News Archive


March 15, 2008

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Nancy LaBaff Completes Winter Ascent of the Adirondack Forty-Six

On February 15, 2008, well-known North Country outdoor person Nancy LaBaff reached a personal mountaineering milestone by completing the Winter Forty-Six – that is, ascending all 46 of the designated High Peaks of the Adirondacks over 4,000 feet in height during winter (December 21 to March 21).

Nancy made her first winter hike in January 2006, as part of her plan to reach the summits of the 46 by September of the same year to coincide with her 46th birthday. She accomplished that goal on schedule, and immediately set out on the much more demanding winter quest. It was a March 2006 hike to Marcy in the company of Winter Forty-Sixer Sam Eddy that inspired her to pursue this challenging goal. Sam’s advice included plenty of enthusiasm, a warning of the magnitude of the task, and pointers on technique and approach including a recommendation to do the hardest ones first.

The winter of 2006-2007 began under unseasonably mild weather and favorable ground conditions. The usually-daunting Seward Range, for example, was no worse in December than it would have been in summer, and complacency began to loom as a risk. Inevitably though, cold weather did arrive, and on a January 2007 hike to Wright, Algonquin, and Iroquois, Mother Nature threw down a -24 degree Fahrenheit gauntlet. That hike ended happily, but there soon followed the toughest physical and mental challenge of Nancy’s life.

Shortly after a heavy snowfall, Nancy and her hiking companion Claudia Warren set off to ascend Gray Peak, situated on a remote spur of Marcy and always a long, tough hike no matter the route or the season. The snow depth exceeded the height of many of the trees, and created uniquely Adirondack obstacles: spruce traps. These occur when air pockets surrounding the trees are covered by a thin layer of soft snow so that a hiker stepping on the surface falls through into a hole as much as six feet deep, often suffering cuts and bruises on the descent, and has a very difficult time climbing back out. Nancy reports falling into some fifteen traps. Several were inescapable without help; in one case Claudia pulled and coached a sinking-and-about-to-suffocate Nancy back to the surface. Battered, bruised, and exhausted the pair emerged from the backcountry after almost sixteen hours of hiking, and Nancy made a critical evaluation of whether the whole project was worthwhile. The answer was yes, and the quest continued. On the last hike of the season, on Rocky Peak Ridge, Nancy crashed into a tree after losing control of her snowshoes on a steep icy surface, receiving cuts and a minor concussion, bringing a sudden end to the attempt, and absorbing another lesson in the need to respect the mountains.

If Gray Peak was Nancy’s toughest climb, Dix and Hough may have been one if her most dramatic. In December 2007, Nancy and seven others set off from Elk Lake toward Dix on a well marked trail. Deep, untracked snow made for slow, exhausting progress and four of the party soon abandoned the trip; but the Nancy and three companions continued upward. Reaching the summit of Dix with marginal daylight remaining, they nonetheless decided to press on to Hough; most of the remainder of the route would be on faint paths or no path at all. Darkness arrived at the summit of Hough, and the party had to make an off-trail descent from the mountains in the dark. Accomplishing a marvel of navigation by map and compass under terrible conditions, they reached the main trail six hours later, and were within half a mile of their vehicles when a Ranger, searching for them because their relatives had reported them overdue, picked them up. A twenty hour ordeal was over.

The remaining hikes were less arduous. Nancy had another deadline in mind – February 15, 2008 to complete the five peaks left to achieve the Winter Forty-Six. She wanted Giant to be her last peak, in tribute to her mother – “A giant, to me”, remembers Nancy. With a group of seven fellow mountaineers and well-wishers as companions, Nancy did the last two peaks – her erstwhile nemesis Rocky Peak Ridge, and finally Giant – on the target date. Tears, hugs, and high fives, and roses in memory of Nancy’s Mom were the order of the day. The quest accomplished, Nancy now admitted the significance of February 15: it is the anniversary of the day she left her dentist’s office with orders to see a doctor; two months later it was determined that she had thyroid cancer. After a couple of rough years of surgery, treatment and getting the medication regulated she received a clean bill of health in 2003; this was when hiking began and never stopped. The need to train physically and regain strength led eventually to taking on the challenge of winter in the High Peaks.

