Minutes Archive


Nov 12, 2016

Adirondack Mountain Club Laurentian Chapter
Annual Meeting and Potluck November 12, 2016


  1. Election of Officers
  2. Award Ceremony of Chapter Photo Contest

The meeting was held Canton Presbyterian Church. Following the potluck supper, which began at 05:30 PM, Tom Wheeler convened the annual meeting of the Chapter, with the agenda given above. Karynn Von Cramon couldn’t attend, so John Barron took notes.

Election of Officers

Tom called John Barron, chair of the nominating committee, to present their report.

John thanked John Omohundro and Dick Mooers, the other members of the nominating committee as well as Mary MacKinnon who volunteered for the committee but had to step down almost immediately because of an out-of-town family situation.

The nominating committee recommended the following:

Vice Chair, Conservation - David Katz (first term)
Vice Chair, Outings - Marianne Hebert (second term)
Vice Chair, Membership - Randy Saumier (first term)
Treasurer - Marie Fernandez de Alaiza (first term)

Nominations were requested from the floor; none were proposed. It was moved and seconded to approve the slate. The slate of officers was approved unanimously accordingly.

Award Ceremony of Chapter Photo Contest

Tom Ortmeyer, organizer of the Photo Contest, introduced judges Dick Mooers and Eileen Wheeler, as well as Fiona Barron who wasn’t here this evening. Dick and Eileen announced the following awards:


Grand Prize: Jeanna Matthews. “Frosty Morning Fog on the St. Lawrence at -11F”
Landscape: Art Boni. “Whiteface from Norman Ridge Road”
Nature: Alison Charles. “Getting Ready for Migration”
Action: Jeanna Matthews. “Stone Valley Controlled Release Day”
Artistic: Art Boni. “Sunburst Gatineau Park Quebec”
People: John Barron “St. Regis Mountain August 2016”
Portrait: Art Boni. “Cooper Kiln Hike -17F”

Honorable Mention

Landscape: Jeff Miller. “Azure Mountain”
Nature: Marianne Hebert. “Spring in the North Country”
Action: Judy Fuhr. “Summer Exuberance”
Artistic: Judy Fuhr. “First Snow of Fall”
People: Marianne Hebert. “Nap Time on St. Regis”
Portrait: Marianne Hebert. “An Extraordinary Gentleman”

The annual meeting was then adjourned.

Guest Speaker

Following the meeting, Pete Hickey, head Trailmaster of the Adirondack 46ers, presented a slide show about their trail maintenance and construction program. This was a lively and entertaining talk featuring many anecdotes.

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