Minutes Archive
Attended by: Ron Johnson, Tom Ortmeyer, Eileen VanDuyne, Sandy Hildreth, Betsy Tisdale, Betty Peckham, Dick Mooers and Terri Burdick. Member-at-large Mark Darrow joined us for part of the meeting.
An executive committee meeting was held on July 8th at Betsy’s home in Potsdam. Ron distributed the agenda and John Wood’s treasurer report and John Omohundro’s Red Sandstone trail report. Ron spoke about his concern regarding procedure in prior meetings and asked that committee members let the person presenting complete their report prior to offering comments.
I neglected to bring the minutes for the March 11th meeting and Ron tabled a vote on the approval of March and May’s chapter minutes until the September meeting.
I. Director’s Report: Sandy Hildreth
Sandy reported that Eileen, Tom Wheeler, Tom Ortmeyer and she had met with the Clifton Fine development group to discuss the possibility of scheduling the Fall 2006 outing in this area, which is gateway to the Five Ponds Wilderness area. There was discussion regarding a non-member being in charge of the fall outing and possible solutions – including asking one person in their organization to join the club. Sandy will get a listing of responsibilities for the Fall Outings chair to Dick. Sandy will try to have their proposal available for discussion at the September meeting.
Sandy reported that Jo Benton will stay on until July to assist with the club transitioning to a new Executive Director.
II. Conservation Report: Tom Ortmeyer
River advisory boards: Tom reported that bylaws were passed at the 2nd meeting of the Raquette River advisory board and the membership was closed. They will administer an annual fund of $5,000. The St. Regis fund is a one-time amount of $ 5,000 with a smaller annual grant. Ron asked Tom to notify members of meeting times and to find out if they could be put on the website.
Stone Valley Report: Tom reported that John O., Mark and he felt they had made progress in their meeting with Reliant. While ROTC still has clearance to train there they did not do so this spring to avoid the negative publicity. They agreed to a gate at Painted Rock. There was discussion about the work day and Stone Valley and lack of chapter member participation. It was agreed Ron would discuss this with Mark and report back to the committee.
III. Outings: Art Johnson
No report
IV. Treasurer’s Report: John Wood
John submitted a written report, as he was unable to attend (copy attached). The checking account balance is $ 857.45 and the savings account balance is $ 4,547.79.
V. Education Report: Eileen VanDuyne
Camp Colby: Reminders sent to campers.
Teen Volunteer Trailwork Project: Starts Sunday, she has spoken to both teens and they are ready to go.
November Potluck: Peggy Lynn and Sandra Weber’s “Breaking Trails” program is the evening’s entertainment. The Presbyterian church in Potsdam is reserved and their fee has been paid. Eileen and Betsy will work on a gift and mileage for them. Betsy will order copies of their book for sale that evening.
Outdoor/Indoor Programs: Betsy offered to do her slide presentation on Martha Reben. There was discussion on having Ross Whaley for the April program.
VI. Sales: Betsy Tisdale
Betsy reported the sales table was a success at the potluck. She will reorder High Peaks and Central guides for the November potluck (Sandy will pick up and deliver).
VII. Action Items: Ron Johnson
Ron proposed making a donation to the Natural History Museum in Tupper Lake. There was discussion regarding the amount and prior donations made by the chapter. Betsy made the motion to give a one time donation of $250, seconded by Sandy and carried unanimously.
Ron discussed the club/chapter partnership fundraising appeal. There was discussion regarding the dollar amount and timing of the donation. Sandy made the motion to donate $1000 to the club with a designation to the trails program, seconded by Eileen and carried.
Packbasket workshop – Ron discussed Bud Ziolkowski basket workshop. February 5th has been booked with the workshop open to chapter members first and then the public if it doesn’t fill.
Chapter basket for Club fundraiser: There was discussion on the chapter donating a basket for the Club fundraiser, scheduled for November 11, 2004 at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs. Suggestions were made for possible items to be included. It was agreed Betsy would work on this and report back to the committee in September.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Thursday, September 9, at 7:00pm in the Methodist church, Potsdam.
Adirondack Mountain Club Inc.
