Minutes Archive


Adirondack Mountain Club Laurentian Chapter
Annual Meeting and Potluck November 2, 2008
Minutes developed by John Barron

The meeting was held at Canton Presbyterian Church, 17 Park Street, Canton.


  1. Election of Officers
  2. Special Recognition to Anna Gerhard-Arnold

Following the potluck supper, which began at 05:30 PM, Tom Ortmeyer convened the annual meeting of the Chapter, with the agenda given above.

Election of Officers

Tom thanked the Nominating Committee, which consisted of John Omohundro (Chair), Neal Burdick, and Brad Pendergraft. John Omohundro then presented the Committee’s proposed candidates, as follows:

Vice Chair, Outings – Hollis Easter (first term)
Vice Chair, Conservation – Peter O’Shea (first term)
Treasurer – Ellie Menz (first term)
Membership – Geri Ames (second term)

Nominations were requested from the floor; none were suggested. Motion was passed to close nominations. A further motion was passed to vote on one ballot for the whole slate of officers. The slate of officers was approved accordingly.

Special Recognition to Anna Gerhard-Arnold

Betsy Tisdale presented a gift basket and a speech of appreciation to Anna Gerhard-Arnold, who designed the Chapter’s symbol, the Laurentian Loon. Betsy recalled the 1986 contest to produce a design, and Paul Jamieson’s opinion that Anna’s design was the best because it was beautiful and artistic and furthermore portrayed a creature for which St. Lawrence County is especially famous. Carolyn Kaczka added some further words of tribute. There was warm applause by all present.

The annual meeting was then adjourned.

Guest Speaker

Following the meeting, Dr. Roy Horst presented “Surviving the Winter in the North Country”, about adaptations animals make to survive the Northern winter.

Minutes Archive