Minutes Archive
Attended by: Ron Johnson, Tom Ortmeyer, Eileen VanDuyne, John Wood, Sandy Hildreth, Art Johnson, Terri Burdick and Tom Wheeler
An executive committee meeting was held on February12, 2004 in the meeting room of the Methodist Church in Potsdam. The meeting convened with Tom Wheeler reporting on the main club. He discussed the ATV action alert and the NY Times article regarding ATV trail safety. Tom will receive the Club’s audit report next week. Tom said the club’s year end finances look good. There is a $210,000 surplus for fiscal year 2003 ( $100,000 of which is operational), as compared to a $ 250,000 deficit in 2002. Tom said the club’s strategic planning is progressing. A chapter relations committee, recommended by the planning committee, will be in full swing soon. Tom also mentioned some of the club’s budget decisions. John received a letter regarding these issues and will share it in his treasurer’s report. In addition, Adirondac magazine will be published bi-monthly this year, plans for the Club website are progressing and Tom is slated to give a lecture on Club history at Adirondack Loj this coming weekend.
Ron asked for comment on the January minutes. A motion was made by Art to approve minutes, seconded by Sandy and carried.
I. Conservation Report: Tom Ortmeyer
Adirondack Mountain Club Inc.
Laurentian Chapter Executive Committee Meeting
February 12, 2004
Terri Burdick, Secretary
Laurentian Chapter Executive Committee Meeting
February 12, 2004
Terri Burdick, Secretary
Attended by: Ron Johnson, Tom Ortmeyer, Eileen VanDuyne, John Wood, Sandy Hildreth, Art Johnson, Terri Burdick and Tom Wheeler
An executive committee meeting was held on February12, 2004 in the meeting room of the Methodist Church in Potsdam. The meeting convened with Tom Wheeler reporting on the main club. He discussed the ATV action alert and the NY Times article regarding ATV trail safety. Tom will receive the Club’s audit report next week. Tom said the club’s year end finances look good. There is a $210,000 surplus for fiscal year 2003 ( $100,000 of which is operational), as compared to a $ 250,000 deficit in 2002. Tom said the club’s strategic planning is progressing. A chapter relations committee, recommended by the planning committee, will be in full swing soon. Tom also mentioned some of the club’s budget decisions. John received a letter regarding these issues and will share it in his treasurer’s report. In addition, Adirondac magazine will be published bi-monthly this year, plans for the Club website are progressing and Tom is slated to give a lecture on Club history at Adirondack Loj this coming weekend.
Ron asked for comment on the January minutes. A motion was made by Art to approve minutes, seconded by Sandy and carried.
I. Conservation Report: Tom Ortmeyer
- River advisory boards: Neither the St. Regis or Raquette River committees are active at this time.
- Trail Maintenance: Tom reported there is an Adirondack semester student from St. Lawrence interested in a trail maintenance project. Stone Valley Trail: Tom will pursue a meeting with Reliant Energy this spring. Major issue is the gate for the access road to Painted Rock. There is need for further discussion of mountain bike use of these trails.
- Snowmobile Draft proposal: Tom did not attend the Colton meeting, as advised. He encourages chapter members to write letters regarding this policy. He may attend the 3/2 meeting in Tupper Lake. Tom reported this seems to be a hot button issue with the Club, but is not a local issue; the concern arises with the proposed increase in miles of trails on state land.
- Siamese Pond Unit management plan: Released today, public comment period.
- Northwind: The deadline for the next issue is March 1st for April – June. The Northwind will be printed after the Board of Director’s meeting the first week in March. Sandy reported the sample copy sent to SUNY’s printshop was a success. There was some discussion of the merits of including related groups announcements in the Northwind when space allowed.
- Chapter website: Sandy reported on design changes for the website. Sandy reported being denied access to the website. Northnet is changing its policy and charging not-for-profits $ 9.95 monthly for websites. This was discussed and it was agreed that Sandy would use Tom’s password for now.
- Art reported that the first Outings quarterly planning meeting was a success,
with over _ the spring schedule roughed out. Art also reported that he plans
an article for the next Northwind asking people to share a favorite hike
in hopes that this might bring out more people and more venues.
- The checking account balance is $ 1654.04 and the savings account balance is $4,524.10.
- John shared a letter regarding financials from the main club. There will be no insurance charge to individual chapters this year. The Board of Director’s approved a resolution to defer payment of _ of membership dues to the chapters for 6 months, and the percentage will be reduced to 31% from last year’s 32%.
- Alison Charles has received the chapter’s 2003 financial report for auditing.
- Camp Colby: Has received 1 application, 2 others in process. In addition, Joan Kepes has requested the chapter sponsor her grandson, she will pay for camp (sponsored applicants can apply earlier than un-sponsored). Eileen will send accepted applications to John, who will forward them to DEC with payment.
- Teen Volunteer Trailwork Project: This years project is scheduled for 7/11 -7/16 on Blue Mountain. Cost is $ 250 per teen. Information packets will be available soon, last year’s teen has expressed an interest, in addition to a 15 year old. Eileen will provide an article for the upcoming Northwind.
- Spring Potluck: Lee Harper will be the speaker. Scheduled for April 25th, 5:00pm in the Presbyterian Center in Potsdam. Ron reported Ann Spencer, as hospitality coordinator, is looking into strategies to address food issues at potlucks. Previous potlucks have not had enough food, or too many desserts, etc.
- Outdoor/Indoor Programs: Eileen reported the last program has 14 attendees. It was agreed to pay $ 35 mileage to the speaker. These expenses will be left to Eileen’s discretion. The last program is scheduled for March 7th.
- 2004 Budget: The proposed 2004 budget was discussed. There are increases in the budget lines for Outings (to cover food cost for quarterly planning meetings) and newsletter (to cover the option of another page when material warrants). Ron stated John Omuhundro hopes to see money for the Red Sandstone trial from the re-licensing settlement. There was discussion of the chapter’s donation to the main club last year and it was agreed that this would not be a budget line item and would be considered at the end of the fiscal year. A motion was made by Eileen for approval of the 2004 budget, 2nd by Art and carried. An electronic copy of the chapter’s 2003 budget will be provided to Sandy for publication in the Northwind as required by the bylaws.
- Members at Large: Ron inquired about the procedure to obtain a listing of the chapter’s “members at large” (the Laurentian chapter’s largest membership category). Ron will procure a list and the executive committee will then discuss ways to engage these members.
- Stone Valley Trial article: Ron discussed the article and lack of mention of the Laurentian chapter in the article. This article was shared with the executive committee by email earlier this week and mailed to the local papers by Dave Brouwer. This article was also submitted to Adirondac for consideration for publication.
- Higley Trails: Ron asked John if there was anything the chapter could do to support the Higley trail program, as the Chapter schedules outings there but has provided no financial support. John said current needs were being met and the wish list is costly. John explained the Friends volunteer group that supports the trial system.
- Chapter Sales Coordinator: Ron reported Betsy Tisdale has agreed to be Chapter sales coordinator and will join the executive committee meeting in March to share ideas. The budget for 2004 may be altered to include a line item for chapter sales after the March meeting.
- Electronic chapter communication: Discussed - it was agreed this could be beneficial. Tom had previously developed an email list; he will ask for updates in the upcoming Northwind and provide Ron with this list.