Events Archive


Events, 2017

Sun, Jan 1: New Year's Day Potluck and Outing At the Spencer’s in Canton, 545 Pink Schoolhouse Road (off the Canton Russell road about 4 miles South of Canton). Some Options:  If we’re lucky and have snow, there is skiing at the Best Western Golf course, or the Kip trail.  Also snowshoeing or hiking or skiing (a little tougher than golf course skiing) on the Spencer’s property trails. Plan to eat about 2:30. Contact Ann Spencer (315) 379-1383.

Wed, Jan 11: Deer Pond Loop Ski This 7.3 mile loop provides 4 miles of flat land with 3 miles of hills. We’ll see Deer Pond, Mosquito Pond, and some Norway spruce that Bernhard Fernow, the nation’s first professional forester, planted in 1900. Intermediate skiing ability needed for the hills. If conditions require us to snowshoe, anticipate a 4.5 hour walk. A shared trip between Laurentian and North Woods chapters. Members only. John Omohundro. 315-244-9131.

Sat, Jan 14 - Mon, Jan 16: Winter Teen Adventure This three-day, two-night winter adventure is for teens ages 14 to 17. Participants will experience staying in a heated yurt while hiking high peaks and learning the skills to become a proficient winter hiker. Cost: $199 (members receive 10% discount); includes instruction, transportation during the course, all meals, and use of group equipment. Contact 518-523-3441 or

Sun, Jan 15: Intro to Snow Shoeing ADK will be partnering with Potsdam Recreation to teach the basics of snowshoeing! Potsdam Recreation has purchased snowshoes for adults and children. We will learn how to put them on, get comfortable using them behind the Pine Street Arena, and then venture off to the trails behind Clarkson to try them out. Adults and children welcome. 0-1 mile. Easy. Level 1. Please call before coming so we can make sure there are snowshoes for you! Rose Rivezzi (315) 265-8117.

Mon, Jan 16: Red Sandstone Trail (Martin Luther King Day) (joint outing with the Black River and the Northville Lake Placid Chapters) – Felicia Neahr and Marie Steinbeck: There will be two groups for this hike. Felicia will begin at the south entrance with her group, for a 7 mile RT hike of the Red Sandstone Trail, meeting Marie’s group at the northern entrance. Marie’s group will begin later in the day and start at the northern entrance for a 3 mile RT hike. This trail follows the Raquette River between Hannawa Falls and Potsdam. The entire hike is a level 3, moderate, while the shorter section is a level 1-2. Contact Felicia Neahr (518) 321-4956 or

Sat, Jan 21: Saranac Six - St. Regis Mountain This hike is approximately 6.6 miles RT with rewarding views and a recently restored fire tower at the summit. 1266’ elevation gain. Level 3-4. Contact Felicia Neahr (518) 321-4956 or

Sun, Jan 22: Three weeks living in an Albatross colony on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (Outdoors-Indoors). Danielle Jerry will share pictures, videos and stories of her other-worldly experience as a volunteer counting Laysan and Black-footed albatross nests. 7:00 pm, Potsdam Civic Center Community Room. More details

Fri, Jan 27 - Sun, Jan 29: ADK Tug Hill Winter Outing Mad River Club, Lacona, NY: Details:

Fri, Jan 27 - Sun, Feb 2: Young Member Winter Adventure Spend two nights in a heated yurt and explore the High Peaks Region with other young adults ages 21-40. Cost: $125 (members receive 10% discount); includes instruction, transportation to trailhead during the course if necessary, all meals, and use of group equipment. Contact: 518-523-3441 or

Sat, Jan 28: Heaven Hill Farm (Lake Placid) Beginning cross country ski (or snow shoe depending on conditions). We will select from 1-4 miles of loop trails, depending on the will of the group. Mostly flat. Level 1-2. Kids welcome. Contact Marianne Hebert (315) 265-0756 or

Sun, Jan 29: Intro to Snow Shoeing ADK will be partnering with Potsdam Recreation to teach the basics of snowshoeing! Potsdam Recreation has purchased snowshoes for adults and children. We will learn how to put them on, get comfortable using them behind the Pine Street Arena, and then venture off to the trails behind Clarkson to try them out. Adults and children welcome. 0-1 mile. Easy. Level 1. Please call before coming so we can make sure there are snowshoes for you! Rose Rivezzi (315) 265-8117.

