at the wooded Blue Ridge Summit. The bushwhack is relatively open, but
come expecting thick going, bringing pants/gloves/eye protection. About 12
miles round trip with 1700’ of ascent. Level 5, Very strenuous. Mike McLean, (315) 262-2564.
June 18 (Saturday) Moved from May 22 – Blue Mt A flat summit at 3700 feet affords great
views from the fire tower of many area lakes and mountains (Algonquin, Colden,
Seward). 4 miles, 1500 feet elevation gain, Level 3, moderately strenuous.
Contact Dana Chudzinski,, (315) 528-3468.
June 25 (Saturday) - Cycling the Great Bend of the Oswegatchie 35-mile loop
tour by bicycle on back roads, starting and ending in Gouverneur. We will follow
the well-known bend in the river. Scenic highlights will include outcrops of
Frontenac Axis rock, the geological connection between the Canadian Shield
and the Adirondacks. Moderate terrain, moderate pace. Joint trip with Black
River Chapter. Contact John Barron,, or (613) 828-2296.
June 25 (Saturday) - Paddle St. Regis River from Santa Clara A lazy paddle
up the river to a lunch site and then proceed as far as the group wants to.
Must have boat and personal flotation device. Contact Geri Ames,,
or call Brian Baston at 315-769-3483.
June 26 (Sunday) - Blue Mountain (Leeds Co., Ontario) Paddle/Hike Located
20 min north of the 1000 Islands Bridge, 650’ high Blue Mountain is the
highest point in Leeds County. We will put in on Charleston Lake and paddle
to Huckleberry Hollow, then hike the trail to the top for lunch. The 7-1/2
mi round trip paddle is generally protected from large waves but can sometimes
be windy. 4 mi. round trip hike through moderate terrain. Elevation gain 400’.
Level 3-4, Moderate to Strenuous. Contact Toni Towle or Peter Blood,
(613) 387-2829.
9 (Saturday) - Climb Dial
and Nippletop - We will attempt to climb both mountains,
depending upon weather, overall being 12 miles round trip. Level
5, Very strenuous, 2500+ feet climb. An early start needed for this
hike - Contact Debbie White, 315-322-4066,
16 (Saturday) - Cascade Mt.- One
of the easier high peaks with excellent views of the high peaks.
Altitude gain just shy of 2,000ft., 5.8mi. RT, Level 4 or 5
strenuous. Contact Brian Baston, 315-769-3483,
17 (Sunday) - Paddle Piercefield Flow -
Explore Piercefield Flow on the Raquette River. About 5 miles
paddling plus picnic and a swim. Level 3, Moderate. Contact Tom
Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219,
23 (Saturday) - Nun-da-gao
Ridge - Join us for a picturesque hike along this ridge to
Weston Mountain and Lost Pond. This is a moderate-to-strenuous hike
along a rocky ridge with many panoramic views and attractions along
the way. 5-6 miles with an elevation gain of 1,403 feet. Level 3-4
(of 5) Moderate to strenuous. Contact Marianne Hebert, 315-265-0756,
30 (Saturday) - Cycling
along the Raquette River -
Starting at Sunday Rock in South Colton, we will cycle the River Road
past the reservoirs. Upon reaching SH 56 at Stark Road, we may
continue a couple of miles to Catamount Lodge. Return will be on SH
56. 25 miles, hilly and moderately strenuous, level 3-4. A Raquette
River Awareness Week event. Contact John Barron, 613-828-2296,
31 (Sunday) - Clear
Pond Wild Forest Walk
- We will start at the
parking area at Clear Pond in Parishville, hiking toward Little Rock
Pond, Long Pond, and even to Lilypad Pond if conditions are good and
the group willing. Total RT is over 7 miles with little elevation
gain. Level 3 (moderate) hike. We will assemble first in Potsdam.
Contact David Trithart, 315-265-8117,
6 (Saturday) - Sandstone Quarry Historical Walking Tour - Join
Prof. Jim Carl on a tour of the former sandstone quarry on the Red
Sandstone Trail and a discussion of the geology that formed the
sandstone as well as the quarrying and use of the sandstone. Meet at
the Red Sandstone Trail Head across from the Hannawa Falls Fire
Station at 10 AM. About a one mile walk. Easy. A Raquette River
Awareness Week event. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at (315) 265-8219 or
13 (Saturday) - MacIntyre Range from ADK Loj - We
will visit all four high peaks in this range this day. We will head
into Indian Pass to Scotts Clearing and head up the trail between the
Marshall/Iroquois col and take the herd path to Marshall. We will
retrace our path back to the col and then bushwhack up to Shepard's
Tooth and Iroquois. From Iroquois to Algonquin and Wright, thence
back to the car. A long day with lots of ups and a few downs. Around
13 miles with 5,000 feet of elevation and a half-mile or so of thick
bushwhacking. Level 5, very strenuous. Contact Mike McLean,
14 (Sunday) - Vanderwhacker Mt. - This
3385 ft. summit provides perhaps the finest panorama of the High
Peaks from the south. Though closed on three sides, its fire tower
will afford views all around. The hike is 5.4 mi. RT with 1650 ft.
