Minutes Archive


Adirondack Mountain Club Laurentian Chapter
Executive Committee Meeting August 21, 2008
Minutes Developed by John Barron

Executive Committee Members Present: Tom Ortmeyer; Gene Kaczka; Armond Spencer; Geri Ames; Betsy Tisdale; John Barron

Appointed Officers Present: Betty Peckham; David Katz

The meeting was held at Betsy Tisdale's camp at Lake Ozonia, which all attendees appreciated. Thanks are extended to Betsy. The formal part opened following lake activities and supper.


Approval of minutes and agenda
Committee reports
Report on the nominations committee
Discussion of nominations for the chapter's distinguished volunteer award.
Report on the Jamieson Fund
Discussion of the donation in memory of Betty Lou Bailey

Approval of Minutes and Agenda

The Minutes (subject to changes requested) and Agenda were approved.

Changes in minutes of May 29:

Paterson not Patterson
Queenie Fiacco
Date of fall potluck was set at November 2 during May 29 meeting.

Committee Reports

Webmaster (David Katz)

David has suggested alternative web hosting arrangements that would both save money and give access to David's partner(s) for updates.

Hollis Easter is acting as an understudy and backup for David.

Archivist (Betty Peckham)


Membership (Geri Ames)

Membership numbers to be sent after the meeting.

Note since meeting: They are as follows, as of July 2008: Households 265, Total voting 395, Total members 493

Geri is sending a message to members sixty to ninety days overdue in renewing their membership that they'll be missed.

Outings (Armond Spencer)

Several leaders had requested Armond's permission to change dates and other details of outings. It was decided that, as a general policy, leaders are allowed latitude to change dates and do not require permission. They must however inform Armond, so he has knowledge that a trip is taking place on the new date. Leaders should advise David Katz and Dick Mooers so that the date change can be publicized in the web site and the E-Letter.

Treasurer (Betsy Tisdale)

Betsy had transferred $300 to the postage account. Small amounts were sent to John Omohundro for Red Sandstone Trail upgrades (boardwalk; David Brouwer helped carry in new wood).

Account balances are: Checking $1,632.97; Postage $592; Savings $1,171; CD $3,281.

Betsy acknowledges gratefully Gene Kaczka's review of the finances.

We are reminded/advised that Chapters must now send very detailed accounting of their activities to the Club.

Betsy's term as treasurer ends in December, and she would appreciate hearing from any potential successor.

Secretary (John Barron)

It is possible some executive committee members and/or appointed officers may not have been receiving minutes because of an electronic mailing list error. John will send a test message requesting a reply to make sure this will not be a problem in the future.

Publicity (John Barron)

There appear to be at least a few people attending outings because they read or heard about them in the public media, which is a sign the publicity is having an effect. Several people indicated that they continue to receive favorable comments on the outing photos in the newspapers.

Conservation (Gene Kaczka)

Gene has been attending meetings of the ADK Trails Committee. The Committee has decided to initiate an annual report on the condition of trails in the Adirondack Park. The Laurentian Chapter’s assistance in obtaining up-to-date reports on the trails in the northwest area of the Park has been requested. Gene suggested trip leaders include a brief report on the trail condition in their trip report to vice chair, outings for this purpose. All agreed this was a good idea, and Tom Ortmeyer undertook to write a brief note for the next North Wind explaining this to the leadership and the membership. Gene will draft an article about it to be vetted by Armond Spencer (outings) and Tom Ortmeyer (chair).

Education (presented by Tom Ortmeyer for Rose Rivezzi)

The summer is going well. Rose would appreciate any suggestions for speakers of the Outdoors/Indoors series.

North Wind (presented by Tom Ortmeyer for John and Susan Omohundro)

The editors remind all contributors that the deadline is September 1, and they request that we be prompt in meeting the deadline. Copy goes to the printers on September 9.

Red Sandstone Trail (presented by Tom Ortmeyer for John Omohundro)

RRAC will be voting on a canoe rack near the Catamount Lodge. It looks probable that funding will be provided.

Sherm Craig (sp?) will be contributing an article on the fifty-mile Cranberry Lake Trail to the September-October issue of Adirondac.

National Trails Day may return to the Cranberry Lake area in 2009.