“Pursuing the 46 peaks in the winter is one of the hardest challenges I have ever done, not just physically but mentally. I spent many times getting up at 2:00 in the morning to drive to the trailheads”, reports Nancy. “If you have to break trail it is tiring. Everything is so different in the winter; your pack is so much heavier. You need to be prepared in case you have to stay overnight. Sometimes you have to have an ice axe, crampons. As for trails, even if they are marked doesn’t mean you can find them because of the depth of the snow. If they are trailless it really is a challenge. Trail searching can be time consuming too. A lot of times we start in the dark and end in the dark; we try to be off the steep stuff before dark.”

“There are also rewards about winter hiking, the views to me are so much better. If the trail is broken then winter hiking can be at times easier because all the rocks and roots are covered and much easier to travel. Coming down is loads of fun; we do a lot of butt sliding. You need to be careful but you make up a lot of time coming down.”

Nancy credits her oldest brother, a Forest Ranger, for encouragement and mentoring; and her hiking partner and confidante Toni, along with her father, for support. She has some advice for those who would follow her on the path of the Winter Forty-Six. On fitness and technique: “I worked hard at conditioning but the only way you can obtain the best conditioning for hiking is to hike. I also learned a lot from experienced hikers so it is important to hook up with some and listen to them. I took a week of ice climbing to learn my ice axe and crampons better. I also have done a lot of reading about winter hiking and mountaineering”.

On the joy of hiking, and where to find companions: “Hiking is the best, for me anytime. People ask me, “What is your favorite hike?” I tell them;”It’s the one I am doing at the time.” I have met so many great people. Some are from ADK Chapter hikes (which really opened me up for finding people and making friends), others I met on line at or I also lead hikes and from there met other hikers, it just keeps growing. I know some people wonder why you do it but to see what I have seen, well that explains everything. Some friends think I am crazy. I just laugh because they just don’t get it. I also love the physical and mental aspect; it has helped me a lot and given me great confidence.”

What comes next? “The sky is the limit. I am working on my four season Forty-Six just for my own personal reasons. I want to see the peaks in all four seasons because they change so much and offer a lot. I also love going to other places, to hike in other countries. I am taking a Glacier Mountaineering course in June to prepare me for Rainier next year and hopefully someday Denali.”

Nancy anticipates receiving Winter recognition, as a member of the 2007-2008 class, from the Adirondack Forty-Sixers, the organization promoting and encouraging climbing in the High Peaks; information on the Forty-Sixers can be viewed at She lives in Canton, and when not up in the mountains works as Sr. Operator for the New York Power Authority. She often leads outings for the Laurentian Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK). Her many friends including ADK members, Forty-Sixers, and other outdoor enthusiasts congratulate her on the achievement and wish her the very best for all her future endeavors.

Photo: Val Bachinsky.

News Archive

Jan 1, 2025: 2024 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Dec 8, 2024: 2024 Chapter Nominations

Apr 1, 2024: Azure Mt Friends Scholarships

Mar 2, 2024: 2024 Photo Contest Announced

Jan 1, 2024: Stone Valley Trailwork

Jan 1, 2024: Outdoors-Indoors

Jan 1, 2024: New Chapter Officers

Jan 1, 2024: 2023 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Nov 18, 2023: Circling

Nov 8, 2023: 2023 Chapter Elections

Oct 1, 2023: Weekly Walks

Oct 1, 2023: Red Sandstone Trailwork

Oct 1, 2023: Fire Tower Lighting

Oct 1, 2023: Coming Home

Jul 1, 2023: Racquette River Advisory Council

Jul 1, 2023: Exploring Whippoorwill

Jul 1, 2023: Cascade Center Mapping

Apr 26, 2023: Summer Picnic

Apr 17, 2023: 2023 Photo Contest Announced

Apr 1, 2023: Spring Road Walks

Apr 1, 2023: Armond Spencer 1933-2023

Jan 21, 2023: Red Sandstone Trailwork

Jan 1, 2023: SUNY Potsdam Students Repair Gulch

Jan 1, 2023: College Students Work on Red Sandstone Trail

Jan 1, 2023: 2022 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Oct 18, 2022: 2022 Chapter Elections

