Minutes Archive


Adirondack Mountain Club Laurentian Chapter
Annual Meeting and Potluck November 8, 2009
Minutes - Developed by John Barron


  1. Election of Officers
  2. Award Ceremony of Chapter Photo Contest

Following the potluck supper, which began at 05:30 PM, Tom Ortmeyer convened the annual meeting of the Chapter, with the agenda given above.

Election of Officers

Tom thanked the Nominating Committee, which consisted of Gene Kaczka (Chair), Betsy Tisdale, and Tom Wheeler. Gene Kaczka then presented the Committee’s proposed candidates, as follows:

Director – David Trithart (second term)
Alternate Director – Armond Spencer (second term)
Secretary – Marianne Hebert (first term)
Vice Chair, Education – Blair Madore (first term)
Chair – John Barron (first term)

Nominations were requested from the floor; none were suggested. It was moved by Ann Spencer, seconded by Carolyn Kaczka, and passed to close nominations. A further motion was passed to vote on one ballot for the whole slate of officers. The slate of officers was approved accordingly.

Award Ceremony of Chapter Photo Contest

John Barron explained the origin of the photo contest; the idea arose following admiration of a particular publicity photo from a paddling trip in the fall of 2008. He explained the criteria that were used: technical quality, artistic expression, and extent to which the photo conveys the Chapter’s goals of conservation, education, and responsible outdoor recreation. He credited Betsy Tisdale for judging the contest, and acknowledged Dick Mooers and himself as organizers.

All entries to the contest, which included entries submitted explicitly and also all publicity photos for the year (which were entered automatically in the contest), had been cycling for viewing as a looped slide show during the pot luck. From the entries, awards were presented as follows:

Honorable mention to:

  • Blair Madore for a portrait of Madeline, Heather, and Colden Wheeler taken during a hike on the Red Sandstone Trail;
  • Duncan Cutter for a photo of Kathy Hart and Jane Laba kayaking on Debar Pond;
  • Ron Larsen for "Winter at Rainbow Falls, Tooley Pond Tract";
  • Art Boni for two photos: "Woods, Ampersand Trail" and a photo of Siobhan Nesbitt and Gloria Daly at the summit of Basin.

  • Third prize to Blair Madore for a photo of Madeline Wheeler, Clare Sullivan-Catlin, and Celeste Zwingel on the Red Sandstone Trail;
  • Second prize to Ron Larsen for "Autumn from Lows Ridge"; and
  • First prize to Art Boni for "Crossing Flowed Lands, homeward bound". Left to right, Robert and Andrea Wright; Hollis Easter; Gloria Daly; and Stan Ingison.

The annual meeting was then adjourned.

Guest Speaker

Following the meeting, Brian Mann, Bureau Chief of North Country Public Radio’s Adirondack News Bureau, gave an informative talk about the issues facing the region.

Brian’s experience as a journalist formerly from Sitka, AK allowed him to compare and contrast the local population’s views of wilderness in Alaska and New York respectively. In addition to global issues the talk also considered the local circumstances of individual communities and how they could be improved.

Minutes Archive