Sat, Feb 4: Snowshoe Trip to Lilypad and Long Ponds We’ll snowshoe on the Goldmine Road south of Parishville, then take the trail to scenic Lilypad Pond and on to Long Pond for lunch. 5 miles round-trip, elevation gain 200 feet. Level 3. Moderate. Contact Tom Ortmeyer at 315-265-8219 or

Sat, Feb 11: Coney Mountain Snowshoe (Tupper Triad) Coney is a lovely mountain south of Tupper Lake with an open rocky summit and great views of the lake. Coney is a good beginner’s mountain if you are new to snowshoeing. Level 2, fairly easy (2.2 mile RT, 523 ft elevation gain). Contact Blair Madore (315) 261-0751 or

Sun, Feb 12: Intro to Snow Shoeing ADK will be partnering with Potsdam Recreation to teach the basics of snowshoeing! Potsdam Recreation has purchased snowshoes for adults and children. We will learn how to put them on, get comfortable using them behind the Pine Street Arena, and then venture off to the trails behind Clarkson to try them out. Adults and children welcome. 0-1 mile. Easy. Level 1. Please call before coming so we can make sure there are snowshoes for you! Rose Rivezzi (315) 265-8117.

Sat, Feb 18: Revised - moved to Higley Flow Skiing to Janack's Landing The destination has been changed to Higley Flow State Park. This allows easy customization to participants of varying levels of experience and is more adaptable to the expected warm conditions and possible light showers in the afternoon. Scenic trackset trails on the parkways and possibly some of the easier backcountry trails, to be determined. Length adjustable. Warming shelter for lunch. Level 2. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296 or

Sun, Feb 19: Rescheduled to Feb 26 Cloud Forest Birding in Montane Ecuador (Outdoors-Indoors). Ecuador, a country only twice the size of New York, has more than 1600 identified species of birds including over 130 species of hummingbird. Tom Wheeler will present pictures and experiences from birding Ecuador’s cloud forests, as well as scenes from Quito’s historic center. More details

Sat, Feb 25: Saranac Six - Scarface This hike is 6.8 miles RT with a 1480’ ascent. Level 4. While there isn’t a summit view, this trail wanders through the forest and past several brooks, making it a beautiful winter hike. Contact Felicia Neahr (518) 321-4956 or

Sun, Feb 26: Rescheduled from Feb 19 Cloud Forest Birding in Montane Ecuador (Outdoors-Indoors). Ecuador, a country only twice the size of New York, has more than 1600 identified species of birds including over 130 species of hummingbird. Tom Wheeler will present pictures and experiences from birding Ecuador’s cloud forests, as well as scenes from Quito’s historic center. More details

Sun, Mar 5: Saranac Six - Baker Mountain Baker Mountain is the shortest climb of the Saranac 6ers. This trip is approximately 1.8 miles RT with 884’ ascent. Level 3. Contact Felicia Neahr (518) 321-4956 or

Sat, Mar 11: Snowshoeing to Trombley Landing 3.5 miles RT to a lean-to beside the Raquette River near Tupper Lake. Small hills but little change in elevation. Beginners and children welcome. Level 2. Contact John Barron, (613) 828-2296 or

Sun, Mar 12: Conservation in Protected Areas: From Central Africa to the North Country (Outdoors-Indoors). Jessica Rogers has extensively studied the protected forest areas of Central Africa. Join us for a discussion of the state of protected areas in Central Africa and around the world, and what we can do in our own backyard. More details

Sat, Mar 18: Southville State Forest Ski, snow shoe or hike depending on conditions. We will explore the River Hill trail loop and enjoy the views of the St. Regis River. Beginners and children welcome. 2.5 miles RT, one short hill ~100 ft elevation gain. Level 1-2. Contact Marianne Hebert (315) 265-0756 or

Sat, Mar 25: Snowshoe at the Indian Creek Nature Center We will plan to hike the Upland trail which leads through a very interesting and sometimes dense woodland. 3 miles RT. Easy. Level 1. Contact Tom Wheeler at 315-386-2482.