Oct 17, 2022: 2022 Officer Nominations

Jul 24, 2022: Fiftieth Celebration

May 13, 2022: In Memorium Lois Wells

Mar 25, 2022: Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrations

Mar 15, 2022: 2022 Photo Contest Announced

Jan 24, 2022: Trailhead Stewardship Program

Jan 1, 2022: Mystery on the Red Sandstone Trail

Jan 1, 2022: Fiftieth Anniversary

Nov 28, 2021: 2021 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Oct 18, 2021: 2021 Chapter Elections

Oct 1, 2021: Trail Registers for the 21st Century

Oct 1, 2021: Laurentian Chapter to Celebrate 50 Years

Sep 9, 2021: 2021 Photo Contest Announced

Apr 1, 2021: Take A Hike!

Dec 10, 2020: 2020 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Oct 26, 2020: Members Choice - 2020 Photo Contest

Oct 15, 2020: 2020 Chapter Elections

Jul 3, 2020: Laurentians Receive Award

Apr 1, 2020: Third Annual Cycle Outing

Apr 1, 2020: Mud Season Hiking

Apr 1, 2020: 2020 Photo Contest Announced

Jan 1, 2020: Ski Trails Groomed and Waiting

Jan 1, 2020: Red Sandstone Trail Maintenance

Nov 16, 2019: 2019 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Oct 2, 2019: Annual Meeting

Oct 1, 2019: Trail Markers

Oct 1, 2019: Electronic Distribution of the North Wind

Jul 1, 2019: National Trails Day 2019

Apr 1, 2019: Red Sandstone Trail Volunteers Needed

Apr 1, 2019: Recreation Management Plans

Apr 1, 2019: Chapter Member Writes Trails Book

Apr 1, 2019: 2019 Photo Contest Announced

Jan 3, 2019: Invasive Forest Pest Meeting

Jan 1, 2019: Second ADK Cycle Outing

Jan 1, 2019: Outside The High Peaks Region

Dec 6, 2018: Fran Yardley To Speak

Nov 12, 2018: 2018 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Nov 6, 2018: Trail Maintenance Weekend 2018

Oct 1, 2018: First ADK Cycle Outing

Jul 1, 2018: SUNY Potsdam Educational Affiliate Program

Jun 22, 2018: 2018 Photo Contest Announced

Jun 18, 2018: September Acadia Outing

Apr 5, 2018: Military Exercises In Northern Adirondacks

Apr 1, 2018: Who Are Our Members

Apr 1, 2018: Happy Birthday Azure Mountain Fire Tower

Apr 1, 2018: Chapter Representation on Advisory Committees

Jan 5, 2018: E-Letter Editor Wanted

Jan 1, 2018: Paul Jamieson and the Jamieson Fund

Nov 19, 2017: 2017 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Nov 1, 2017: 2017 Trail Maintenance Weekend

Oct 1, 2017: Trailwork by ADK

Oct 1, 2017: Bylaws Review

Jul 1, 2017: North Country Cycling Guide

May 31, 2017: Marie Fernandez de Alaiza Completes 46

Apr 1, 2017: Great Lakes Water Levels

Mar 15, 2017: Extended New Brunswick Outing Proposed

Jan 1, 2017: Boreas Ponds

Jan 1, 2017: 2017 Photo Contest Announced

Dec 2, 2016: Camp Colby Scholarships Available

Nov 29, 2016: Winter 2017 Outdoors-Indoors Schedule Announced

Nov 21, 2016: Wilderness Thru-hiking to Wilderness Advocacy

Nov 16, 2016: 2016 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Oct 1, 2016: Membership Survey Preliminary Results

Oct 1, 2016: John Omohundro Passes The Torch

Sep 8, 2016: 2017 Extended Outings Proposed

Apr 1, 2016: Solarize

Mar 29, 2016: 2016 Photo Contest Announced

Mar 17, 2016: Teen Trail Project Scholarships Available

Jan 6, 2016: Perry Yaw Commemorative Quilt

Dec 2, 2015: Trail Work Day Attracts Huge Turnout

Dec 2, 2015: Outdoors-Indoors Schedule Announced

Dec 1, 2015: 2015 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Sep 17, 2015: RRAC Explained

