Minutes Archive
Committee Members Present: Vasily Cateforis, Ron Johnson, Gene Kaczka, Armond
Spencer, Betsy Tisdale, Eileen Wheeler
Adirondack Mountain Club
Laurentian Chapter -
Executive Committee
July 14, 2005
Methodist Church, Potsdam, NY
Vasily Cateforis,
Other Members Present: John Barron, Kathie Batson, David Katz, Dick Mooers, Tom Ortmeyer, Betty Peckham
- The Meeting came to order at about 7:04 pm. The Chair distributed the agenda; there were no additional items.
- The minutes of the Exec. Committee meeting of 4/14/2005 were approved with one correction: in item 3.1 the number of boxes should be 3 (for three Stone Valley trailheads). The minutes of the Exec. Committee meeting of 5/01/2005 were approved as earlier distributed.
- Publicity Chair and Webmaster appointments: The Committee unanimously approved the appointments of John Barron as publicity chair and of David Katz as webmaster (or as the Laurentian Chapter web site maintenance person).
- Director’s Report (Sandy Hildreth): Sandy’s report, distributed electronically earlier, is an appendix to these minutes.
- Chapter
5.1) David Katz discussed with the Committee options for design, domain
name and host of the Chapter’s web site.
5.2) The Committee unanimously approved the domain name for the site to be “ADK_Laurentian.org” and to be hosted by Infinology.
5.3) Much discussion centered around the suggestion that archiving of
important Chapter material- such as reports, for example- be introduced in
the web site design.
5.4) The web master should be included on the sidebar of the North Wind
(APPOINTED POSITIONS) - Bylaws (Armond Spencer for Ann Spencer): After much “free shooting” at the various suggestions, earlier distributed, about revisions to the Chapter’s bylaws, the members present settled on an article by article discussion of the proposed revisions (including collecting suggestions about revisions not yet considered). As it became apparent that the time was not sufficient to finish this discussion at this meeting it was agreed that comments on the proposed revisions (and anything germaine to the subject) be made to A. Spencer (aspencer@northnet.org) by August 1. The possibility that the agreed upon revisions could be collected onto a single sheet to be included – as an insert- in the next issue of the North Wind was discussed.
- Chair’s Report (Ron Johnson)
7.1) Betsy will take care of the Harvest Moon Madness
7.2) The Committee unanimously approved $100 reimbursement to Sandy Hildreth for the painting given as a gift to Neil Woodworth - Outings Report (Armond Spencer)
8.1) The idea of a first aid kit training session has been abandoned – for lack of interest from persons who may need it.
8.2) The waiver form currently in use by the Chapter does the job; no revisions are necessary. - Conservation Report (Gene Kaczka): Signage (interpretive signs) for Stone Valley are on track to be provided for the Fall.
- Education (Eileen Wheeler): The Fall (2005) Chapter potluck is scheduled for Novemeber 6 at the Presbyterian Church, Potsdam, NY ( social hour at 5:00 pm, dinner at 5:30 pm ). Our speakers will be Dave and Carol White.
- Treasurer’s Report (Betsy Tisdale)
11.1) The Chapter’s finances are in good shape: we have $ 4590.27 in the Money market account and $ 1419.98 in the checking account.
11.2) We do have some cash flow issues: our share of the Club dues is slow to come to us and RRAC is dragging its feet in reimbursing us. - Publicity (John Barron): We welcome John to our Chapter
as its publicity chair.
Posters and brochures for publicity were discussed, mainly where to put them. - Newsletter (Tom Ortmeyer): Tom was commended for a very nice job on the recent issue (July-September 2005) of the North Wind. He remarked that people are looking for the outings schedule to be an insert.
- Nominations (Kathie Batson): We have nominees for Secretary, Vice-Chair and Director
- Lean-to ( John Wood ): Ron submitted the following report on John’s behalf: “We have spent several work days on this lean-to project. Three tiers of logs have been built, and the floor was put in also. I have forwarded to you and Sandy 3 photos. I am keeping Beth updated on the status of this project also. Unfortunately, one of my Park workers, who is a carpenter, is now out on medical leave, so the worked has halted for now. I could use some assistance with log peeling, if any Laurentian Chapter folks are interested in helping out.”
- Archivist (Betty Peckham) No report
- Bylaws (Ann Spencer / Kathie Batson) No report
- Red Sandstone Trail (John Omohundro) No report
- Hospitality (Duncan & Lois Cutter) No report
- Fall 2006 outing (Eileen Wheeler): Eileen has met with the Star Lake development people. It looks like Star lake is the best place for the outing. The date (Sept/Oct) is in flux. There will be jobs to be done and a need for volunteers to take them on.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at about 10:00 pm. The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on September 8, 2005 .
Vasily C. Cateforis, Secretary
July 24, 2005