Sun, Apr 2: Road walk on the Dean Road We will celebrate the first Sunday in April with a walk on the unpaved Dean Road along the Middle Branch of the Grasse River. Distance will be around 6 miles. Level 3. Moderate. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, 315-244-3707 or

Sun, Apr 9: date corrected Annual Spring Waterfall Walk on Tooley Pond Road Bring your dogs, your parents and your kids to this annual extravaganza. Don’t forget your camera and remember that snow may still be possible in these woods. Expect to walk about 4 miles in total split among several short hikes to waterfalls on the South Branch of the Grasse River. Level 2. Contact Blair Madore 315-261-0751 or

Sat, Apr 22: Earth Day Hike Celebrate the biosphere on Earth Day by climbing little Pinnacle Mountain, near Santa Clara. 4.5 miles RT, much of it on a woods road, with total 450 feet elevation gain. Nice views on ledges at the summit. Bring a text or image about the earth, conservation, nature, etc. to share during lunch. North Woods and Laurentian chapter members only. Level 2. John and Susan Omohundro, 315-244-9131.

Sun, Apr 23: Spring Potluck Community Room, First Presbyterian Church, Potsdam. Arrive between 5 and 5:30 PM, supper at 5:45 PM. Bring a dish to share and your own tableware. Supper will be followed by a presentation on “Hiking in the Canadian Rockies” by Art Boni. Contact Tom Wheeler at 315-386-2482 or

Sat, Apr 29: Annual Everton Falls Clean-Up Meet at the Everton Falls canoe parking lot on the Red Tavern Road outside St. Regis Falls at 10:00. We’ll pick up roadside trash and clear the two hiking trails, eat lunch on the rocks above the falls, and canoe if weather and river level are favorable. Bring a trash bag, pruning shears, and lunch. Level 1. Contact Duncan Cutter at 315-328-4675 or

Sun, Apr 30: Spring Trail Work on Red Sandstone Trail Dress for the weather and potential bugs. We will walk the trails and do light maintenance including branch trimming and removing blowdown. Anyone wishing to attempt a larger project should contact me well in advance. Contact Blair Madore – 315-261-0751 or

Sat, May 6: The Gulf Unique Area The Gulf is a scenic chasm located on the Canadian border in the town of Mooers, 40 minutes east of Malone. 5 miles RT, almost flat. Level 2. Contact John Barron, 613-828-2296 or

Sun, May 7: Outdoors-Indoors. Clarkson University’s Adirondack Semester students explore the role of Big Data in the Adirondacks They will survey current large scale data collection projects in the Adirondacks and report on their own experiences collecting data of different kinds from ethnographic studies to business data to water quality monitoring. They reflect on the Big Data’s potential for good (e.g. providing facts that influence important policy decisions) and for ill (e.g. surveillance of individuals that is difficult to escape even in a place known for being forever wild). They consider the potential for future Adirondack Semester students to contribute to a long-term data collection project. The Clarkson Adirondack Semester program is in its 4th year. Students live and take classes in Saranac Lake. 7 - 8 p.m. in the Potsdam Civic Center Community Room (handicapped-accessible). Refreshments will be served.

Sat, May 13: Bear Mountain Wildflower Hike This will be a loop beginning in the Cranberry Lake campground. Tree foliage will still be sparse, so the views from the Lookout should be lovely. Approximately 5.5 miles RT. Elevation gain 677 feet. Level 3, Moderate. Contact Marianne Hebert 315-265-0756,

Tue, May 23: Executive Committee Meeting The Laurentian Chapter Executive Committee meets at 7:00 and is open to all chapter members. Contact Tom Wheeler (315-386-2482, for details.

