Minutes Archive


Adirondack Mountain Club       
Laurentian Chapter - Executive Committee
February 10, 2005
Methodist Church, Potsdam, NY
Vasily Cateforis, Secretary

Members Present:  Ron Johnson, Gene Kaczka, Armond Spencer, Eileen Wheeler

Others attending:  Kathie Batson, John Omohundro, Tom Ortmeyer, Betty Peckham, Mark Simon

Before the meeting was formally called to order, there was a discussion about the Red Sandstone Trail and the Stone Valley Trail.  John reported that:  $5000 has been requested from RRAC for trail improvement and promotion; Vandalism on the Red Sandstone trail has been minor; A damaged sign has been replaced gratis by Northeastern Sign; All Brascan construction projects on the Red Sandstone Trail have been completed; The Chapter will be making a Thank You presentation to engineer Paul Austin for his conscientious work in completing these projects. Mark reported that he has been successful in recruiting Trail Adopters for the Stone Valley trail. There was discussion of ATV and mountain bike use in the Stone Valley Recreation Area.  A suggestion of finding areas of cooperation with ATV riders was viewed with some hope and skepticism. 

At this point the meeting was called to order.

Minutes of the Committee meetings of November11, and January 13, as well as the minutes of the November 7 Annual Meeting, were approved with minor corrections.

A motion By Gene to instruct John to send a letter to Ed Donnelly regarding the Red Sandstone Trail passed.  (A draft of the letter is attached)


Chair:     Tom Ortmeyer will assume the position of Newsletter Editor. This announcement was very happily received.

Duncan and Lois Cutter will become Hospitality Co-Chairs.  This announcement was also warmly welcomed.

A budget for 2005 was presented and after some changes approved.  (A copy of the amended budget is attached)

Committee members agreed to consider presenting any lengthy reports in writing.  The secretary would also appreciate any notes the Vice-Chairs have that would help in the preparation of the minutes.

Ron, Kathie, Betty, Gene and Armond agreed to answer the phones for the NPR fund drive 9-12 March 10, if the time slot is still open. 

Outings:  A motion by Armond to purchase 2 first aid kits and make them available to trip leaders was approved.  John Wood will handle the preparation of the kits and Armond will try to see that trip leaders have them and know how to use the materials.

Conservation: The meeting for the Debar Mountain Wild Forest UMP will be held at the Duane Fire House, March 4 at 7 P.M. There will be a hike sponsored by the Azure Mountain Friends March 19.  There will be a training session for Volunteers for   Summit Volunteers on April 30.

Education: The Spring Potluck will be April 10.  We hope to hold it at the Presbyterian Church in Canton.

An essay contest was held to help select campers for Camp Colby.  Of the three essays received two were from persons who had gone last year.  The decision was made to sponsor one camper.  A second camper will be sponsored without financial help from the chapter.  We also expect to sponsor one camper for the Camp Overlook Adirondack adventure.

Other Business:   Tom Ortmeyer confirmed his decision to become Newsletter Editor.  He announced that he will stick to the schedule that Sandy had established.  The deadline for the next issue is March1.

Adjournment   The meeting was adjourned at 9:20.  The next meeting will be Thursday April 14 at the Methodist Church in Potsdam. 

                                                                       Armond Spencer
                                                                       Secretary, Pro Tem

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