elevation gain-Level 3 (of 5)-moderate to strenuous. Contact Dana
Chudzinski, 315-528-3468,
21 (Sunday) - One-Way Day Hike on the Cranberry Lake 50 Trail -
Rick Kovacs of Packbasket Adventures will boat us across Cranberry
Lake to Chair Rock Flow, from whence we walk 15.7 miles out to the
Burntbridge Pond/Brandy Brook trailhead on State Route 3. Cost of
boat is $75 split 5 ways (max. of 5 persons due to shallow nature of
Chair Rock Flow). Boat departs 7:30 AM from State Boat Launch Site in
Cranberry Lake. Moderate to strenuous level 4 (out of 5). Contact
Gene or Carolyn Kaczka, 315-265-4806,
24 (Wednesday) - Paddle Picnic Little River to the Grasse
- We will convene about 4PM and paddle down the Little River to the
Grasse, up the Grasse a bit, then back down for a picnic. Level 1 (of
5). Contact Ann & Armond Spencer 315-379-1383,
27 (Saturday) – Mountain Bike on the Dean Road - We
will start on the Dean Road and cycle on logging roads to Pleasant
Lake, with stretches along the Middle Branch of the Grasse River. 20
miles RT. Mountain bikes and helmets required. Level 4 (of 5),
strenuous. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219,
3 (Saturday) - Brewster Peninsula Nature Trails - (New
Hiker's Series and Kids on the Trail) About 2 miles of trails on this
peninsula in Lake Placid. Easy Level 1. Kids and families welcome!
Blair Madore, 315-265-0602,
10 (Saturday) - Azure
Mountain Bushwhack and Rock Work - We
will bushwhack up the northern side of the mountain through
relatively open woods to arrive at the summit and then spend an hour
or so doing rock work in the eroded areas on the mountain. Bring
nylon pants for the bushwhack and a canvas bag for the rocks. Around
2 miles RT with 900' in elevation gain, a moderate hike, Level 3 (out
of 5). Contact Mike McLean, 315-262-2564,
10 (Saturday) - Canoe Massawepie Lake - We
will explore the shoreline and coves of this beautiful Adirondack
lake. Level 2 (easy to moderate). Contact Ann & Armond Spencer
11 (Sunday) - Tri-County Corner Hike - St. Lawrence, Herkimer,
and Hamilton Counties meet at one marked point S of Cat Mt. and W of
Lows Lake. The final half-mile of this hike will be a bushwhack to
search for the marker. We’ll start from Wanakena along Dead
Creek Flow, pass near Cat Mt., and head for Cowhorn Junction. From
there, a re-opened trail heads south towards the Lows-Oswegatchie
canoe carry at Big Deer Pond. There’s no marked approach to the
boundary marker, so the bushwhack will be a little adventure! 1,000’
elevation gain and 17 miles RT, Level 5-very strenuous. Contact Mark
Lowell, 315- 386-3945,
17 (Saturday) Cancelled – Peavine
Swamp Trail Hike - This 5-mile trail on the west side of
Cranberry Lake (in lovely mixed forest, not swamp) is a segment of
the "Cranberry 50" loop. Elevation change is modest.
Several loops off of it provide numerous options for hikes; we'll
decide on our itinerary at the trailhead. Difficulty Level 2 (of 5),
easy to moderate. Contact Neal Burdick, 315-386-4648 evenings,
24 (Saturday) - Fall Hike at September Farm (S. Colton) - Visit
what was once a farm in the Adirondack foothills; hike about 2 miles,
elevation gain of 300’ through an 80 year-old forest now
covering what was once farm fields. Learn about woods lore, enjoy
towering pines, Wolf Brook and beaver ponds, plus a wildlife
surprise! After the hike enjoy chili, drinks, pie and conversation;
tour the 19th-century barn and house. Easy hike, level 1
of 5. Contact Bill or Pat Mueller, 315-262-1952,
25 (Sunday) - Gothics Range
- The summit (elev.
4715 ft.) is top of most lists for having the best view in the high
peaks. This challenging climb provides many great views. We will be
taking the lake road until we hit the trail just past the reservoir.
10 miles RT, assent 4000 ft. Level 5 (of 5), very strenuous. Contact
Dana Chudzinski, 315-528-3468,
October 1 (Saturday) - ADK Fall Trails Day -
We will help restore trails and backcountry infrastructure in the Adirondack High Peaks damaged by hurricane Irene. Laurentian chapter contact is Tom Ortmeyer,
October 2 (Sunday) - Stephenson Range Traverse -
We will set up a car shuttle to hike one way over this range northeast of Lake Placid. Our route will begin near the gatehouse of the Whiteface Auto Road and follow
the ridge line past Cooper Kiln Pond. 6 miles, 900 feet of gain, 1,500 feet of descent. Destination may change, depending on the state of the trail following Hurricane
Irene. Moderate: more downhill than up. Level 3. Contact John Barron at or 613-828-2296.
