Executive Committee Meeting
Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc.
Laurentian Chapter
Methodist Church, Potsdam, NY
Committee Members Present: Tom Ortmeyer, Betsy Tisdale, Rose Rivezzi, Gene
Kaczka, Armond Spencer, Tom Wheeler, Pat Mueller
Others Present: John Omohundro, Susan Omohundro, Betty Peckham,
Mark Simon, John Barron
The Meeting was called to order at 7PM.
The minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of November 10, 2005, were approved after the blank in item 4. c. was filled in with Gene Kaczka’s name.Tom O. distributed the agenda for approval which was approved with no additions.
Officers’ Reports
1. Trails Coordinator: Mark Simon
Stone Valley Trail Update: We received $2400 worth of tools by way of the Town
of Colton trails grant. Through proposals over the last 2 years, a total
of $9000 was funded by RRAC—most of which is dispersed in 2005 and
2006. The pending projects are blocking ATV access via heavy equipment, Social
trail remediation project and interpretive signs. A total of 8 bridges were
built on the scheduled work day.
$250 is currently budgeted for the Stone Valley Trail and $250 for the Red Sandstone Trail. John Omohundro reported that they might build a small bridge over a seep on the Red Sandstone Trail but has no need for money at the moment.
2. Director: Tom Wheeler
At the Board Meeting in December, the 2006 budget was passed. One difference
in the way funds are handled is the chapter dues can be sent out now as they
come in. Tom reported that he was chosen as the new Treasurer and therefore
will be resigning as Director at the end of this meeting. Tom reported that
the Operation deficit was due to underachieving in membership revenues and
low revenue from publication sales. Joe Silberlicht, the Development and
Membership Director, expects this to turn around. He will be working with
some chapters to focus on membership campaigns because membership generated
from chapters have declined. Rose Rivezzi suggested that our chapter do more
to increase memberships.
3. Outings: Armond Spencer – no report given.
4. Conservation: Gene Kaczka
a. Gene reported that he is trying to get with Sandy Hildreth and the Whitewater Kayaking Association to finish signage for Stone Valley.
b. Most recently Gene sent out information from ADK and Adirondack Council for the Open Space Plan and is hoping people sent a letter.
c. Gene said we need signage at the south end of the trail and John O. suggested we ask Brookfield for it.
5. Education: Rose Rivezzi
a. Rose reported that 30+ people signed up for the Outdoors-Indoors with Phil Royce speaking on Wilderness Medicine.
b. The next O-I is scheduled for February 12. Topic: Riding the Rails in Central Asia by Dick and Alison Charles.
c. Rose suggested we might consider making a donation to the museum for letting us use their space without a fee.
d. She is working on camp Colby applications. She now has 1 dozen letters of application. Budget allows $750 two students for camp Colby and one student for 4H camp Overlook. We can also sponsor kids that have the means to go with no limit to how many we sponsor. Armond requested sponsorship for Sam. Betsy said the checks for sponsored children need to be made out to the chapter because it has to come from a civic organization.
e. At the end of the month she will put a note in the paper for high school kids to work on the trails on St. Regis Mountain and Ampersand Mountain.
f. Somebody suggested Richard Beamish, editor of Ad. Explorer, as the speaker for the spring potluck.
6. Treasurer: Betsy Tisdale reports that financially we are fine.
7. Newsletter Editors: John and Susan Omohundro:
a. Editorial content—Discussion regarding fillers and the length of the newsletter. It was decided that 8 pages seems to be the right length given the amount of space we now require. Other information can be inserted if space allows. After a discussion, the consensus was to keep the insert but to put the list of committee members on the front page of the newsletter not on the insert. Susan said they may eventually make some changes to the layout of the newsletter.
b. The Editors seek approval to recruit some members from Canton for a subcommittee to fold the newsletters and handle the mailing. Names were suggested.
c. The deadline for the next issue is March 1.
d. John asked whether there is a policy for advertisements and whether we can accept others who want to place an ad. It was decided that we continue our relationship with WOE and any other enterprise should be approved by the committee at a meeting or by email.
8. Publicity: John Barron
a. John said he welcomes any suggestions the committee may have for publicity. The committee discussed how well the articles and photos in the paper are getting the information out about the Club. Suggestions were made to include membership information at the end of the articles and for trip leaders to take photos that can be used for publicity.
b. John announced that the ADK power point presentation that tells what ADK is about is now available.
9. Chair: Tom Ortmeyer
The next Executive Committee meeting will be April 6th Thursday.a. Tom reported hearing from the webmaster, David Katz, that the web hosting fee is an annual fee. David made suggestions that we might want to put more information on our website. After a discussion of the purpose and content of the website, it was decided that we find people to prepare material to be posted that will give us more visibility.
b. Budget: 2006. The total we have now on hand is $4400, $3600 in money market and the rest in checking. Tom reports that the trend has been that the money goes down $1000 per year which we do not want to continue. Fifteen new members would make up the difference. Suggestions: …we not buy food for the potluck and have the members volunteer to bring the supplies we need, that the category for Miscellaneous be eliminated and transfer that amount to Higley and the website, lower the amount for hospitality. With these changes we are in balance. A motion made by Armond to pass the 2006 budget passed unanimously.
c. Tom asked for suggestions for the Director position. After a discussion of who is responsible for appointing a replacement Director it was decided that since the nominating committee is not available, the Executive Committee can appoint someone until the annual meeting in November. It was suggested that the ideal candidate is someone who knows finances and corporate liability issues and knows the club and chapter.
d. Gene said we need to decide on Vice Chair of Membership. Nancy Skiff and Gerry Ames were suggested for the position. It was discussed that computer experience, organizational skills and an outgoing personality are needed qualifications for this position. This would be an appointment until the next election. Tom said he would contact Gerry first.
e. The dates of the Fall Outing 2006 sponsored by us are Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1. March 10th is the deadline for the brochure. The Star Lake people are putting together the housing information. Chapter members can go as a group and stay at the same camp—if interested, call Tom. Dan Berggren and Dan Duggan will be performing along with Jamie Savage.
Pat Mueller