E-Letter (Presented by Tom Ortmeyer for Dick Mooers)

Dick conducted a survey of the E-Letter mailing list of what changes the readership would like to see to make the E-Letter more useful. His report follows here:

You can report for me that the survey had few responses.  Those few did not coincide all that well.  The respondents appear to be willing to hang in there with things as they are.  Basically, the e-letter is used for monthly reminders of the chapter's outings and events, trail work announcements if requested by Mark or John, changes to the quarterly schedule and timely cancellations, and announcements consistent with ADK activities in conservation, education and recreation.  I have refused to publish announcement of outings not approved by the Executive Committee twice, but not lately.  There are now 48 email addresses receiving the e-letter.  Some few of these are for couples, but a small number of couples receive it under their personal names.  It is not possible for me to estimate the number of people actually reading the e-letter, but I believe that the concept is sound and should be continued.  I am willing to continue to be editor.


The Fall Potluck will be held at Canton Presbyterian Church on November 2. The guest speaker will be Roy Horst, presenting “Surviving Winter in the North Country”. (Tom Ortmeyer)

Maria Tedesco has left ADK headquarters to join the Nature Conservancy. (Gene Kaczka).

On September 6, Betsy Tisdale will be making a presentation about Martha Reben at Camp Guggenheim, under the auspices of Historic Saranac Lake. The organizers hope for sharing of memories and old photos by the audience. All are invited. Bring a picnic. It is off Forest Home Road. (Betsy Tisdale)

Stuart Mesinger and the ADK are going to publish a book of photos of Adirondack areas, especially watercourses. Betsy Tisdale sent in some photos. The book will not be offered for sale; rather, copies will be given to policy makers with influence over the management of the Catskill and Adirondack Parks. (Betsy Tisdale)

John Omohundro's father died a few days ago. Betsy Tisdale undertook to send a sympathy note on behalf of the executive and the Chapter. (Armond Spencer)

It is well worth walking into Johns Brook Lodge to see the impressive results of recent work on the Lodge. (Betsy Tisdale)

Nominating Committee

Tom Ortmeyer reported that a nominating committee has been struck, consisting of John Omohundro, Brad Pendergaft, and Neal Burdick.

Distinguished Volunteer Award

There was discussion of the 2008 Distinguished Volunteer Award.

Report on the Jamieson Fund

Tom Ortmeyer wrote to the ADK requesting information about how the Jamieson Fund will be spent. The Club's reply follows here:

Hi Tom;

The Paul Jamieson/Land Trust fund was established  by ADK in 1984  for the purpose of providing funding to improve public access (non-motorized) to the Forest Preserve lands for hiking and canoeing.  This effort would include the purchase of fee simple title, easement rights, or through other appropriate initiatives insuring such access.  If you need additional information, please contact me or Deb Zack our director of membership and development.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Bob Rudolph
Director of Finance/CFO
Adirondack Mountain Club
814 Goggins Road
Lake George, NY 12845
Email: bob.rudolph@adk.org
Phone: (518) 668-4447, Ex 21

Their followed a discussion about this topic. The consensus was that there is not enough information to decide whether this fund is the most appropriate. Tom Ortmeyer will try to obtain clarification from Bob Rudolph, specifically:

a. Has money from the fund ever been spent? 

b. What is the procedure for requesting funds be spent from the fund?

c. The wording seems ambiguous at places, such as when it talks about the forest reserve.


Donation in Memory of Betty Lou Bailey

It was moved by Armond Spencer and seconded by Betsy Tisdale that the Chapter's contribution to the ADK in memory of Betty Lou Bailey be directed to the Jamieson Fund.

After discussion, in light of remaining uncertainty about the planned use of the Jamieson Fund it was moved by Gene Kaczka and seconded by Betsy Tisdale to table the motion for further study. So carried.

Other Business

Recognition of Anna Gerhard-Arnold

Betsy Tisdale called members' attention to the important contribution made by Anna Gerhard-Arnold, who designed the Laurentian Chapter logo: the loon patch. Betsy thinks formal recognition is long overdue. Geri Ames suggested honorary Chapter membership as a possibility. Future discussion is needed.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held October 23 at Clarkson.

Minutes Archive