Nominating Committee
Nominees for Executive Committee
October, 2007
Nominating Committee Chair: Kathie Batson, 315-265-8491
Laurentian Chapter's 2007 nominating committee, composed of Geri Ames, Carolyn Kaczka (Chair), and Betty Peckham, is happy to announce the following slate of officers for a term of two years, 2008 - 2009. The election will be held November 4 at our annual chapter meeting/potluck dinner. According to chapter bylaws, a member may serve two consecutive two-year terms in the same office. The committee heartily wishes to thank these candidates for their willingness to assume "continued" or "new" chapter leadership roles.
Chair - Tom Ortmeyer (2nd term)Vice-Chair, Education - Rose Rivezzi (2nd term)
Secretary - John Barron (1st term)
Director - David Trithart (1st term)
Alternate Director - Armond Spencer (1st term)
The committee asked each person the following questions for this profile:
- When did you join ADK/Laurentian Chapter?
- Have you led chapter trips?
- What chapter offices have you previously held?
- What years did you serve?
- Why is the Laurentian Chapter important to you?
- Any remark about the Adirondacks and your love for nature you'd like to share?
For Chair, Tom Ortmeyer:
- About 1990, after a few years of procrastination. I remember the first outing I went on was led by Betsy Tisdale - my daughter Corrine and I joined that trip to Owl's Head, over by Giant Mountain. I think that was an overnight trip, and we walked in the Champlain Valley near Essex the next day.
- I have led hiking, X-C skiing, snowshoeing, bicycling, and canoe/kayak trips for the chapter. I like to lead moderate trips that will have broad appeal, and am always on the lookout for new opportunities in our own backyard.
- I served two terms as Vice-Chair for Conservation, from 2001 to 2005. I co-edited the chapter newsletter with my wife Ann, in 2005. I started my first term as Chapter Chair in January 2006, and am nearing completion of that term.
- We enjoy the full range of chapter activities, including the outings in all four seasons, the Outdoors/Indoors series, and the seasonal potlucks. A big part of this is getting out and enjoying nature, finding new places and visiting old favorites again. At least as important are the friendships we form as we do these activities - these are definitely the "icing on the cake."
- The Adirondack Mountain Club is a great organization to belong to. The Club's activities in conservation, education, trails, and advocacy for the Adirondack Mountains are strong and effective.
For Vice-Chair, Education, Rose Rivezzi:
- I joined the chapter over 20 years ago.
- I have led a few hiking and biking trips along with David. We co-authored Kids on the Trail [published by ADK].
- I've served one term as vice-chair for education: 2006 - 2007.
- It's great to be involved in an organization that is part of the larger ADK group. On a more local level we can educate our community on the issues facing the Adirondacks and we can help those who want either camaraderie or guidance with outdoor experiences by offering the varied outings.
- Our minds and our bodies need more time with the natural world, be it in the small spaces close to home or deep in the wilderness we have in the Adirondack Park.
For Secretary, John Barron:
- I joined the ADK/Laurentian Chapter in 1997.
- I've led hiking, X-C skiing and cycling trips. I organized a backpacking trip to the Santanoni Range, but at the last minute - literally on the doorstep to leave - we decided a weather cancellation was prudent.
- I've served as the chapter's publicity coordinator since 2005. [John will continue in this appointive position also.]
- I joined ADK to support trail maintenance, but didn't participate in the chapter until 2001 when I completed the 46 high peaks. After finishing, I decided that rather than seek more and bigger mountains I'd try to get to know the Adirondack region better, in the company of people who know it well, along with my then-nine-year-old son, Niall. The chapter has been an ideal way to do so.
For Director, David Trithart:
- I'm guessing that I've been a member since at least 1985.
- I think I've led trips of almost every kind - certainly hiking, skiing, and bicycling. Never led a backpacking trip.
- I've been Vice-Chair, Outings (1989 - 1990), Secretary (1997 - 1999), and Chapter Chair (2000 - 2001) [David received the Laurentian Chapter's Distinguished Volunteer Award in 2003.]
- While not the biggest (in terms of membership) of the ADK chapters, our chapter and every local chapter is important to the health and vitality of ADK. Laurentian has always been my chapter - and I have come to know our region and many of the chapter members. I enjoy events with these people and helping with local projects (such as Stone Valley and Red Sandstone trails). There is a long tradition of concern for conservation issues in the chapter - and I feel privileged to have a part in continuing the work begun by this dedicated group.
- People who have decided to make the North Country their home because they love the outdoors should know about and contribute to the work we do and the fun we have.
For Alternate Director: Armond Spencer:
[The nominating committee asked if any of the 2008 executive committee would like to serve as the alternate director - our thinking being that the members most interested in how the club operates might be those on the committee. Armond was the first to volunteer for this position.]
- I joined the club in 1972 (a Charter Member).
- I have led quite a few trips over the years: hiking, X-C skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing.
- I was co-chair for outings sometime in the 70's, and have been vice chair for outings since 2005.
- Although the chapter does many things I appreciate, its primary importance to me is the group of friends, many of our age group, who do the things we like to do.
- In a word: outings.