Sep 17, 2015: Oswegatchie Blueway Open Houses Scheduled

Jul 1, 2015: Perry H Yaw Jr

Jul 1, 2015: Ididaride Annual Biking Event

May 5, 2015: SUNY Potsdam Wilderness Education Mountain-A-Thon Training Exercise

Apr 1, 2015: Spring

Apr 1, 2015: Educational Affiliate Program Expands

Jan 1, 2015: Call for Distinguished Volunteer Nominations

Jan 1, 2015: 2015 Photo Contest Opens

Nov 27, 2014: 2014 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Nov 27, 2014: 2014 Photo Contest Winners Announced - Copy

Nov 17, 2014: St Lawrence Flatlands UMP Hearing

Oct 1, 2014: Chapter Offers Outing Leadership Training Course

Jul 1, 2014: Jean Hardy, 1926-2014

Jul 1, 2014: ADK and Trails

Apr 14, 2014: 2014 Member Nature Poetry

Apr 4, 2014: Stone Valley Management Plan Finalized

Apr 1, 2014: Educational Affiliate Program Gathers Momentum

Mar 24, 2014: North Country National Scenic Trail

Dec 30, 2013: Stone Valley Management Plan Review

Dec 6, 2013: 2014 Photo Contest Opens

Nov 12, 2013: 2013 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Oct 1, 2013: Spring Outing Retrospective

Sep 6, 2013: Finch Pruyn-Essex Chain Action Alert

Aug 22, 2013: Ragnar Relay Race

Jul 1, 2013: New Trails for Stone Valley

Jun 27, 2013: North Country Trails Membership

Jun 19, 2013: Spring Outing A Great Success

Apr 2, 2013: Laurentian Loon Shirts

Apr 1, 2013: Brian Baston, 46r

Dec 21, 2012: New Chapter Officers Elected

Dec 6, 2012: 2013 Photo Contest Opens

Nov 27, 2012: 2012 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Jul 17, 2012: Raquette River Documentary

Apr 1, 2012: Acadia Trip Sept 2012

Jan 21, 2012: Stone Valley Trail Maintenance A Mammoth Undertaking

Jan 1, 2012: 2012 Photo Contest Announced

Nov 19, 2011: Peter Blood and Toni Towle Finish the 46

Nov 19, 2011: Moose Talk At Fall Potluck (1)

Nov 16, 2011: 2011 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Nov 9, 2011: Sherman Craig Nominated To APA

Oct 16, 2011: Mt Arab Vandalised

Oct 1, 2011: GPS Group Forming

Jul 23, 2011: Allegany State Park Action Alert

Jul 2, 2011: Stone Valley Trail Report

Jul 2, 2011: Red Sandstone Trail Report

Jul 2, 2011: Friends of Higley Flow Capital Campaign

Jul 1, 2011: JBL Seeks All-Season Hosts

Apr 29, 2011: JBL Seeks Volunteer Hosts

Apr 1, 2011: Outings Announced

Feb 25, 2011: 2011 Fall Outing

Feb 4, 2011: Tug Hill Winter Outing

Dec 9, 2010: 2010 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Nov 21, 2010: Omohundro Whalen Distinguished Volunteers