October 8 (Saturday) - Bicycle along the St. Lawrence -
We’ll bicycle upstream from the St. Lawrence State Park Golf Course to Jacques Cartier Park and return, with a possible extension to one of the scenic overlooks
if the group desires. 20-25 miles RT. Helmets required. If the headwinds are stiff, we’ll pick a quieter ride in the area. Level 3, moderately strenuous. Contact
Tom Ortmeyer, 315-265-8219,
October 9 (Sunday) - Dix Mt. - (subject to re-opening of the trail) -
A challenging climb from Rt. 73 is rewarded by a 360-degree view from this 4800+ -foot peak. 13.6 Miles RT, 3200 feet elevation gain. Level 5, very strenuous. Contact
Dana Chudzinski at 315-528-3468 or
October 15 (Saturday) - Red Sandstone Trail Workday -
A few hours in the afternoon to do some vegetation cutting along the Sugar Island Trail, plus a few chores here and there. Work exists for all abilities. Contact John
and Susan Omohundro,, 315-265-8365.
October 16 (Sunday) - Develop New Access Trail above Moody Falls -
In conjunction with the DEC our chapter is developing a new site to access the Raquette River just above Moody Falls. Help is needed to clear brush and provide general
trail maintenance. Plan to work for a few hours in the afternoon. Call Blair Madore at 315-265-0602,
October 21, 22, 23 (Fri-Sun) - Stone Valley Trail Work Weekend
Volunteers who would like to work for the day will meet at 8:00 AM at 224 Lenny Road, which is one mile south of where County Route 24 crosses Lenny Road at Browns
Bridge. Volunteers should bring work gloves and have sturdy boots. Contact Mark Simon, 315-262-2571.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are willing and able to work on large projects such as bridges and stairs, contact Mark before October 15th.
October 22 (Saturday) - Wakely Mt. Cancelled -
This is one of 28 peaks listed on the “Fire Tower Challenge” website. Wakely fire tower is considered to be the highest in the Adirondacks. Approximately
6 miles RT. Elevation gain of 1,625 feet. Level 4: Fairly strenuous. The summit is wooded, but there are 360-degree views from the tower.
Contact: Marianne Hebert (315) 265-0765,
October 23 (Sunday) - Five Ponds Wilderness via Leary Trail -
This trail used to be the shortest route to the Five Ponds and High Falls. Abandoned after the 1995 wind storm, it remains closed, but the leader has explored it and
can follow it. After coming out on the truck trail, we can decide whether to press deeper into the area to the scenic lean-to at Big Shallow Pond. About 1,100’
climbing and 14 miles RT to Big Shallow over mostly gentle terrain. Level 5, very strenuous. Contact Mark Lowell,
or 315-386-3945.
October 29 (Saturday) - Rock Dunder -
This short, easy hike ascends 500 feet to an overlook of Ontario’s Rideau Canal waterway. All welcome - especially suitable for young people and new hikers. We
will continue on by car to view a historic Rideau Canal lock. 5 miles, level 2. Contact John Barron at
or 613-828-2296.
November 6 (Sunday) - Annual Meeting and Fall Pot Luck -
Heidi Kretser of the Wildlife Conservation Society will present “On the Scent of Moose in the Adirondacks”. First Presbyterian Church on the Park, 17 Park
St., Canton. Arrive at 5 PM for supper to start at 5:30 PM. Bring a dish to share and your own tableware. Contact John Barron at or 613-828-2296.
November 13 (Sunday) - Long Pond Loop Walk -
Located near Paul Smith’s, Black Pond and Long Pond with their three leantos make a scenic 4-mile loop on mostly level ground. We’ll start mid-morning and
lunch at one of the leantos. Level 2. Contact John and Susan Omohundro,, 315-265-8365.
November 20 (Sunday) - Lyon Mt. -
The newly-constructed 7-mile RT trail climbs 1900 feet with rewarding views from the fire tower-topped summit. Level 4, moderately strenuous. Contact Dana Chudzinski at
315-528-3468 or
December 10 (Saturday) - Hike/Snowshoe/Ski at Higley Flow State Park -
We’ll do about 2-3 miles on the camp trails and follow up with a cookout at the Warm Brook lean to. Hot chocolate, hot dogs and marshmallows provided. Kids, dogs
(leashed) and grandparents are encouraged to join us for a fun romp. Contact Blair Madore at 315-265-0602 or
December 18 (Sunday) Rescheduled to Sunday, Feb 12, 2012 - Winter Snowshoe Trek at Indian Creek Nature Center near Canton. -
An easy afternoon snowshoe ramble. We’ll check for tracks and birds, and then have ’Smores by the fire. Remember to bring extra mittens for the kids.
We have Íloaner” snowshoes. Jointly with Indian Creek Nature Center. Contact Ann Spencer 315-379-1383.