Sat, May 27: Titusville Mountain Hike on a steep trail to a viewpoint near the top; then a bushwhack to the true summit and onward to a terrific viewpoint on a cliff looking east. 2 miles RT on trail, 1.5 mile RT of bushwhacking for a total of 3.5 miles RT. 1000 feet of gain. Level 4. Contact John Barron, 613-828-2296 or

Sat, Jun 10: Dog and Family Hike at Wellesley Island State Park The trails offer a variety of woodland, wetlands and river view walks. Deer, birds and other critters abound. We will explore the trails and visit the Nature Center. Bring lunch and binoculars. 3-6 miles RT depending on the will of the group. Level 2-3. Limited space for dogs, make reservations early. Leashes required (for dogs). Contact: Marianne Hebert,, 315-265-0756 or Michael Minthorn,, 613-354-3032.

Sun, Jun 25: Rescheduled to Sat Jul 8 Bicycle the Madrid-Waddington loop This is a 25 miles scenic road loop going down to the St. Lawrence through Chipman Corners, stops at several parks on the river, and then back to Madrid along the Grasse. Largely flat. Moderate. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, 315-244-3707 or

Sat, Jul 1: canceled Robert Moses State Park, Massena Bike and Hike We will explore the park on our bicycles and a quick pass on foot for the Nature Center trails and new just opened Nature Center building. We will try to see a ship going through Eisenhower Lock and the Hawkins Point Visitor Center. I estimate we will bike ~10 miles around the park and walk 1-2 miles on the Nature Center trails. Relatively flat easy terrain. If there is interest, we could consider going to the beach afterwards and there are fireworks in Massena at the mall that evening. Family friendly event. Contact Jeanna Matthews,

Sun, Jul 2: Oak Rim Trail at Barnes Corners A joint outing with the Black River Chapter. This trail runs along the edge of Inman Gulf, with spectacular views and waterfalls. It is 1.9 miles in one direction. We can return the same way or make a loop with Williams Road. Our group will meet at the Ski Trails Parking Lot on route 177. We will determine the time based on the weather and convenience for the participants. Level 2. Contact Marie Steinbeck  (text) 315-558-8568, or Marianne Hebert 315-265-0756,

Sat, Jul 8: Bicycle the Madrid-Waddington loop This is a 25 miles scenic road loop going down to the St. Lawrence through Chipman Corners, stops at several parks on the river, and then back to Madrid along the Grasse. Largely flat. Moderate. Contact Tom Ortmeyer, 315-244-3707 or

Sun, Jul 16 - Thu, Jul 20: Discovering the Ausable: An Aquatic Stewardship Program This aquatic science program is for teens ages 13-16. Participants will explore the Ausable River watershed, while learning about aquatic ecology and participating in water quality experiments. The groups stay in a lean-to at Heart Lake’s Wilderness Campground while going on field trips everyday in the Ausable River Watershed. Cost: FREE; includes instruction, transportation during the course, all meals, and use of group equipment (tents, stoves, cook sets, etc.). Application required: Registration: 518-523-3441.

Sat, Jul 22: Paddling in Kingston, Ontario Highlights include the city’s Lake Ontario waterfront and harbour, Old Fort Henry, Royal Military College, the Cataraqui River, and the start of the Rideau Canal. Kayak or canoe rentals available. Optional supper at the Kingston Brew Pub afterward. Moderate, and within a small area. Contact John Barron 613-828-2296, or Toni Towle,

Sun, Jul 23: Hike Azure Mountain and Fire Tower History lecture Bring the kids for this classic chapter outing. Azure Mt. is a “Firetower Challenge” and a “Kids on the Trail Challenge” destination. 2.2 miles RT, elevation gain 944 ft. Level 2/3. Afterword, we will head over to Paul Smiths VIC for a lecture by author Marty Podskoch on the history of the Adirondack Fire Towers, and optional visit of the Butterfly House. Contact Marianne Hebert 315-265-0756,

