Recreation Archive


Recreation Report

October - December, 2005

Armond Spencer, 315-379-1383

Once again I appreciate the response from trip leaders to help make a Fall Schedule. New trip leaders and new ideas for trips are very welcome, so if you would consider leading a trip, or have an idea for a trip let me know. We’ve had a little static in getting the First Aid kits from leader to leader. Tom and Ann Ortmeyer have graciously offered their back porch as a drop off and pick up spot for them. So if you aren’t passing it on to the next leader, please leave it there, and let me know where it is. With gas prices going through the ceiling, it makes sense, more than ever, to car-pool. It seems to me that it also makes sense to help pay for gas, and drivers, it seems to me that it makes sense to accept the help.

Recreation Archive