Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc.
Laurentian Chapter
Executive Committee Meeting
September 8, 2005
Methodist Church, Potsdam, NY
Committee Members Present: Vasily Cateforis, Ron Johnson, Armond Spencer, Eileen Wheeler
Other Members Present: John Barron, Betty Peckham, Mark Simon
Also present was Loren Benware of Madrid, NY, aspiring ADK member and spouse
of an ADK member. Loren provided us delicious doughnuts Dunkin Donuts, his
wife’s place of work– definitely not a meeting to miss.
The Meeting came to order at about 7:10 pm. The Chair distributed the agenda;
there were no additional items.
- The minutes of the Exec. Committee meeting of 7/14/2005 were approved as earlier distributed.
- Trails- Stone Valley- Mark Simon
2.1) brochure update: 1200 brochures have been printed in black and white, in order to conserve funds
2.2) interpretive signs: will wait until Spring 2006 to install
2.3) Colton grant- Stone valley portion: the town of Colton has received a grant for Higley Flow trail projects; a portion of this grant, perhaps $3000, will be set aside for Stone Valley trail projects.
2.4) use of professional trail crew leader: Mark recommends that a professional ADK person be hired to evaluate our projects at Stone Valley and organize and lead our own people in their work at SV.
2.5) communication: walkie talkies may solve the problem of communication among people working on the trails at SV.A motion to pay (from Chapter funds) (a) $200 for a professional crew leader (b) $250 for (installation of) signage (c) $100 for walkie talkies, passed unanimously and (d) $100, if necessary, for rental of an ATV , passed unanimously.
- Chair’s Report (Ron Johnson)
3.1) % of Club dues that come back to the Chapter is 30.
3.2) a letter (5/19/05) from N. Woodworth discussing additional funding was circulated - Outings Report (Armond Spencer)
4.1) consideration should be given to adding a “picture release” statement in the current waiver form
4.2) The first aid kits have not been circulating among trip leaders as well as was hoped. Armond is working on it. It was suggested that one of the Outdoor/Indoor sessions be devoted to “backcountry emergency first aid”; this would be open to all. Prospective leaders are encouraged to attend.
4.3) a brief discussion about accounts of outings ( that come with the waiver form) regarding their inclusion in the Northwind or the chapter web site ( and the burden this would place on the Outings Chair) took place.
4.4) The next outings schedule is due in early December. - Education (Eileen Wheeler)
5.1) the venue (Potsdam’s Presbyterian Church Center ) for the Chapter’s November 6 potluck has been reserved and will be ready for set-up at 4:00 pm. Members who plan to attend should be aware that what they may bring depends on their last name’s starting letter.
5.2) three teens sponsored for volunteer trail work (St. Regis Mt.) have submitted written reports on their experience. Eileen read one of the reports (Alex Throop’s). Excerpts of all reports have been included in the newsletter. - Treasurer’s Report (Betsy Tisdale)
(Ron gave the report, submitted in writing by Betsy who was absent.)
6.1) our checking account is in good shape with $ 1,241.24. ADK has steadily reimbursed us our full membership dues; we are all caught up now.
6.2) Brascan reimbursed us $ 1,200 for three steel registers for Stone Valley, plus $595.85 for trail tools ! Of these, $ 1,200 , as reimbursement has been put back into our money market account.
6.3) Terry Perkins (through John Wood) has been paid $ 500 to build the lean- to at Higley Flow State Park. There is still $ 41 in this memorial account which could pay for a plaque.
6.4) John Omohundro has been reimbursed $ 34.83 for cedar boards, from Dan Martin’s sawmill, for the Red Sandstone Trail.
6.5) Sandy Hildreth has been paid $ 100 (huge discount) for her painting, a gift to Neil Woodworth.
6.6) ADK has been paid $ 750 for three teenage summer trail workers.
Betsy wishes to thank John Wood, John Omohundro, Eileen Wheeler, Sandy Hildreth, Ann and Tom Ortmeyer, Duncan and Lois Cutter for all their skills an talents. - Director’s Report (Sandy Hildreth)
Sandy plans to submit her Director's report after the Sept. 10 meeting in Lake George. - Publicity (John Barron)
The transition from Dick Mooers to John Barron as publicity chair has taken place smoothly. Five outdoor pick-up locations have been established in Ottawa. Each location makes available an ADK brochure and a one page outings program. Half of the contents have been picked up. - Chapter Website (David Katz)
David was absent.
Commendations for the chapter web site, http://adklaurentian.org/ (and David’s work) were voiced at the
meeting. David continues to work on improvements and enhancements (“more bells and whistles’) of the site. - Lean-to ( John Wood )
John was absent. His report (as gleaned from an e-mail exchange with Ron) about the lean-to, that will be paid for with the Jenne memorial funds is the following:
10.1) construction on the lean-to on the Beaver Pond trail has sarted. The bottom logs – two tiers have been completed.
10.2) John has been keeping in touch with Beth Harrison regarding the work progress; he has also been taking photos.
John remarks that this project has to be worked on during down time; it is hoped that the lean-to will be finished by this Fall. - Archivist (Betty Peckham)
Betty expects that someone may think of a different way ( other than hard copy files in card board boxes or milk crates ?) of maintaining archived Chapter material. The next archivist will need to be ‘educated” about the new or old methods. - Red Sandstone Trail (John Omohundro)
John was absent. Here is his report:
“ The summer work got the trail in pretty good shape, thanks to Youth Conservation Corps. A problem with poison ivy at the moment-don't have a plan yet. Not re-installing the one vandalized sign for awhile until youths responsible maybe go away or grow up. Am working with Brascan engineer to visit sites and approve recreational facilities promised by the license along the Raquette from Carry Flow to Raymondville.” - Hospitality ( Duncan and Lois Cutter)
Plans for the January 1, 2006 program at Clarkson University. - 2006 Fall Outing (Eileen Wheeler)
Things are where they need to be at this point in time. - Bylaws (Ann Spencer / Kathie Batson)
Armond Spencer reported for Ann and Kathie (who were absent).
The proposed revisions to the Chapter’s bylaws, previously circulated, were discussed. A motion to accept the recommended revisions as circulated and present them to the membership at the November 6, 2005 (potluck) meeting for its consideration, passed unanimously.
In as much as the proposed revisions of the bylaws create a new elective office (Vice-Chair for Membership), a question arose about the order of business at this (11/6) meeting regarding the vote of the proposed revisions vs the vote for new members of the Executive Committee.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned a bit after 9:00 pm. The next Executive
Committee meeting will be held on November 10, 2005 .
Vasily Cateforis,
October 13, 2005