Sep 22, 2010: Nominees Announced

Sep 22, 2010: Fall Potluck to Feature Permaculture Talk

Sep 22, 2010: Bylaw Changes Proposed

Sep 15, 2010: Dogs on Chapter Trips

Aug 16, 2010: Raquette River Information Center Opens

Jul 27, 2010: Raquette River Information Center To Open

Jun 2, 2010: Sacred Tools Exhibit

May 26, 2010: Plants of St Lawrence County

Apr 13, 2010: Chapter Basket Donations Needed

Mar 23, 2010: Second Annual Photo Contest Announced

Mar 22, 2010: Laurentians Invited To Colorado

Mar 21, 2010: Spring Potluck To Feature Northern Canoe Route

Jan 1, 2010: Calling Kids For Camp Colby

Nov 8, 2009: 2009 Photo Contest Results

Oct 1, 2009: Brian Mann To Address Annual Meeting

Oct 1, 2009: Archivist Needed

Jul 1, 2009: Raquette River Awareness Week

May 23, 2009: Tom Wheeler Elected 46ers President

Apr 30, 2009: Cutters Receive Award

Mar 31, 2009: Spring Potluck

Mar 30, 2009: Photo Contest

Mar 29, 2009: Hospitality Coordinator Needed

Mar 21, 2009: Gloria Daly Completes Winter 46

Mar 16, 2009: Lyle Montgomery Completes Winter 46

Dec 23, 2008: Chapter to Sponsor Campers at Camp Colby

Nov 2, 2008: Anna Gerhard-Arnold Recognized

Oct 1, 2008: Roy Horst to Speak at Fall Potluck

Sep 13, 2008: Tom Wheeler Receives Award

Aug 3, 2008: SLC EMC hosts NYS Conference on Environment

Jun 10, 2008: Lows Lake Floatplanes Action Alert

Mar 22, 2008: Winter On The Red Sandstone Trail

Mar 15, 2008: Nancy LaBaff Completes Winter 46

Mar 1, 2008: Environmental Protection Fund Being Raided

Feb 15, 2008: Red Sandstone Trailworker Tshirt

Nov 28, 2007: Hearings on National Scenic Trail

Nov 26, 2007: Laurentian Chapter To Sponsor Campers

Nov 11, 2007: Annual Meeting Highlights

Sep 27, 2007: Clarence and Paul

Sep 26, 2007: Neil Woodworth To Visit

Sep 25, 2007: Red Sandstone Trail Report

Jul 1, 2007: Legislature Passes EPF Enhancement Act

Mar 22, 2007: Call for Adirondack Stories

Mar 17, 2007: Mud Season Potluck Features Stuart Mesinger

Jan 25, 2007: Chapter Endorses Grace Peak Proposal

Jan 15, 2007: Public Comment Requested

Jan 1, 2007: Paddle The Rideau

Jan 1, 2007: Calling Kids For Camp Colby

Nov 28, 2006: Dick Mooers Named Distinguished Volunteer

Oct 2, 2006: Laurentian Chapter Hosts 2006 Fall Outing

Sep 1, 2006: Update on SLC ATV Trail Plan

Aug 30, 2006: Teens Complete Stone Valley Trail Work

Aug 28, 2006: Stone Valley - A Community Resource

Aug 28, 2006: Keeping Stone Valley Trails Open

Aug 25, 2006: White Hill Draft UMP Released

Aug 25, 2006: ATV Plan Comment Period

Jul 1, 2006: Raquette Boreal Forest Plan Moves Forward

Jun 6, 2006: Piercefield Dam Whitewater Release

Apr 21, 2006: Natural History Museum Seeks Volunteers

Apr 2, 2006: Peter OShea Addresses ADK

Mar 29, 2006: Laurentian Chapter To Host Fall Outing

Feb 28, 2006: High School Trails Program Seeks Participants

Jan 4, 2006: Chapter at Remington Gala

Dec 16, 2005: Camp Colby Youth Summer Camp

Dec 1, 2005: Paddlers Rights

Nov 12, 2005: Higley Flow Leanto Dedicated

Nov 6, 2005: Sandy Hildreth and Eileen Wheeler Honored

Oct 16, 2005: Stone Valley Trail Maintenance

Oct 4, 2005: Laurentian Chapter Hosts 2006 Fall Outing

Oct 3, 2005: Annual Meeting November 6

Oct 2, 2005: Friends of Mt Arab Seeks Volunteers

Sep 12, 2005: Proposed Bylaws

Aug 25, 2005: Musings On The Word Laurentian

Aug 25, 2005: Higley Flow Leanto

Aug 25, 2005: An Adirondack Diet

Aug 20, 2005: Bear Canisters

Aug 15, 2005: Firetowers

Aug 10, 2005: Executive Director Visits

Aug 5, 2005: National Trails Day

Aug 1, 2005: New Publicity Coordinator