Sat, Aug 19: Mountain Bike to Burntbridge Pond This is a 13.5 mile round trip ride on trails in the Cranberry Lake Wild Forest.  Largely flat. Highlights include a scenic view of Cranberry Lake of Brandy Brook Flow and wetlands along the trail, as well as a lunch stop at Burntbridge Pond.  Moderate. Contact Tom Ortmeyer,

Sun, Aug 20: Canoe down the Grass River We will rendezvous at the Lampson Falls parking area, then carpool up to the put-in and parking area about 3 miles upstream. It is a nice quiet paddle, very little current, with a stop above the Falls and a chance to stretch our legs before paddling back to the cars. About 5 miles round-trip. Contact Duncan Cutter at 315-328-4675,

Sat, Sep 9: Landon Bay Centre This area near Gananoque, Ontario is part of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere, a protected area of special ecology on the link between the Canadian Shield and the Adirondacks. Rugged trails and a high lookout over the Thousand Islands. Pace slow to moderate. 5 miles RT, Level 3. Possible swimming. Optional supper at the Stonewater Brew Pub. Contact John Barron, or Toni Towle,

Sat, Sep 16: Ancient Pines and Jackrabbit walk We’ll start in the settlement of Gabriels and walk to a grove of majestic old pines, about 1.5 miles RT, partly a bushwhack. Each old tree has dogtags and its history is recorded in a database by devoted volunteers and forestry students. Next, we’ll post a car at the VIC and walk the Jackrabbit Trail from Gabriels to the VIC. Rolling terrain amidst big evergreens, about 2.75 miles one-way. Perhaps in a shoreline lean-to we’ll eat a trail lunch. Level 2. Joint trip for Laurentian and North Woods chapter members only. Contact John or Susan Omohundro, 315-244-9131.

Sun, Sep 17: Chapter Barbeque/Potluck 1:00-5:00pm at the home of Blair and Margaret Madore. Burgers and drinks will be provided – participants are asked to bring salad, side dish or dessert. Families are especially encouraged to come see our kid’s fort, feed our bunnies, and play garden games. Members only. Contact Blair Madore,

Sun, Sep 24: Baxter Mountain Hiking with kids. This is a short and mostly gentle hike to a good picnic spot with views of Keene Valley, the Great Range, and Mt. Marcy. Round-trip 2.2 miles, elevation change 770 ft. Level 3. Contact Maria Fernandez de Alaiza,, 786-291-3473 or Marianne Hebert, 315-265-0756,

Sun, Oct 1: Owl's Head of Long Lake This is a fire tower peak, with views accordingly. Pace slow to moderate. 6.5 miles RT, 1200 feet of gain. Level 3 plus. Optional supper at the Adirondack Hotel dining room. Contact John Barron, by Friday September 29.

Fri, Oct 6 - Mon, Oct 9: 40th Annual ADK LI Columbus Day Weekend in the High Peaks Enjoy the Fall foliage with the Long Island Chapter, accommodations at the ADK Loj, hikes at all levels. Registration and costs on pg. 11: Contact Cathy Stare ( to confirm availability and reserve a spot.

Sat, Oct 7: Fall foliage hike to Boreas Ponds Curious about the newly acquired Boreas Ponds Tract area? This will be pleasant walk along the dirt road to the Boreas Ponds, with spectacular views of the high peaks. No major elevation changes though there are a few ups and downs. 7.2 miles RT. Level 3. Contact Marianne Hebert 315-265-0756 or

Sat, Oct 14: ADK Fall Trails Day, High Peaks Region This is the last chance to clean drainages of fallen leaves and other debris before the snow arrives. Ten different trails located in the Adirondack High Peak Region will be focused on. A cold, continental breakfast will be served at the High Peaks Information Center (HPIC) starting at 7:30 am before the crews leave for the day at around 8:45 am. Participants can camp for free in the ADK Wilderness Campground both Friday and Saturday nights. Pre-registration is required if staying in the campground.