Laurentian Chapter Executive Committee Meeting
July 8, 2004
Terri Burdick, Secretary
Laurentian Chapter Executive Committee Meeting
July 8, 2004
Terri Burdick, Secretary
Attended by: Ron Johnson, Tom Ortmeyer, Eileen VanDuyne, Sandy Hildreth, Betsy Tisdale, Betty Peckham, Dick Mooers and Terri Burdick. Member-at-large Mark Darrow joined us for part of the meeting.
An executive committee meeting was held on July 8th at Betsy’s home in Potsdam. Ron distributed the agenda and John Wood’s treasurer report and John Omohundro’s Red Sandstone trail report. Ron spoke about his concern regarding procedure in prior meetings and asked that committee members let the person presenting complete their report prior to offering comments.
I neglected to bring the minutes for the March 11th meeting and Ron tabled a vote on the approval of March and May’s chapter minutes until the September meeting.
I. Director’s Report: Sandy Hildreth
Sandy reported that Eileen, Tom Wheeler, Tom Ortmeyer and she had met with the Clifton Fine development group to discuss the possibility of scheduling the Fall 2006 outing in this area, which is gateway to the Five Ponds Wilderness area. There was discussion regarding a non-member being in charge of the fall outing and possible solutions – including asking one person in their organization to join the club. Sandy will get a listing of responsibilities for the Fall Outings chair to Dick. Sandy will try to have their proposal available for discussion at the September meeting.
Sandy reported that Jo Benton will stay on until July to assist with the club transitioning to a new Executive Director.
II. Conservation Report: Tom Ortmeyer
River advisory boards: Tom reported that bylaws were passed at the 2nd meeting of the Raquette River advisory board and the membership was closed. They will administer an annual fund of $5,000. The St. Regis fund is a one-time amount of $ 5,000 with a smaller annual grant. Ron asked Tom to notify members of meeting times and to find out if they could be put on the website.
Stone Valley Report: Tom reported that John O., Mark and he felt they had made progress in their meeting with Reliant. While ROTC still has clearance to train there they did not do so this spring to avoid the negative publicity. They agreed to a gate at Painted Rock. There was discussion about the work day and Stone Valley and lack of chapter member participation. It was agreed Ron would discuss this with Mark and report back to the committee.
III. Outings: Art Johnson
No report
IV. Treasurer’s Report: John Wood
John submitted a written report, as he was unable to attend (copy attached). The checking account balance is $ 857.45 and the savings account balance is $ 4,547.79.
V. Education Report: Eileen VanDuyne
Camp Colby: Reminders sent to campers.
Teen Volunteer Trailwork Project: Starts Sunday, she has spoken to both teens and they are ready to go.
November Potluck: Peggy Lynn and Sandra Weber’s “Breaking Trails” program is the evening’s entertainment. The Presbyterian church in Potsdam is reserved and their fee has been paid. Eileen and Betsy will work on a gift and mileage for them. Betsy will order copies of their book for sale that evening.
Outdoor/Indoor Programs: Betsy offered to do her slide presentation on Martha Reben. There was discussion on having Ross Whaley for the April program.
VI. Sales: Betsy Tisdale
Betsy reported the sales table was a success at the potluck. She will reorder High Peaks and Central guides for the November potluck (Sandy will pick up and deliver).
VII. Action Items: Ron Johnson
Ron proposed making a donation to the Natural History Museum in Tupper Lake. There was discussion regarding the amount and prior donations made by the chapter. Betsy made the motion to give a one time donation of $250, seconded by Sandy and carried unanimously.
Ron discussed the club/chapter partnership fundraising appeal. There was discussion regarding the dollar amount and timing of the donation. Sandy made the motion to donate $1000 to the club with a designation to the trails program, seconded by Eileen and carried.
Packbasket workshop – Ron discussed Bud Ziolkowski basket workshop. February 5th has been booked with the workshop open to chapter members first and then the public if it doesn’t fill.
Chapter basket for Club fundraiser: There was discussion on the chapter donating a basket for the Club fundraiser, scheduled for November 11, 2004 at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs. Suggestions were made for possible items to be included. It was agreed Betsy would work on this and report back to the committee in September.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Thursday, September 9, at 7:00pm in the Methodist church, Potsdam.