Minutes Archive
Adirondack Mountain Club Laurentian Chapter
Executive Committee Meeting November 8, 2007
Minutes Developed by Pat Mueller and John Barron
Executive Committee Members Present: Tom Ortmeyer; Gene Kaczka; Carolyn Kaczka; Rose Rivezzi; Armond Spencer; Betsy Tisdale, Pat Mueller
Others Present: John and Susan Omohundro; John Barron
Opened meeting at 7:05 PM. The Minutes and Agenda were approved.
Opening remarks by Chair
- The Annual Meeting was very successful.
- The Chapter has received the required insurance certificates, so has the option of holding the New Year’s Day party at Outdoor Lodge.
- Tom Wheeler’s Distinguished Volunteer Award should be documented in North Wind. John Barron will send a press release about the meeting and the award.
- Further to discussion of E-Letter procedures and trip approvals, Vice Chair, Outings is delegated authority to approve Maintenance Outings and consequent E-Letter announcements.
- Communications received from the Club, as follows: 1) Thanking Laurentian Chapter for contribution to Trails Program. 2) Types of outings allowed. 3) Letter listing funding requirements of the Club.
Officer Reports
- Carolyn attended a meeting as Alternate Director, in lieu of David Trithart.
- Two new Committee Chairs have been appointed: Stan Hall to Development and Alan Mapes to Education. Both have plenty of expertise and will be assets.
- Heart Lake Property: Elizabeth Low, Chair of DEC Region 5, reports this is the third most important property in the Adirondacks, following the two major museums.
- An upgrade to Adirondac is pending.
- 160,000 acres of Finch Pruyn lands. Note since the meeting – the cover story of the November/December issue of Adirondac gives full details of this topic.
- There is concern with membership levels.
- The ADK Trails Committee is working on two long-distance trail proposals: 1) the North Country Trail, which will run from Maine – NY – Ohio – Michigan U/P; and 2) The Long Path, which starts in New York City and should eventually reach Lake Placid.
- Proposition 1 passed; consequently Raquette Lake will be able to draw safe drinking water.
Red Sandstone Trail Coordinator
- John Omohundro proposes to have patches made, based on a design by Sandy Hildreth. They can be given to people who contribute significant volunteer effort on the Trail, or could be sold through the Chapter. There was a consensus approving the idea. There was discussion of quantities and start-up costs. John O will follow up. The idea of a similar patch for Stone Valley was raised.
North Wind
- Format changes have been well received. All events on adjacent pages within the letter instead of as an enclosure worked well. Printing costs have been reduced by making a smaller letter. Postage rates recently increased and may increase again, but the condensed format will minimize the weight of each issue and thus will hold postage costs to a minimum.
- Nil.
- Speakers are being lined up for the Outdoors-Indoors series and the seasonal
meetings. In the works are the following:
- Michael Prescott, of Chestertown, will speak about paddling the Raquette River.
- Mary Beth Warburton will do a talk on Eagles.
- Alison Charles and her husband will do a talk on Iran.
- Jim Bullard is a possibility.
- Bill of Wear on Earth may do a talk on the Grand Canyon.
- Joan Collins is a possibility for the Spring Potluck – a bird talk.
- There was discussion about billeting speakers who come from out of town. The Omohundros and Kaczkas indicated possible willingness to do this.
- Betsy gave account balances.
- The Chapter can afford to make a $1,000 grant to the Club.
- Two new members recruited.
- The Chapter has been reminded to renew its membership in Higley Flow State Park.
Stone Valley Trail Coordinator
- Tom Ortmeyer presented on behalf of Mark Simon.
- About $150 required this year, including $30 for tools.
- Nil.
General Trail Discussion
- There was discussion of other types of trail development that could be taken on. Armond observed that the McWilliams’s were making good use of the Catamount Lodge property, and the Laurentian Chapter could consider bringing a crew down to help.
- There was discussion of extending the Red Sandstone off Sugar Island to Potsdam, which will require multiple bridge spans. Funding could possibly be attracted through Rails to Trails.
- Postwood Park trails could be upgraded using County funding instead of ATV funding from the State.
- The County Snowmobile Association has made favorable comment on Laurentian Chapter trail maintenance and publicity
Donation to the Club
- Noted that the Chapter has already contributed $500 to the Club, following inability to identify students for High School Volunteer Trails.
- Funding Opportunities brochure from the Club was circulated for info.
- The Chapter can afford to contribute $1,000, per Betsy Tisdale.
- Advocacy was the preferred use of the funds, partly in tribute to Neil Woodworth’s inspiring talk at the Annual Meeting.
- Moved by Betsy, seconded by Armond, to donate $1,000 of Laurentian Chapter funds to the Club to support Advocacy activities. Carried.
Budget (see budget)
- A draft budget was circulated for comment.
- John Omohundro will send more realistic cost estimates for producing the North Wind.
- Rough estimates from Education as follows: Volunteer Trails $500, Camp Colby Camperships $755.
Next Meeting January 17.