Sat, Oct 21 - Sun, Oct 22: Trail Maintenance Weekend Join Mark Simon, coordinator of the Stone Valley Trail, and many students and other supporters in a work blitz to maintain and upgrade trails in our region. Projects range from difficult and technical to easy. Areas that have been featured in the past include Stone Valley Trail System, Red Sandstone Trail, Azure Mountain, and the climbing site at Snow Bowl State Forest. Contact Mark Simon at 315-261-8644 or

Sun, Oct 22: Trail Maintenance on the Red Sandstone Trail Come out for a few hours to help with general trimming and maintenance of this beautiful trail that runs from Hannawa to Potsdam. Anyone wanting to work on a more technical project should contact me well in advance. Call or email to determine start time and location. Blair Madore or 315 261-0751.

Fri, Oct 27: Presentation - Hiking the John Muir Trail Three recent graduates of SUNY Potsdam, and former members and leaders in the Laurentian Chapter’s Educational Affiliate Program, will make a presentation about their recent hike on this challenging and scenic long distance trail in California’s Sierra Nevada. Alaina Dochylo, Melissa Cole, and Hannah Racette are presenting. 3 PM at Raymond Hall, 8th Floor, SUNY Potsdam. For further information, contact Adam Wheeler,

Sat, Oct 28: Hike along the St. Regis in Nicholville Meet at Duncan and Lois Cutter’s house in Nicholville (28 Port Kent Road) at 10:00 to explore the wooded trails on the Cutter estate. Attractions include a natural spring, the scenic remnants of Nicholville’s 1910 power dam, the Northcountry’s largest sand mine, views of the river from Eagle Rock, and a series of beaver dams. 3 miles RT, Level 2, Fairly Easy. Contact Duncan Cutter 315-328-4675 or

Sat, Nov 4: Murphys Point Provincial Park Near Perth Ontario, about 1 hour from the Ogdensburg Bridge. Several short, easy trail segments featuring the historic Silver Queen Mica Mine, old homesteads, and Big Rideau Lake. About 8 miles. Small hills but little elevation gain. Level 2-3. Contact John Barron, 613-828-2296 or

Sat, Nov 11: Hurricane Mountain We’ll hope for a sunny late autumn day to climb Hurricane Mountain and go up the newly climbable fire tower. We will hike from the Rte. 9N trailhead, and the hike is 6.8 miles roundtrip with a 2000 foot elevation gain. You will be rewarded by great views from the summit as well as the tower. Strenuous, Level 5. Contact Tom Ortmeyer,, 315-244-3707.

Sun, Nov 12: Annual Meeting and Fall Pot Luck First Presbyterian Church on the Park, 17 Park St., Canton. Bring a dish to share and your own tableware. Arrive at 5:00 PM for supper to start promptly at 5:30. Photo contest results will be announced. Guest speaker Richard Grover will make a presentation on behalf of the Algonquin to Adirondack Collaborative, featuring planning for the A2A Trail. Contact Tom Wheeler at 315-386-2482 or

Sat, Nov 18: Janack’s Landing This mostly level trail connects Wanakena to a lean-to on the site of John Janack’s cabin. John was the first observer in the Cat Mountain fire tower at the turn of the twentieth century. The lean-to is situated on scenic Dead Creek Flow, a leg of the spidery Cranberry Lake. 6.5 miles RT. Level 3, moderate. Shared with North Woods chapter. ADK members only. TL: John Omohundro, 315-244-9131.

Sat, Dec 9: Snowshoe at the Newcomb VIC at an easy pace over rolling terrain It’s a bit of a drive but a pretty high probability of snow for snowshoeing. Interesting terrain with the possibility of wildlife viewing, especially of some species which are hard to find in lower terrain. Try to leave by 8 and perhaps have an early meal in Long Lake on the way back. Contact Tom Wheeler at 315-386-2482 or

Sat, Dec 16: Annual Early Season Hike/Ski/Snowshoe at Higley Flow State Park Bring your kids, their grandparents, and your leashed dogs to this annual romp. We’ll ski or snowshoe or hike as the conditions permit for about 2-3 miles followed by a cookout at the Warm Brook Lean-To. I’ll supply the hot dogs and hot chocolate. Level,1 Easy. Contact Blair Madore, or 315-261-0751.

Events Archive